Magnolia Time

This afternoon Jackie drove us into the forest.

The gardens of Sway featured

a flowing stream beyond a lichen tattooed tree in Mead End Road;

a pink magnolia towering over a hedge in Adlam’s Lane;

a magnolia stellata competing with a variegated privet in Brighton Road;

and another pink one stating its ascendancy over a red camellia.

As we set out towards Burley we paused at the obligatory pony crossing.

At Thorney Hill our side of the road was clear, while an unconcerned grey made its leisurely way along the other.

On our return home I ventured into the garden to discover whether our flame red Vulcan magnolia was yet in bloom. It wasn’t, but we still have

camellias, some fallen blooms now adorning the gravel paths; daffodils

a variety of cyclamens


and hyacinths.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s succulent sausage casserole; creamy mashed potato; crunchy carrots; and tender cabbage and runner beans. The meal was taken from plates on trays in front of the television whilst we watched a recording of the earlier Six Nations rugby match between Ireland and France.


  1. How does the grey know the Highway Code?
    Lovely pictures.
    In our road the Cherry Blossom trees are all going pink. Chris

  2. Lovely photos–we had a few inches of fluffy snow on top of what had been on the ground for the last two or so months here near Woodstock NY. It reminds me of how the seasons used to be when I was growing up, which cheers me no end.

  3. More beautiful photographs Derrick. My favourite is the hyacinth one of my favourite flowers. Like Becky I love the scent. Glad to see you are getting out and about x

  4. Derrick, thank you for posting even as you go through difficult times. I suppose it is the routine of living that helps at times like this, and seeing the earth do what it can’t help doing.

  5. Those are such graceful and beckoning magnolias basking in the sun and gentle breeze (I can feel the presence of the latter due to memories embedded in my heart, although that might not be the case here). The ponies look majestic. A great post, as usual.

  6. Colour all around, blue skies and sunshine would bring a much needed lift to the spirit. 🙂

    I love your cyclamen, mine are all in pots so i can move them out of the blistering sunshine or heat as required. The hyacinth looks gorgeous. Thank you for sharing them all with us, Derrick. 🙂

  7. If you hadn’t said that the camellias were fallen, I’d have thought they were some kind of exotic plant unusually growing on the path. We have two magnolias, one of which – Magnolia Susan – has a stunning scent and it has the beginnings of buds but is late this year – it’s usually much further along by now. I love magnolias so your post is a treat. 🙂

  8. Oh my–spring has really sprung in your part of the world, and it’s glorious! Thank you for sharing. I love those magnolias, but the ponies made me smile, too.

  9. Very beautiful. I think spring is just around the corner here. The snow is melting and the ground is thawing making awful mud. Instead of snow this week they are calling for rain

  10. Absolutely stunning at every turn right into your own back garden. WOW ! We can’t grow magnolia here. Too damn cold for too long over winter. I’ve admired them in Virginia one spring though. They surround the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA It was founded in 1891 by Thomas Jefferson. So much interesting history in that part of America. Anyways, I could hardly believe the size of the blooms being bigger than my hand.
    Those pink Camellia’s are really something too. We’ve have a terrible February but just now, this week it’s above 0 c for the next few days. The snow is beginning to melt, I can hear the water dripping from the eve’s….finally !! Cheers x B

  11. I’m seeing this post for the first time. It’s official we’re least six weeks behind you when it comes to spring and gardening. The magnolias are no where ready to bloom but when they do it will be short lived and magnificent.

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