
This morning Becky e-mailed me this superb photograph to add to Louisa’s collection. She captured it in Llanberis in 1986. The story is that Jessica, who was driving, stopped the car and dashed up the rock to take in the view. Becky saw the action and the outfit – an Alison Ellen hand knit, a pretty skirt blowing in the wind, and wellies – as typical of Louisa’s mother. Alison is Jessica’s cousin.

All I did was to brighten the original a little and send it on its way through the ether.

Danni and Ella joined Elizabeth, Jackie, and me for lunch with Mum at Woodpeckers. Mum’s great granddaughter vigorously, jerkily, flexed her knees, splayed her prehensile feet, and gripped arthritic fingers in her digital vice. The infant’s grandmother simply doted. The first four of these pictures were produced by Jackie.

This was a popular dance in Mum’s teenage years.

Mum and I both chose an excellent beef and Guinness pie, with well cooked vegetables and roast potatoes, for lunch. Jackie’s meal was equally good pork; and Elizabeth’s mushroom stroganoff. Dessert for Elizabeth was chocolate ice cream; for the rest of us, upside down pineapple cake with vanilla ice cream.

Soon after Jackie and I arrived home we were joined for the rest of the afternoon by the other three.

Eggs and bacon sufficed for dinner for Jackie and me.


  1. That boomed-a-daisy dance was fun to see –
    Not sure if the Baptist would approve – half kidding –
    But I wonder if that was the start of the “bump” dance That came out in 70s?
    Love the baby and opening photo was a nice snapshot –

  2. Watching the video I thought it so genteel – recalling how we did it at school. Then, towards the end there it was, just as I remembered πŸ™‚ Great fun! That’s a wonderful photo of Jessica!

  3. Wonderful photo of Jessica, and I can imagine all the joy of having a baby visiting your mom. That dance is wild–really wild at the end. πŸ™‚

  4. If there’s one piece of advice about old photos it’s to write names and dates on, before it passes through collective memory. These are lovely.

  5. I think it means more when a photo captures someone’s essence for someone. That one is really good. And baby feet! they do seem capable of so much! As for the dance, people can really let loose, eh?

  6. Truly a superb photo of taking in the view. Great grand daughter has such a serene facial expression for such active fingers and toes.

  7. Love the dance! Let’s all keep boomps’in’ daisies! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€
    And I love seeing your Mum with Ella! πŸ™‚
    What a wonderful day with great memories made! πŸ™‚
    HUGS to all!!! πŸ™‚

  8. My what big feet you have Ella! πŸ™‚

    All the better to dance the Boomps-a-daisy with! πŸ™‚

    Love Jess’s wellies!

    Great to see 4 generations enjoying their time together.

  9. That clip has me fascinated. I would have dated it much earlier than 1939 on the basis of the fashions, bustles on the dresses, lots of embellishments, some of the men dressed as if they’ve just come from the grouse fields, and sporting older style hats and moustaches, etc. I wonder if they dressed like that for the cameras. Perhaps it was meant to recreate an earlier age, making it all the more scandalous they would make contact in that manner πŸ™‚ ? Most dancers doing it oh so elegantly, all the same!
    I’m still blown away at what’s on offer for your mother’s care. The “normal” lunch visits make it so much easier to carry on as if you are still in the home environment, rather than the clinical or institutional vibe which is more common here.

    1. Thanks very much, Gwen. Unfortunately I wasn’t around in 1939 πŸ™‚ We certainly have picked a good one in the care home – rated ‘outstanding’ by the inspectors.

  10. Oh, I love that photo of Jessica! And I love that she jumped out of the car to look at the view AND that Becky appreciated the moment at the time and framed such a wonderful memory.

    Ella just gets cuter and cuter. No wonder Grandmother dotes.

    That dance is a hoot. And the dresses! I would never have survived that era. What a bunch of nonsense.

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