Wet, Wet, Wet

The wind had dropped today. Unfortunately it was not available to send the leaden clouds on their way. They hung overhead, shedding rain all day. Initially not much more than drizzle fell, so Jackie continued her autumn clearance and I joined her for a while. I brought the heavy precipitation with me, but stayed out until I feared for my camera lens.

Hoping that it was Nugget who had made inroads into it, Jackie gleefully pointed to another dish of sampled robin food.

She is heavily pruning a hebe alongside the Dead End Path.

I had intended to transport the clippings to the end of the back drive and bag them up for Aaron to take away. When the deluge began I thought better of it.

Raindrops had cleansed and bejewelled such as bronze fennel seed heads;

rhododendron leaves and buds that think it is spring;

maple leaves;

spiders’ webs;

rose hips;

rose buds;




and phormiums.

After lunch I accompanied Jackie to Tesco Supermarket where she she shopped and I sat in the car photographing, through the rain-dripping windscreen,


other shoppers as they passed by.

We then drove to Woodpeckers to visit Mum who was on very good form.

Just along Sway Road a duo of decidedly damp donkeys sought what shelter they could beneath the trees of Brackendale.

Back at home I watched a recording of the Rugby World Cup match between Ireland and Samoa.

We dined on Jackie’s perfect pork paprika liberally peppered with cayenne; boiled potatoes; carrots al dente; and tender runner beans. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I drank Grand Conseiller Pinot Noir 2017.



  1. I so appreciate reading your posts. It is like your life is out of a storybook, surrounded by beauty, loving relationship, good food, adorable animals you are blessed to see on your drive bys…………thank you for sharing!

  2. Hi there – quite an artsy post with flowers and leaves and the water!

    loving the “bejewelled such as bronze fennel seed heads”
    and the [ics through the window (made me want to wipe the window once or twice – lol) but was such a creative post…

      1. so creative – and I have three photos I took of my hubs through a rainy, unwired window – and he gets closer and closer. I just love the images

  3. All of your photos are terrific, but the first one of Jackie is the best! What a great picture of her. Maybe you should turn that into a puzzle, Derrick. πŸ™‚ A lot of people are stirring around for such a rainy day.

  4. Our opposites of seasons always fascinates me Derrick, I’m just about to “drive” to our bayside beach and enjoy the afternoon sunshine… 22’C here today…..

  5. You never cease to impress and inspire with the way you open up possibilities using your camera. And your artist’s eye, of course. If you had to go with only a beginner level camera, new technology or old, what would it be?

    1. Jackie takes hers with a Canon SX740AS. A point and shoot which often produces better images than mine. Like me, she keeps it on automatic. Thanks very much, Oglach

  6. Beautiful rainy day garden photos. Raindrops add their own beauty to garden residents, including the spiderwebs.

    Those sweet little donkeys do look a little wet! And glad to hear your Mum is doing well.

  7. Derrick, I guess you are the best when it comes to capture raindrops. I simply fell in love with all raindrops photographs. I think you should frame a few of them.

      1. It’s ok Derrick, that happens. Once your comment was also in spam on my post. Till then I was not aware that just like that comments go in spam. I was under the impression that something was wrong with my website 🀦

  8. I love the photos of Jackie and especially the second, you managed to capture the concentration on her face.

    The raindrops on the flowers are lovely, we have hardly any left, flowers that is, raindrops we normally have aplenty, but happily, yesterday was a dry day.

    I liked the shots taken through the rain-soaked windscreen.

    I read the comment asking about your cameras; My iPhone takes excellent photographs, rivalling my Sony DSLR, especially for convenience, but like you, in many situations the long lens attachment is needed which obviously I don’t have for my iPhone.

    1. I didn’t think phone πŸ™‚ A good recommendation – but I don’t know how to use mine πŸ™‚ Many thanks, Sue. I’m pleased you liked the risky window shots as well as Jackie’s concentration.

  9. “… a duo of decidedly damp donkeys.” – Love it! (and them) πŸ™‚

    Always good to see a happy gardener at work, even if the weather leaves something to be desired.

    Having said that we could really do with some DECENT rain here – with the potential for very little rain in any of the coming six or seven months, and currently being around 25% under our average rainfall for the first 10 months of the calendar year to date i’m starting (?hah!) to appreciate how lucky some people are to have water falling free from the sky.

    The last 4 months of moderate temperatures has meant my flowers and garden have once again provided an abundance of flowers and greenery, but these changing times give cause for genuine concern for their continuance in the immediate future.

    Hope you 3 (inc Nugget) are not too damp. πŸ™‚

  10. I agree with simplywendi, that this is a storybook, a picture book, that I look forward to again and again.
    When i am left in the car I also create things–either photos or writing in one of my many notebooks.

  11. Raindrops are always beautiful. The donkeys look so sweet. I don’t know why but in my place, coastal Karnataka, we do not see donkeys at all. But they are there in the interior parts.

  12. I love that first photo of Jackie! Her gleeful smile is a delight, and I see that she also is a two-pairs-of-glasses gal. (I got quite a kick out that as I sit with my computer glasses on my face and my distance glasses on my head.)

  13. Love the wet wet wet photos! Beautiful! You’ve captured how important the rain is to every living creation. πŸ™‚
    And better than dry dry dry! πŸ™‚
    Tell Jackie her beautiful smile made my day and made me smile!
    HUGS!!! πŸ™‚

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