A Reluctant Follower

On another bright but chilly morning Jackie drove me to Norleywood Road for me to walk along it and St Leonard’s Road for half an hour before she picked me up.

Three different alpacas occupied the usual field;

one wearing a rug. One or two of these may be llamas, but I don’t know the difference.

Japanese maples in the garden of Gorse Cottage sparkled with the earlier rain

which had filled the gutter

and the pool now threatening to spill over onto the road junction.

Mushrooms sprang from the verge of St Leonard’s Road.

Jackie had driven on ahead and back-tracked to tell me of cattle and calves on the road ahead. She thought it might be a bit far to walk so offered to drive me to them. I preferred to see how I got on. Eventually I spied them in the distance. They were on the move, and vanished out of sight, which encouraged me to keep going.

Around one bend they once more came into view

and rounded another.


One of the calves

seemed reluctant to follow the others.

He looked back wistfully at

his oblivious mother engrossed in guzzling griselinia.

This sawn off tree trunk must, at some time past, have fallen across the road.

On our return we drove to Lymington to buy Christmas presents.

After lunch my Chauffeuse carried me to Sears Barbers at Milford on Sea where Peter cut my hair.

This evening we joined Elizabeth to dine at Albero Italian restaurant in Brockenhurst. My choice of meal was a well filled Calzone followed by Tiramisu; Jackie’s was creamy fettuccini; Elizabeth’s a special fish dish. Both ladies enjoyed cheesecakes. Elizabeth and I shared a carafe of the house red wine served at the perfect temperature; Jackie drank Moretti. The food was very well cooked, and the service friendly and efficient.




  1. Llamas are larger, have longer, slightly curved ears and a longer profile than alpacas – it’s one of those things I learned a long time ago by remembering all the ‘L’s: I think these may all be Llamas – but not a hundy on the last one as it looks short but has a long profile………

  2. The top two are llamas (long neck), the lower one, I’m not so sure. There used to be llamas in a field near where my sister lives, come to that they might still be there. Funny animals, very curious about things.

    That calf is sweet. πŸ™‚

  3. What a great walk. I think all three are llamas. The ears are a giveaway. They curve like a banana. Alpacas are smaller, have shorter snouts and more pointed ears.

  4. I’m glad to hear that you pushed yourself a bit on your walk. A good sign in more ways than one. And as usual, your readers were rewarded for your efforts.

  5. I’m pretty sure that all three are llamas. But you could ask Ogden.

    The one-l lama, he’s a priest
    The two-l llama, he’s a beast
    I will bet a silk pajama
    There isn’t any three-l lllama

    Nash, that is.

  6. Your alpacas are awesome! (If they are llamas, they are likeable!)
    Your leaves are lovely! Your mushrooms are marvelous! Your calves are cute! Your tree trunk is terrific! Your walk was wonderful! Your dinner companions are delightful! Your dinner was delicious!
    From your phenomenal photos, it looks like a dazzling day! πŸ™‚
    HUGS!!! πŸ™‚
    PS…How is Peter doing?!

  7. I was going to write that the difference between a llama and an alpaca is that if you go into a field with them, an alpaca will want to be stroked but a llama will kick you very hard and then try to eat your hair. I thought that that was a little too facetious perhaps, but I may not have been too far wrong judging by the explanation in Google:
    “Llamas have long banana-shaped ears while alpacas have straight ears and they are smaller. Their faces are also a bit different with llamas having a longer face, while an alpaca’s face looks smushed. Llamas are also bigger than alpacas, weighing up to 400 pounds.”

      1. You are welcome. These two reside with a few others at a friend’s farm. She has a farm shop and a petting area, my youngest grandchildren love to visit.

  8. Cleaning of road side gullies is less frequent now as a result of Council budget cuts. An easy service to cut back as no one really notices until there is a flood and they are blocked.

  9. I would agree, all llamas. I used to think alpacas were the more docile, but then I saw one spit at its owner at an agricultural show. And stamp its feet. I would approach both with a degree of caution!

  10. Thanks for letting us share that walk with you, Derrick. I’m glad Jackie convinced you to keep going. The photos of the cattle are delightful! What a beautiful countryside you live in!! I would have chosen your well filled Calzone followed by Tiramisu, too. It made my mouth water just reading about it. I fixed a shrimp stir-fry with onions, mushrooms, and bok choi in an oyster-teriyaki sauce and served it over lime-enhanced rice for our dinner tonight. We had a lovely Pinot Noir with it.

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