Hatchet Pond At Dusk

Today’s Christmas rose is this peach one from the patio bed.

The neighbouring clematis Cirrhosa Freckles festoons the grateful gazebo.

The now solitary pigeon still perches praying for the return of its deceased mate.

Nugget now spends much of his time outside the stable door where he enjoys sole use of the feeder by the house which is too close for other birds to risk.

“Where’s Nugget?” (56)

“Here I am”, he says.

While Jackie worked on the Christmas decorations I finished the cards which we posted later in

a suitably capped pillar box

at Everton Post Office.

By dusk we had arrived at Hatchet Pond

where other photographers focussed on ducks and swans.

Oh, dear. I seem to have pressed publish prematurely. Tonight we will dine on Jackie’s superb Shepherds pie with carrots, cauliflower and runner beans which will no doubt be perfectly cooked. I will drink Patrick Chodot Fleurie and Jackie will drink more of the Sauvignon Blanc.


  1. love the hat on the postal pillar – and smiled when I got to nugget saying “Here I am” – after all those fun “where is nugget?” photos this fall.

    and the rose leading us in – tis the season for smiles and nature love

  2. I’m glad you posted prematurely as we’ll be off out again all day and I like to catch up with you first thing. Nice to see the tree is up and looking rather fabulous, the floor is down and looking equally so. That Nugget has a safe feeding spot makes me really happy and of course it is so nice to catch a glimpse of him looking perky at any time. It’s Danella’s birthday today and we tend to run that celebration on into Christmas, so I’ll wish you and Jackie a Happy Christmas, just in case I don’t get another chance. xoxo

  3. A rose bloom for Christmas! You and Jackie truly are blessed! The Cirrhosa Freckles is beautiful too. And it is always good to see Nugget.

    I am sorry for the poor pigeon missing his mate.

    Those are lovely dusk photos of Hatchet Pond.

  4. Wow, Jackie sure knows how to decorate. What kind of divine intervention saw to it that the flooring man turned up the day before, and not the day after, all that Christmas cheer was in place. Think you should buy a lottery ticket as Lady Luck is in the vicinity.

    1. Too true, Gwen. I have only once bought lottery tickets – ยฃ5 worth for Jessica’s Christmas stocking – not one number came up ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks very much.

  5. I am sorry for the desolate pigeon, happy for Nugget. Christmas festivities have certainly descended upon the garden and the homestead. The tranquility of the pond has been captured well.

  6. Hatchet Pond looks so beautiful and calming…especially with hatchet in it’s name. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
    (I just googled how it got it’s name. I feel better about that now.)

    Nugget looks well and ready to see Santa Claus! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Your home looks so festive, warm, and Christmasy! Great job of decorating, Jackie! ๐Ÿ™‚
    PS…the pigeon photo got me all teary-eyed. Poor lonesome pigeon. ๐Ÿ™

  7. I love the shots of Dusk. Nugget made me smile too. The Christmas decorations look so lovely.
    I’m glad to see there is someone else besides me who posts late for Christmas. Yesterday I took my cards to the post box, popped into the shop next door and completely forgot to post!

    1. I’m glad you are as bad as me, Sue. ๐Ÿ™‚ I did have the excuse this year that furniture from the sitting room blocked the card cupboard, but it only gave me 3 days. Thanks very much.

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