Water Under The Bridge

Today’s weather pattern was again that of sunshine and showers.

This morning Margery and Paul visited to return my copy of “Framley Parsonage’ and to borrow “Can He Forgive Her?” and “The Last Chronicle of Barset”. At this rate our nonagenarian friend will finish reading my Trollopes before I do.

It will come as no surprise to readers of yesterday’s post that I needed a trip to the dry cleaners in New Milton, albeit only for my jacket. After this we took a drive into the forest via Ashley Road where

a rainbow shone its light on a grateful magnolia.

A verge-grazing Shetland pony looked up at Boundary when Jackie clapped her hands to alert her to our presence.

Around the corner lay one more fallen tree.

We were again treated to a rich variety of cloudscapes in watercolour, with or without


Ponies dotted the landscape outside Brockenhurst where I stopped to photograph

a still active railway bridge, when

a pair of cyclists obligingly approached, happy to have enhanced my photograph.

Not so obliging to Jackie’s mind was the driver of the car that added interest to my next one.

That is because she had readied herself to take a silhouette of me under the bridge and he insisted on ruining the shot. She produced this one instead.

Before that she had settled for one including the cyclists, the car, and me

through the rain.

When she photographed me aiming my lens she had thought I was focussed on her. In fact I was making the second of the rainbow pictures above.

Beside the bridge lurch these mossy trees marked with reddle. Many trees are so painted, sometimes with other pigments. I am not sure of the significance of the hues but imagine they must be a foresters’ code for a planned procedure. (Andrew Petcher’s comment below provides a link which answers this point)

They are on the edge of reflecting waterlogged terrain partially fed by

a swollen weed-bearing ditch.

Part of the path to the bridge is now covered by clear water

replenished by raindrops, the descent of which Jackie was photographing.

While returning home via Lymington the cawing of numerous rooks alerted us to the

growing occupation of a rookery. Some of the birds flew back and forth;

others remained on watch.

At times sunlight spilt across the road.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s spicy pasta arrabbiata with which with which she finished the Sauvignon Blanc and I started a bottle of Chateau Berdillot Cotes de Bourg 2018




  1. Joint effort produced great photos. I thought the rainbow pictures were especially magical, as we have a special blessing pronounced on seeing a rainbow. As you probably know, Derrick, the original rainbow appeared after the flood, as a sign that no more floods of global magnitude would be sent down to obliterate all but Noah with his family and the animals. I can see from your photos that a flood, albeit a very moderate one, is still occurring in your part of the world, but the rainbows should provide comfort.

  2. I like Jackie’s photos. She is busy capturing the perils of being the person who produces the beautiful rainbow photos. I’m impressed with the two of you capturing the sights of your world. We walked this morning along a beautiful road and I was so busy a) enjoying the view, the sounds of the sea and the ambience of the morning and b) keeping an eye on Siddy, that it never occured to me to whip out the old phone and fire off a shot or two.

  3. The “ruined” shot of you under the bridge is actually quite good. The man’s( your) silhouette with the car moving (speeding?) away in the distance creates a mystery for someone who doesn’t know the context.

  4. What skies! Love the rainbows.
    I always feel you should be wearing a warm outdoor coat but you never do!
    Is it ever going to stop raining?

  5. I particularly like the fourth photo. It looks as if two photos were merged, the bottom black-and-white, the top in color. Such an interesting visual effect!

  6. I enjoyed your photos, Derrick and Jackie, even the muddy ones. 🙂 And those rainbows such a welcome sight! I love that little Shetland pony. Someone is keeping him well trimmed and groomed.

  7. One of the songs that I would have been singing this evening if the event hadn’t been cancelled contains the lines:
    “I trace the rainbow through the rain
    And feel the promise is not vain…”
    I sang it quietly to myself as I read this excellent and varied post.

  8. The photo of your silhouette under the bridge is intriguing. It might be one to enter in a contest or show. The rainbow and Shetland pony are simply enchanting.

  9. That was yet another immersive trip. I could empathise with Jackie’s framing woes —sometimes, you have to wait for long for the desired set of absence or inclusion of components in the picture by which time either the subject or the light would have moved. Nonetheless, your silhouette under the bridge has shaped up nicely, albeit the car has introduced a more modern feel about the picture.

    Those are splendid rainbow shots.

  10. What a beautiful rainbow! So bright!
    Lovely photos, Jackie and Derrick!
    Jackie’s silhouette of you under the bridge is wonderful!
    I love how the sun plays games with the clouds and the water…and you two have captured that so splendidly in your photos!
    HUGS!!! 🙂
    PS…We’ve had 3 days of rain and 2 more expected…then a break for a couple day and then snow is predicted. 🙂

  11. this white pony must have a small rider (or a small rider) who must love him very much and must come to look after him. It has its tail cut off.
    when I see this car and its lack of respect for cyclists and pedestrians, I dare to hope that it is not the same with the animals in freedom that it meets

  12. I really, really like that top picture that Jackie took. A whole story could be composed from it. A photographer who wanders the countryside, taking photos, bearing witness. There would have to be more, of course. Some kind of arc. All stories need an arc, even if it’s a gentle one. Anyway… The Coronavirus has made me even more introspective than usual.

  13. Your photography (yours and Jackie’s) never fails to amaze me. I lve seeing the area around where you live. So different from our Montana landscape. And of course, it always is fun to see what you’re having to eat and rink for dinner. Likewise your cuisine differs dramatically from ours. Last night we had shrimp in coconut milk sauce with mixed veggies (onions, celery, asparagus, garlic and tomatoes) served over Basmati rice. With it Bob had a glass of Pinot (I had water because I am refraining from wine during this 6 weeks of Lent).

  14. Ooops – fingers missed the “o” in “love” and the “d” n “drink.” But, I figure you figured that out, right? I need to do a better job of proofreading my comments before I send them… no way for me to edit once sent. But, YOU can!!

  15. Once again, I can’t pick out a favorite shot. You and Jackie have produced so many wonderful ones here–I really like the all the under the bridge photos, but the water reflections are lovely, too. And you had a day with rainbows, too!

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