Ella And The Ladybirds

Strong winds howled throughout the night, and did not abate until midday – then only temporarily. A warm sun put in intermittent appearances.

Among Aaron’s tasks was weeding the Back Drive.

“Where’s Aaron?” (10). Bigification might help with this one.

Here are the results of my garden photoshoot. “Where’s Jackie?” (4) is the picture containing the greenhouse. As usual individual photographs are titled in the galleries. Each image may be viewed full size by clicking the box beneath it, after which further enlargement is possible.

During a break I joined the real gardeners who were discussing developments.

Danni, Andy, and Ella paid us a welcome visit this afternoon.

Our great-niece, when noticing that she was being photographed in the act of demonstrating her prowess with a knife and fork, swiftly adopted her scrunched up poser’s smile. Soon afterwards, well nappy-bolstered, she sat comfortably on a bed of gravel and played passing the ornamental crystal with her Dad. When she decided it was time to step down she clung to Andy for balance. Having sought out the ladybird she had discovered on her last visit, she retrieved both it and its companion and, one in each hand, carried them around. She is seen here kissing one before climbing onto a bench, without releasing either, and conversing with them – possibly inviting them for a ride on the buggy improvised from a garden hose.

This evening we dined on oven fish and chips, purchased before we knew Mrs Pink’s was open again, spicy prawns, pickled onions and gherkins, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Colle Marrone.


  1. Aaron is in the very center of the photo but far in the background behind all the greenery. Jackie is clearly visible inside the greenhouse.
    Adorable Ella steals the show!

  2. I eventually found Aaron, but it was a test for my eyes I can tell you! I suspect he was doing the same job as in the first full-on pic of him. Jackie was definitely the easier spotting! Little Ella’s ‘scrunched up’ camera smile made me laugh – so cute! And the business with the lady bugs is delightful. We all need a toddler to keep us enchanted with the simple things of life.

  3. So many beautiful photos of flowers and people–I couldn’t pick a favorite. Though I do like ghostly Jackie in the greenhouse, and Ella is adorable. Her talking to the lady bugs reminded me of my girls when they were little.

  4. Early Monday morning here in Geelong (6.30am) and its still dark outside, your photos have brought warmth, light and colour, into my poet’s writing haven… thank you Derrick.

  5. The flowers you shared today are so beautiful! But, little Ella is even MORE beautiful! She’s growing so quickly! OH! And that hair! 🙂 I love her fascination with the ladybugs! 🐞 🐞

    I love the Where’s Aaron and Where’s Jackie photos! I found them! 🙂

    HUGS to all of you!!! 🙂

  6. Look at that pretty red hair!!! That is something I haven’t seen in a long time. The garden photos!!! Wowsa. Just beautiful.

  7. Beautiful photos of a bit of paradise, complete with happy people, Derrick and Jackie! I especially loved that pinkish-white rose, the blooms look like they are looking up and to the left in the picture. There is something special to me about it. And little Ella is always a treat. They grow so quickly!

    1. That rose is Penny Lane, Lavinia. We have two – both lightly scented, disease resistant, vigorous repeat flowering climbers with such soft colouring. Thank you very much.

  8. Aaron is taking his task very seriously, I can spot his bend back 😉 while Jackie is admiring her wonderful plants!
    Beautiful way to spend the afternoon 😉

  9. Despite the flowers’ obvious beauty, I’d say Ella outshines them all. She is truly adorable, and her developing personality is obvious even through photos — a bit of a tribute to the photographer, I’d say.

  10. Faces of people are not unlike flowers in that they are conduits for furtherance of the race. That’s a great collection of portraits —Aaron’s wins the prize hands down.

  11. It was fun to spot Jackie in the greenhouse. Aaron was more difficult. I’m guessing he’s in the center of the photo. I love the arches, and Ella is adorable and so much fun!

  12. I particularly like the where’s Jackie phot in the greenhouse, Derrick, but your great neice is adorable! Did she allow the ladybirds to be returned to their usual places when she left you?

  13. Beautiful, beautiful garden! I found both Aaron and Jackie at their labors. And Ella is always a precious treat. As young as she is, it’s so amazing that she remembers you and her past experiences. I know this is not the first time.

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