We arrived at Lidl at 8.30 this morning, which proved to be the perfect time. There was no queue and Jackie was able to make a month’s worth of purchases in good time while I sat in the car, read a book and received instruction from

other shoppers in how to load a car before I rendered assistance to Jackie in bagging up and packing her shopping.

Back at home we discovered curly caterpillars munching on our nasturtium salad bar.
Later this still hot and humid afternoon we drove into the forest.

For the first time since my knee surgery I ventured along the footpath off Undershore that runs alongside Lymington River’s reed beds. Cow Parsley seed pods had already opened. The largely overgrown path was riddled with tree root trip hazards so I didn’t go too far before turning back.

At the corner of Bull Hill and Jordan’s Lane in Pilley we were pleased to see the horse we will call Freckles, now free of flies, relieved of its protective mask. The diminutive companion knew that the grass was definitely greener on the other side of the fence.

Rans Wood, at the far end of Furzey Lodge, holds some mighty oaks, here dappled by the light of the sun.
This evening we dined on succulent roast chicken thighs; Jackie’s juicy ratatouille; crisp sage and onion stuffing; crunchy carrots; tasty boiled new potatoes; tender cauliflower and runner beans; and flavoursome gravy with which the Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I drank Montepulciano D’Abruzzo 2018.
Those are massive and marvelous oaks! Glad Freckles was able to get rid of the fly screen.
Thanks very much, Maj
Yes, the grass was definitely greener…. haha Those oak trees sure must be old!
Hundreds of years we think, GP. Thanks very much
Do you go shopping once a month at big stores?
Usually once a fortnight, but we have been rather crowded out lately. Thanks a lot, Laurie.
Derrick, only you could make shoppers at Lidl into an interesting gallery!
🙂 Much appreciated, Sheree. Thanks a lot.
I avoid the grocery queues by shopping at half past six on a Monday morning – am usually the first one in and am out before many others arrive. People packing their shopping into their cars makes an unusual topic, which I have enjoyed.
Last year they opened a Lidl near our home. Next time I go, which might be never at this point, I’ll be thinking of you and Jackie. I’m glad your timing was good!
Many thanks, Jill.
New world shopping is best done early. Love the photos of the four legged friends.
Thanks very much, Gary
the large or cabbage white caterpillar… nothing very exciting
Thanks a lot, Geoff
Freckle’s little friend is very cute and I do love a large and sturdy oak!
Thank you so much, Pauline
Wonderful photos. You certainly enjoy yourself while sitting in the car waiting for Jackie. Freckles looks content.
I love big old trees and dappled light!
Thank you very much, Merril.
I always preferred early morning shopping, so many advantages, best parking spots for one!
Haven’t been shopping for a few months and don’t miss it one bit.
🙂 Thanks very much, Sue
I like those mighty oaks. You did well not to linger on a track with roots.
Yes – much of it was overgrown so they were easily missed. Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
Yeah, for good old ‘Freckles’ Derrick… just like Ivor, white and covered in freckles…
🙂 Thanks a lot, Ivor
I’m glad to see that Freckles is no longer being tortued by flies. My two favorites out of this group are the two black-and-whites. They remind me of books I read as a child about hidden, secret places.
I’m pleased to have prompted those memories, Liz. Thank you very much.
You’re most welcome, Derrick.
Hee Hee you’re funny. I wondered why you were checking out the young lady loading her car.
Norm has a strategy for loading the car. I have no say in it. LOL.
Great post and photos as usual. 🙂
🙂 Thank you very much, Chrissy.
I like the photo of the horse (Freckles?) and the pony. It looks like a picture from an old movie – something about the lighting I think. They look like good friends. And of course I love those mighty oaks! I bet they are good friends, too.
Thanks very much, JoAnna. I think I am now fit for a walk in Rans Wood, then I’ll bring you back some more friends.
Looking forward!
You didn’t have to wait long, JoAnna 🙂 Thanks again
Early birds catch the shop crowd-free, don’t they? The companion shoppers look content with their booty. The Caterpillar is going to bloom into a flower not dissimilar from nasturtiums. The monochrome picture of the woods are hypnotic. Freckle is certainly an interesting pony!
Thanks very much, Uma. Get there before the visitors have surfaced seems to be the trick.
I might sound weird to you but one thing I miss during this pandemic is grocery-shopping.
Understood – but, yes, weird. 🙂 Thanks very much, Arlene.
Freckles is so handsome 🐴
And that dinner 🥘 😋
Thanks very much, Ribana.
The light effects on those black and white photos are spectacular, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Dolly. I know you like them.
My pleasure, Derrick. I do appreciate all your photos, but I like the fact that you know what I like and keep supplying it.
Very dim memories of my Dad’s garden tell me that the caterpillar is a “Cabbage White”, as he used to call them. I’d always wondered where they had all gone now that people don’t grow vegetables quite so much.
Thanks a lot, John
Now you know where they all are, decimating my flowers!
I love the caterpillar’s shot.
Thank you very much, Rupali
Freckles is lovely and has a sweet little side-kick! 🙂
People watching is one of life’s joys! And it IS interesting to see how people do things. Interesting that most of the supervisors seem to be female! 😉 😛
And HA! I was enjoying looking at the men’s legs! 😮 😀
OH! on the caterpillar! Quite “freckly” himself! He would make a nice meal for some birdy! 🙂
HUGS, no bugs!!! 😀
Thanks very much, Carolyn X
”Mum… Mum… There’s a strange man in the car over there taking pictures of people coming out of Lidl!”
”Don’t worry dear, he’s just a blogger”
Great photos as ever Derrick, Freckles is a lovely looking horse.
Nice one, Stuart. Thanks very much.
In March I was caught speeding. Today I drove 20 miles to attend my naughty driver course to find it cancelled. I was annoyed about that but went shopping in Lidl instead. I like Lidl but don’t have one nearby so generally have to go to ALDI instead.
Dammit – but it’s an ill wind…..
I love my visits with you. It is amazing to see masks being worn across the pond. Stay safe.
You, too, Flow. Thanks very much
Freckles seems a lot happier. Lovely captures Derrick❣️
Thanks very much, Val. As far as we can see. 🙂
I enjoyed these forest scenes, Derrick and Jackie! It’s wonderful you can escape there and enjoy the scenery and all the animals. Freckles and his companion are beautiful! That bug cape must be hot though, I would think.
That is a lovely caterpillar photo, and I wonder what sort of moth or butterfly it will develop into.
Thanks very much from us both, Lavinia. Freckles certainly looked more comfortable. According to other commenters it is a boring old cabbage white – which is incidentally our most prolific variety this year.
Looks like a busy but wonderful day.
Yes. Thanks a lot, Mrs W
Your welcome.
I love your caterpillar photo, Derrick … and of course, the horses are magnificent. I love borrowing your photos and hope my admiration for your photography and writing skills will send any of my readers who don’t already know your blog over here to join me in marveling at the beauty of your garden and countryside. I so appreciate the time you take to capture the images, edit them, select and post the scenes, and share your life with us. You are a treasure. Thank you! <3
And thank you very much, Jan. Your friendship is really appreciated. X
Sounds like a delicious meal. Freckles are cute.
Those beautiful horses. But I think those caterpillars were hungry. haha
Thank you very much, More. The caterpillars were.
You’re welcome
Glad you are venturing out more, hope you do tramp about more along neglected pathways. The horse with the apparent turtleneck on is attractive! And the last photo of the house is pleasing to the eye.
Thank you very much, Cynthia.
Thanks a lot, Candy X
I love reading you. Often I cannot ‘like’ your post as I read it on a browser because the WP app gives me no end of grief. And on the browser it makes it hard to sign in so I can’t ‘like’ but I always read you xxx
especially the ones about the horses and birthdays and the like and J’s cooking 😉 YUM!