Knowing that we were to expect another leaden afternoon of rain Jackie spent a couple of hours in the garden setting gale damage to rights. I joined her and transported some refuse to the compost while chronicling the event. This was before we visited Mum in Woodpeckers.
Our mother, sporting another of her best outfits was on good form. She got the joke when, after the carer came to warn us that we had another four minutes, I said that would be enough for her to run a mile. This puzzled the carer, so I added “like Roger Bannister”. She was still puzzled but laughed anyway. Of course, the first four minute miler was Derek Ibbotson, but I wasn’t sure Mum would know that.
After lunch I set about drafting the garden report.

Although I focussed on some of damage, like this pot and its contents blown of its brick plinth,
there were plenty of undamaged plants like these two varieties of dahlia.
Although a few gladioli had succumbed, others had stood firm.

Lilies, including the ginger variety in the second of these images, have survived.
The Brick Path won’t even need sweeping.

I picked up a fallen owl and replaced it on its perch beside another toppled pot.
The owl above was perched at one end of the Pond Bed, the rest of which was undamaged.
The Rose Garden didn’t fare quite so well.

Here Jackie indicates the damage to the top of one of the twin planters, which also lost its pot of petunias. The other stand was not damaged but its blooms were battered a bit.

The sweet peas were dragged down and the blooms shredded; some rose stems were bent over, so Jackie decided to give them their autumn hair-cut. Mamma Mia in the second picture here is quite intact.
Here is one of the trugloads I emptied.

The gauras and some clematis clung to life;
although one obelisk slipped a bit. Many pelargoniums remained reasonably intact.

Some views like these of the lawn bed, from the Dragon Bed towards Mistletoe Cottage;

and down the Gazebo Path are unimpaired.
This pot slipped off its plinth in the front garden, but its pelargoniums,
like other plants, such as Japanese anemones were unbroken.
Once again our garden has largely resisted the elements.
I have struggled with an intermittent internet connection throughout the drafting of this post, and we are on our way to our first lockdown-easing meal at Lal Quilla. If I find we have no internet when we return I may descend into a rant, so the restaurant meal will feature tomorrow.
We had some wind damage yesterday ourselves and I sorted through the pots and plants today as well. Our garden is tired, it’s getting ready for autumn and a long sleep through winter.
Thanks very much, Bridget
I’m glad your garden mostly survived the windstorm — I hope it does as well with the next bout of rain!
Thanks very much, Janet
I am glad that your wonderful garden has emerged relatively unscathed, Derrick. I am sorry about the roses, but I am sure they will recover under the Head Gardener’s tender care.
They will, Dolly. Many thanks.
My pleasure, Derrick.
Even after the storm the garden is lovely. Testament to the wonderful job your head gardener, and you, do.
Thanks a lot, Leslie. We really have got off very lightly
So glad!
Whatever your meal out tonight I feel sure you will both enjoy the novelty of being able to enjoy a ‘proper’ meal out at last. Despite the damage mentioned in your report, the garden still looks beautiful.
We have really been very lucky, Anne. The meal was as good as ever. Thanks a lot.
Nothing is more annoying than an intermittent internet connection. At least if it drops entirely, you know where you are. I hope that the meal was adequate compensation for the annoyance.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal. Internet now fine. So much better now than when we had to dial up anyway. 🙂 And the meal was as good as ever.
Just thinking of dial up and floppy disks makes you realise that not everything has gone to the dogs these days.
Now what do you know that I don’t, re the four minute mile? Ibbotson held the world record for a time in ’57 but Bannister first held the sub four minute in ’54, surely?
You are right – the trick answer is that Ibbotson’s record was exactly 4 minutes until Bannister broke it. Thanks a lot, Geoff.
That’ll be a good trick question for my next trivia quiz.
Last time I used it was when the quizmaster wanted Bannister and wouldn’t accept my answer 🙂
I’ve been dealing with internet issues for two days. The problem isn’t at home, it’s with my employers remote connection. Major nuisance. The flowers are looking pretty today!
Thanks very much, Jill. Our internet is fine today. I hope yours follows suit.
So glad the storm spared your garden. I have been thinking of you. Some areas here suffered devastating damage.
We are so lucky, Inese. Your thoughts are appreciated. Thanks very much.
I’m glad the storm didn’t too much damage.
We have had a number of planned in advance power cuts lately, Always an inconvenience!
Thanks very much, Sue. Internet now fine.
Still beautiful, including Jackie’s smile.
Looks like you lost the internet. 🙂 I hope you enjoyed your meal.
Thanks very much, Chrissy. Internet fine now and the meal as good as ever.
Weather is getting rougher world wide. It’s amazing how many plants survive. Hope you both don’t overdo it work wise.
We are rather relaxing at the moment – still quite a lot of rain, and autumn not far away. Thanks very much, Sherry.
All the patchy weather you have described in the last month’s posts reminds me why so many English migrated to Australia in search of a consistently good climate.
They are limey wimps Gwen, I am always amazed at the resilience of the average Brit over here, they will enjoy their holidays in rain and wind, you see whole families out in shorts and skimpy summer tops, with umbrellas or plastic emergency raincoats, still laughing and on the beach or queuing for icecreams etc. The ones that stay over here are a tough lot!!
Haha. I remember the first day I arrived. It was 13’c and my friend chattered about what a lovely day it was, while I sat in the back of the car with my teeth chattering. But four years later, if the temp reached 13’c I’d stick my bikini on and go lie in the sun.
Oh, and then you get some tales of the English migrants not coping here because there was too much sun and sand, e.g..
Thanks for the link, Gwen. Looks a good book. I do, of course, remember your early years over here.
Thank you. I’m hoping to start writing about them, and my time in Crete soon, but with an eye to a potential future book, rather than the blog.
Thanks very much, Gwen. I’ll leave the reply to Jackie. 🙂
You see- You toughened up too! I don’t think that I would cope with the heat that you get in Australia, I pass out at about 19c ! I actually like the winter.
We’re hoping for 20 today. Can’t wait for winter to be over, LOL
Sorry about the damages, but it’s great to see that the majority of your plants have withstood the storm.
It’s all very good, really, Rosaliene. Thanks very much.
Glad to know 🙂
So odd how parts of the garden were ravaged and others unscathed.
Those dahlias are spectacular! Every Japanese anemone I’ve planted dies. Gardening can be mighty cruel.
And here we are with them spreading all over the garden, Sue. It’s not fair. Thanks very much.
I’m glad to see that your garden emerged relatively enscathed. I’ve been losing internet off and on for the past several days. I thought it was just my house. I guess not! It was good to hear that your mum continues to do well.
Thanks very much, Liz. Internet fine now.
You’re welcome, Derrick. I’m glad to hear your internet is fine now. Isn’t it remarkable how we’ve come to need immediate, uninterupted access to the internet to maintain our equilibrium?
Indeed. A far cry from the days when we had to dial up
I barely remember the days of dial-up. So much we take for granted now!
It sound like our garden is doing better than the internet. It’s a good thing we can go look at the flowers when the internet is not cooperating. Thank you for persevering and sharing your abundance of grace.
And thank you, JoAnna. Internet fine today.
The owl looked uncomfortable on the hard path, lovely to see him up back on his perch….
Thanks a lot, Ivor. Actually the owl is made of metal – possibly bronze.
Glad the damage wasn’t too bad. Will a rant be forthcoming?
No rant necessary. 🙂 Thanks a lot, Laurie.
Ah oh! No restaurant review so the internet must still be dicey. So sorry. Your garden looks lovely.
Thanks very much, Cindy. Actually the internet was fine, but, having put in all that work I wasn’t going to risk it. 🙂
The Damage Report brings forth the grit of some of the flowers in the face of debilitating gales. Is that barn owl an indicator of the extent of damage? I am sure these reports call for follow up Maintenance Reports.
Maintenance Reports are to come, Uma 🙂 Thanks very much.
I am glad the damage was not worse! We can get some pretty good windstorms here, occasionally a tornado down in the valley.
I hope the dinner out was enjoyable, though I bet dinner out is never as good as Jackie’s home cooking. 🙂
Normally not as good as Jackie’s, but Lal Quilla is an exception, Lavinia. Thank you very much.
They are all loved and well cared, of course will resist to any weather conditions 🌸🌺 🌸
🙂 Thanks very much, Ribana
A restaurant?! Yay! I have stepped inside three of them at this point. I am disproportionately excited each time.
Oh, Derrick, I love your garden so. It’s on my bucket list. Today I feel like I am obligated to go see my friends when I’m released from this virus captivity. You two in England (and Andrew of course), and Laurie in North Carolina, and Maureen in New Zealand. I suddenly feel the importance of you all. Thank you for living through these times with me.
You will be very welcome, Crystal. Thanks very much.
Whatever the damage, Nature always seems to grow back again.
Indeed. Thanks very much, John.
Glad there was not a lot of damage. Whew!
Thank you for rescuing the owl.
so so SO glad you got to visit with your Mum!!!
We desperately need rain….could you box some up and send it our way?
HUGS!!! 🙂
I wish our hose stretched that far, Carolyn. Thanks very much. X
I returned home today to a great deal of damage. Happy to back I have to say after the rotten weather in the north!
Sorry to read that, Andrew. Many thanks
Valt best mee, gezien de razernij van Francis en een plensbui kan ook géén kwaad na zo`n lange droogte, naar wij dachten. De Kop van Jut is ook weer helemaal fris-groen opgebloeid, met hier-en-daar nog wat zwarte plekken …
Gezellig! Amsterdam, 28 – 8 – 2020 * *
Thank you very much, Frieda
i’m glad your beautiful garden survived the strong winds. thanks for all the pictures, as always, simply delightful. 🙂
Thank you very much, Lola
I’m glad you didn’t have much damage, and also that your mother is well (and got the joke).
I hope you enjoyed your dinner.
Thanks very much, Merril. We certainly did enjoy dinner. See next post 🙂
I will! 😀
I’m glad your mother was in good form. You’ve made any disarray in the garden look very artistic.
Thank you very much, Susan
Jackie and you are so inspiring, Derrick. I love the second shot of gladioli.
Thanks very much, Rupali.
Happy to note most of your garden survived the windstorm. I wonder how you and Jackie do it season after season despite the uncooperative elements to keep your garden in such good shape.
Mostly Jackie, I must admit 🙂 Thanks very much, Geetha.
You are most welcome and congratulate Jackie on her fine work on my behalf.
Will do