Reversing Hokusai’s Wave

Nick continued his meticulous preparation work on the sitting room today. The first four of these pictures show him filling blemishes; in the next he tests his smoothing success; the last shows a filled section of wall. This was all done before we left him to it and travelled to Tyrell’s Ford hotel for lunch with Helen, Bill, Shelly, and Ron, before such a meeting is subjected to the next coronavirus lockdown the day after tomorrow.

We enjoyed congenial company reminiscing and discussing Netflix series, politicians, Covid 19, and suchlike. My choice of main meal was an excellent beef burger served with relish on a wooden plank, and a miniature fish fryer scoop full of well cooked chips. Jackie’s pick was linguini; the others all chose beef (sic) bourguignon. My dessert was apple and blackberry crumble and custard – a popular choice. Jackie and Helen each preferred a rich chocolate thingy. I drank Flack’s Double Drop. The rest of the group drank different beverages and coffee, from which I abstained.

We returned home via

Anna Lane,

continuing to Bennet’s Lane where Jackie parked while I photographed the

effects of the late afternoon sun,

while a solitary plane chugged overhead.

She also allowed me to disembark at Harrow Road, on the other side of Bransgore where I produced more

skyscapes including

this one reminiscent of a reversal of Hokusai’s wave on which I based my logo for Sam’s ocean row, “The Big Sea”.

There was no need for further sustenance this evening.


  1. What a great lunch. I don’t blame you for making the most of our last couple of days.
    I went to the garden centre first thing this morning and met up with my daughter Sophie before lockdown begins. We enjoyed coffee and browsed Christmas decorations.

  2. I like the ladies rich chocolate thingy decision. 🙂
    After a meal like that, there wouldn’t be any room to fit anything else in. That’s the way I like it…no cooking, no mess, cleaning up. Sounds good.

  3. I actually got a chance to see an original Hokusai Great Wave Print. He’s my favorite! Thank you, Derrick. And I think that the Sitting Room is going to look great!

      1. Oh, tons, what I saw was one of the prints done when he was alive. Yah, it’s like the early Van Gogh paintings…you buy one for pennies..say “Sunflowers.” It sold for thiry million. Sigh.

  4. YAY for all the joys in your life today!!!
    Beautiful skies, lovely travels, fun friends, delicious food, gorgeous ocean-wave-clouds, hard-working Nick, not having to cook or do dishes, ETC! 🙂 Oh, and can’t forget chocolate…always a great choice! 😉
    HUGS!!! 🙂

  5. I love your skyscapes and the patterns made by late afternoon sun. Nice logo – great idea to use Hokusai’s wave for inspiration!

  6. Beef Bourguignon is a smart christening of the delicacy. I loved the image in which the Modus is parked in the lane near the gap in the fence —there is a story lurking right in the picture. Dramatic skies have lent their mood to the rest of the photos.

  7. It is a fault to keep thinking in this way, and I admit it, but what on earth would my Victorian grandad have thought of “an excellent beef burger served with relish on a wooden plank” ?
    Actually, he would probably have said “See if they’ll let you bring your own dinner plate next time.”

  8. It looks as though Nick is a real master at filling in blemishes – I need some help like that with my face! Such beautiful images of the sky. Clouds perhaps somewhat foreboding – who knows… but the blue sky, and light, shines through 🙂

  9. As usual, excellent photography. Those skies are splendid and the light is just right for playing with. I see that the sitting room will be much changed by the time Nick is done. It’s going to feel so good in there, all polished up

  10. So you have a COVID spike, too, huh? Our daughter, De, in Switzerland just learned their restaurant will be closed end of this week through end of November because of the spike in virus in her country, too.. I’m glad you got out before you are locked down again. I’m ready for an effective vaccine! Love your skyscapes, {{{Derrick}}} Ready for this USA election nightmare to end positively, too.

    1. Actually it didn’t rain at all, Kelly 🙂 That is what our weather is like. Mind you, we have just come to the end of a week of downpours. Thanks very much.

  11. Nick looks very photographic (not sure if that’s the right word) and not fazed by appearing here on the blog…as the your outing that will be a memory until you’ve back down to some type of normal level but maybe you will still get to view your local landscape.

    1. Thanks very much, Catherine. Perhaps you mean photogenic? Nick has certainly joined in the photographic project. Still not quite sure how far we can travel, but I can walk the local lanes.

      1. aha “that’s the word” – my brain and body isn’t working on all cylinders at the moment – but we are managing to keep afloat.
        Each country applies quite different rulings it seems – we couldn’t be away further than one hour and supposed to keep in the local ‘hood and our usual exercise. That meant different things to different folk…

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