On an unseasonably mild morning of sunshine and showers we drove into the deserted forest where Jackie decanted me at a few unpopulated points where I wandered with my camera.

Had we been in a hurry down Beckley Road we might have had a closer than comfortable encounter with an approaching van.

Fortunately Jackie had parked on a verge while I photographed autumnal woodland with its yellowing leaves fallen on soggy ground and clinging to dripping trees.

Our next stop was along Rhinefield Road where I rustled leaves underfoot while seeking further fall images.
Passing under the A31 and pausing on Linwood Road I walked back to photograph

reflections in a recently replenished pool, whilst taking in

pleasantly hazy landscapes,

one of which camouflaged a pair of grazing ponies.
Cattle hunkered down among the gorse.
We continued through Appleslade where

the glowing hillsides whispered to the sunlit trees opposite a naked windswept silhouette.

From our high vantage point I watched a close encounter as a pair of horse riders approached and, hopefully keeping social distance, crossed paths with a pedestrian couple. Perhaps they passed the time of day.
On the road above Ibsley ford as I photographed

sunlit woodland we could hear cries of children playing in the grounds of Moyles Court School, like others, currently being kept open. This is not so for pubs, which must be disappointing for the staff of

Elm Tree on Hightown Road who have installed a magnificent poppy display in the now closed garden.

Nick has continued painting woodwork in the sitting room

and wrestling with preparation in the kitchen.
This evening we dined on a second sitting of Hordle Chinese Take Away’s fine fare, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Malbec.
I never got the first like before! Corvid is a new word for me.
Lovely autumn photos
I had to look up corvid, too.
Apologies all round. The title should read Covid (re passing pairs keeping social distance). Dunno whether I erred or WP interfered.
And google said, ‘Do you mean covid?’
Beautiful autumn colours.
Thanks very much Carol
Derrick, these autumn images are really lovely.
Many thanks, Sue
It always pays to be not in a hurry and enjoy the view. I always wonder about those narrow roads over there.
We have been down to single digits with new Covid positives Australia wide this week. We all pray it will continue but we can’t let our guard down. Masks are still worn by many seniors and health workers about their shopping. Social distancing has become a way of life. At least here outside the big cities.
The kitchen will be wonderful when it’s finished. It looks homely.
Take care both of you.
Thanks very much, Chrissy. We hope you will both be safe, too
Navigating your narrow winding roads, one certainly has to be not only slow, but also extremely careful. But what did you mean by “the corvid kind,” Derrick? Is it a reference to the birds? I don’t know much about crows’ and ravens’ behaviors to make sense of it. Please educate me.
I am sorry, Dolly. The title should read Covid – a reference to the social distance passing of the riders and pedestrians. I don’t know whether the error was mine or WP. Now amended. Thanks very much.
Now it makes perfect sense, thank you. I have enjoyed your languid bucolic landscapes, Derrick.
Thanks again, Dolly.
My pleasure, Derrick.
Lefties! That’s what we call our “second sittings.” Beautiful photos today, Derrick!
“Lefties” I love it!
Around here, “Lefties” means people who have been happy since Saturday (me).
🙂 Nice
Thanks very much, Jill
Wonderful woodland scenes
Thanks very much, Sheree.
CoRvid is way better than Covid!!!
What kind of CoRvid?!?
(We see more ravens than crows and jackdaws here…but I enjoy all of those birds.)
Your fall photos are gorgeous!!! The colors, the mist, the moss, the lichen, the leaves, the reflections, the animals, etc! The moss is so verdant-vibrant and velvety soft! 🙂
That poppy display is beautiful! 🙂
Must get my reading glasses on to see if I can read Nick’s tattoo.
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn. The title should read Covid. Now amended. The tattoo is Roman numerals of sons’ birthdates. X
Aw, I love that tattoo idea!
Oh! I wondered! As I couldn’t find the birds! 🙂
Oh that is very cool about his tattoos! 🙂
So many wonderful autumnal photos–I can’t pick a favorite. I am trying to imagine the conversation as Jackie decants you. 😀
LOL – I noticed that, too.
🙂 Thanks very much, Merril. It usually goes something like: Jackie: “Shall I open the window?” Me: “No I’ll get out” 🙂
Such lovely fall photos – I can practically smell the leaves 🙂 And I loved that little poppy display
Thank you very much, M.B.
I LOVE those cattle sweetly facing each other!
That road through Appleslade has me puzzled. Do you know why they would dig it out like that? I feel like that would make it a river on a rainy day and impassible on a snowy one. Just curious if you know a reason.
Nick looks to be doing an excellent job. Do you make it a requirement of all the people you hire that they WILL be photographed and commented upon? LOL
Thanks very much, Jodie. These roads just follow the contours of the land. Our craftspeople quite like that they become famous the world over 🙂
Among a very satisfying collection, the mossy tree trunk won the prize for me.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
Wide open spaces presented in your photos today, Derrick. Lovely images, most calming to view.
Thanks very much, Maj
I find late autumn landscapes soothing and restful to be in. No more busyness. Time to relax – except for Nick, of course.
Thank you very much, Sue
My Japanese wife nearly cried when she saw the moss covered tree. Japanese are tremendous fans of moss, and your lovely pic struck a true nerve. It is stunning. Oh, and the cattle in the gorse are picture book tranquility.
Yeah, COVID has no regard for the beauty of nature or human health. Like those hikers in your photo, people here in Alabama tend to forget there is a raging pandemic, especially when they are engaged in an off-beat activity.
Glad to see you and yours are doing well. 🙂
Thanks very much, Paul. Here is a link for your wife: https://derrickjknight.com/2014/02/04/sea-flowers/
Thank you Derrick. How thoughtful! 🙂
Sensational landscapes. Many thanks.
And to you, Peggy.
Such lovely photos. The moss covered tree is my favorite.
Thanks very much, Leslie
So I get here late and find that it appears I didn’t even think there was something wrong in the “spelling line” maybe this new world we are encountering just suggests that anything that as C O V in it must to be do with the current virus that starts with a C.
Wonderful day driving, stopping, wandering and shooting the scenes – wonderful Autumn foliage … Of course it hasn’t been that season here for some time, it’s all about the “new greens”. Hoping to get out and about again real soon to shoot some photos of my spring time…
Thanks very much, Catherine
Such remarkable photos, Derrick!
Thank you very much, Becky
The forest is beautiful in autumn, and the striking green moss on the tree trunk was a fine catch! It looks calm and peaceful there. Misty grey days have their own grace and beauty.
It looks like your house remodeling is coming along well.
Thank you very much, Lavinia. It was a good day.
I wondered if Nick was using his arm as a tape dispenser, then I decided it might be a tattoo. On the other hand, when I go to the Amazon locker or the farmers’ market, where I have to provide a certain number to claim my goods, I usually write it on my hand, so it could be his to-do-list for the day!
Sons’ birth dates, Linda. Thanks very much 🙂
Lovely landscapes. We encounter dangerous drivers often on the highway. Keeps my heart rate up. Glad you are OK.
We are fine, Sherry. Thank you very much.
beautiful images today, Derrick! how delightful! thank you! glad to see your sitting room coming along well 🙂
And thank you very much, Lola.
The title alarmed me no end, but the contents of the post remained mild, mossy and autumnal. The minuscule riders in the wider pictures are barely noticeable unless enlarged. The narration remains poetic as ever. Nick is hard at work, untouched by lockdowns and the leaf shedding season unrolling beyond the walls.
I’m so sorry to have alarmed you, Uma, my friend. We are fine. I trust you are continuing to improve. Thank you very much.
I am much better now. Thanks, Derrick.
Great photos. I hope you and Jackie are well.
I’m finally back to wp. I haven’t been feeling quite well, but I’m doing better now.
I’m sorry to learn that you have been unwell, More. Wishing you good health. Thank you very much.
Nice photos of fall Derrick 🙂
Thanks very much, Arlene
Thank you so much for all the woody and golden woodland images. Plus, thank you for this description “…the glowing hillsides whispered to the sunlit trees opposite a naked windswept silhouette.” I enjoyed that so much, I read it at least three times. 🙂
That is lovely, JoAnne. Thank you very much.
How good it is to have such pleasant scenes to visit while your house is being remodelled and painted indoors. You have brought out the best of autumnal colours by capturing the light so well. I have enjoyed all of your photographs very much.
Thank you so much, Anne. Your comments are very welcome
Nearly dinner time here Derrick and I’m just opening your post now…my list of appointments was a full one today….
I’m suitably impressed by Nick’s expert craftmanship…
That is good, Ivor. Thanks very much.
“corvid” means a bird of the crow family such as a jackdaw or a raven and I’m sure you’ve used it before. There are lots of them such as canids, felids, hominids and, a pretty obscure one, alcids. Your title makes sense either way, of course.
Thanks a lot, John. Yes, I will have used it before – intentionally then. 🙂
An excellent collection. I like the textures once more.
Thanks very much, Andrew
Glad I saw an explanation for the title, which truly puzzled me as I did not notice any corvids in your pictures, which, by the way, do such a great job of capturing your lovely countryside.
Thank you so much, Laurie
What a beautiful day.
Thank you very much, Mrs W
Your welcome
It seems that we’re all drinking in the beautiful colors of autumn before they disappear. The sight of fallen leaves and twigs has the feel to me of the return of my past and also of the changes of the present. The world around us changes with the seasons and yet it’s always the same.
Nicely philosophical, Nicki. Thanks very much
I have to say the title worried me a little. Glad all is well, and thankful for all the beautiful photos. That mossy trunk…. sigh! I love the view from your sitting room – it’s perfection!
Thanks very much, Anna. Sorry for the worry
I love the reflections and the hazy landscapes! You’ve outdone yourself with this set.
Thank you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Your renovations are coming on a treat Derrick.
Thanks a lot, Lindsey
Beautiful moody autumn landscapes Derrick 🍂
Thanks very much, Ribana. Your regular visits are really appreciated.
Always a pleasure Derrick! I enjoy the nature through your photos ☺️
Lovely autumn images!
Thanks very much, Geetha
Most welcome Derrick