Although the skies were to brighten later, when we drove into the forest this morning light flakes of fluffy snow had already evaporated to integrate with liquid precipitation.
Jackie parked the Modus at Crockford Clump and I squelched across

waterlogged moorland and clambered over undulating slopes the basins of which became their own

reflecting, rippling, reservoirs refilled by pattering raindrops dripping from twigs above into the otherwise silent streams below.

Lichen layered arboreal limbs lay shattered among soggy autumn leaves; a perky robin roamed from tree to tree.

A friendly woman walking her dogs told me about the snow and a herd of deer she had seen earlier. Paddy, one of her dogs, lolloped over to me in search of treats and took no for an answer.

Ponies occupied the tarmac at East Boldre whilst communing with a couple of field horses.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s lemon chicken and savoury rice with which she drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Cotes du Rhone.
Felt very damp after reading and enjoying this post.
Thanks very much, Maj
Today’s photos made up for the lack in yesterday’s post. 😀 I like the branch with the feathery lichen growing on it. It does look like a soggy day.
Thanks very much, Merril. 🙂
The reflections in the dark waters, and the bright lichens and moss lift the winter wood so beautifully.
Paddy sounds just lovely – even if he has no appreciation for ‘social distancing’!
Thanks very much, Emma
Made me miss England in the nicest way.
🙂 Thanks very much, Sam
I thank you have reached 2020’s saturation level Derrick….
🙂 Nice one, Ivor. Thanks very much.
Soggy days bring our some of nature’s best.
Indeed. Thanks very much, Chrissy
I really love the first picture with the tree.
I’m pleased, Rabirius. Thanks very much.
You make soggy beautiful! 🙂
Love your reflection photos, lichen photos, doggy, and pony photos!
Paddy sounds like a friendly guy!
Also, absolutely awesome alliteration accompaniments!!! I enjoy your alliterative and poetic descriptions that accompany your amazing photos!
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thank you so much, Carolyn. X
Wow! Seriously soggy conditions but nonetheless great photos
Thanks very much, Sheree
Blimey – life on the English Riviera! More River than Riviera, I see.
Indeed. And your snow was better than ours. Thanks very much, Quercus
It’s like having guests – always better when it knows when to go.
Wonderful collection.
Thanks very much, Rupali
That was a very well trained dog who took no for an answer.
🙂 Thanks very much, Dolly
My pleasure, Derrick.
Derrick, it just clicked, once I asked my granddaughter to pronounce Faurez in proper French. Of course, we learned about him; he was an ideological predecessor of Trotzky, i.e. one of the bad guys.
Ah. Thanks again, Dolly
My pleasure, Derrick.
I’ve learned a new word from this post: lolloped!
I’m pleased it was in the dictionary, Liz. 🙂 Thanks very much
A serious outbreak of alliteration among the puddles. It was appreciated.
🙂 Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
Soggy is a good description
Thanks very much, Mrs W.
Your welcome.
That lichen on the tree – the wide expanse of it – is amazing. I wonder how much a tree can take before it has a negative effect on it?
Hope you had a good Christmas, Derrick.
We did have a good Christmas, Val. That is an. interesting question about the lichen. Many of our trees are covered in it. Thanks very much
Soggy, indeed! I love the reflective puddles and the lichens! It doesn’t get wet enough here for either!
Thank you very much, Janet
The soggy weather sure didn’t slow down your finger today, Derrick! This is more like it. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your day out!
🙂 Thank you so much, Jill
I have a friend who has horses, and after all this time it finally occurred to me that I should send her a link to your blog, so she can enjoy your ponies. Done! And I really enjoyed the photo of the lone tree at the top. It has quite a wintery feel.
Thank you very much, Linda. I hope she makes herself known
You have a way of making the most of any weather. I like the sturdy ponies and the delicate looking little lichen with the bracken.
Thank you so much, JoAnna
Those are beautiful rainy day forest photos, Derrick and Jackie. The ponies do look a bit soggy. The Gloucester Old Spot seems to have taken the day off. 🙂
A wintry day here with 24 degrees at dawn, and afternoon temperatures hovering in the 30s. It felt like snow was possible, though it stayed dry all day.
Thanks very much, Lavinia, from us both. 🙂
Very squelchy Derrick! Thank good ness you don’t have dogs 😆
Quite so, Val. Thanks very much.
Your photo complement your words and your words complement your photos so well! I read this phrase “reflecting, rippling, reservoirs refilled by pattering raindrops dripping from twigs above into the otherwise silent streams” more than once… just absorbing your poetic expressions with wonderful alliterations. It’s no wonder you have so many devoted followers, Derrick. Thank you for sharing your travel, your life, your photography.. I’m one of your devoted fans! <3
Thank you so much, Jan. Really appreciated X
Definitely soggy. All the close-ups made me feel that I was there with you. Did you wear boots? Beautiful poetry in words and picture.
Thank you very much, Nicki. Just walking shoes and stepping gingerly. 🙂
Some lovely photographs of some extremely soggy places!! This morning, it was very icy here but it may melt soon, hopefully.
Thanks a lot, John
Despite the weather, my ponies are looking hale and hearty!
🙂 Thanks very much, GP
Beautiful photos. I especially love the lichened, mossy limbs.
Thanks very much, Cheryl
Oh, those poor, dear ponies look soaked to the bone… We’re heading in to a wet stretch too, over here, just in time for New Years. I like to think of it washing away at least some of the stain of 2020, and all its misery, letting us start fresh in 2021. Although I welcome the water, good rain gear is key. Happy New Year, Derrick!
Let’s hope so, Anna. Happy New year to you, too. Thanks very much.
Looks like the sort of day that I prefer to stay at home.
Yes. Thanks a lot, Andrew
JK DERRICK!!! Moet u kouw vatten?!? Natte voeten in die bagger … Hallootje! Ja, de natuur is ruig, dat snap ik.
En, met Andrew Petcher ben ik het helemaal voor 100.000 % eens … What … Wath English Thee, hè … Had Jackie géén tulband gebakken, Guckelhupf oder oliebollen, hè … Appelflappen met heel veel poedersuiker … Ook niet … Ik kom wel effe met de NS door de tunnel: Kat in het bakkie!
Youppie komt op de buis op Oudejaarsavond, om 21.30 uur … NPO1, géén hond meer op straat! Iedereen zit op tijd voor de buis en ik gooi alle telefoons op slot, doe voor niemand open, had niks online besteld … Dus, morgen ben ik er effies niet!!!
Liefs uit Amsterdam, 30 – 12 – 2020, 18.10 uur …, Hollandse Wintertijd * *
Heel erg bedankt, Frieda. Hou je goed
Youp van `t Hek: Oudejaarsconference 2020 ‘KORREL ZOUT’ = op Nederland 1 = NPO 1, 22.30 uur in het Nederlands en de kabel … Hendrikje de Brave zegt, dat er géén verbindingen zijn met UK and Duitsland. Ja, spuit elf geeft ook modder! Als ik u een cd stuur … , kloten!?!
I read Godfried Bomans … He death 22 – 12 – 1971: heartinfarct = hartaanval! Nog een jonge God van achtenvijftig en dat Kutwijf is niet dood te knuppelen … Dat is het trieste van het hele verhaal.
Schatje! Houw je haaks! Stay well!
* * Amsterdam, 31 – 12 – 2020, 14.20 uur … , Hollandse Wintertijd *
I have enjoyed looking at these photographs 🙂
Thanks very much, Anne.
I really liked your photos and their mood which would make for an excellent painting. Colors don’t have to be always sunny and bright, It’s the mood in these photos and combination of colors.
Safe, healthy and happy New Year!
Thank you so much, Inese, especially for appreciating what I am trying to convey.
I can’t find a comment button on your posts.
Very nice post! Looks like you are having a soggy end to 2020. How fitting!
Quite so, Dwight. Thanks very much
Squelched. What a perfect word for the sound I make walking across my soggy grass to the chicken pen every morning. I’ll be thinking it in my mind from now on.
🙂 Thanks very much, Crystal