On a day that returned us to warmth and full sunshine, Jackie spent much of it

examining her floral babies and stretching to care for them, while I mostly wandered in and out of the garden with my camera.

We have a number of clematises;

numerous roses;

freshly blooming rhododendrons;

and more welcome alliums.

The Kitchen Path runs alongside the Pond Bed towards the arch bearing a blue solanum.

The Gazebo and Brick Paths are colourfully bordered.

Jackie’s new planting in the Shady Path Bench Bed is burgeoning nicely.

The Byzantium gladioli are standing in several beds, including this one in the Rose Garden; the pink cabana Jumbo emerges from a blue pot; the red Japanese maple still dominates the Pond Bed.

Geranium palmatums, cosmos, dandelions, convolvulus, companula, pansies, and poppies are other thriving blooms.

Florence at Fiveways stands in front of our newest bench; the Nottingham Castle replica is the oldest.

Weigela and two different erigerons overlook the concrete patio.
This evening we dined on more of the marinaded chicken with boiled new potatoes, and tender runner and green beans, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Shiraz.
Your garden looks fabulous today. Such a delight.
Thank you very much, Melanie x
the number of flowers you have is incredible.. awesome!
Thank you very much, Q
Thank you very much, Sheree
It is all so stunningly beautiful!
I love how you have so many named paths and nooks. I particularly like the light and shadows in the Florence and bench photos.
Thank you so much, Merril
You’re welcome, Derrick.
The garden looks so beautiful under that bright sunshine today! 😎🌞🇬🇧
Thank you very much, John
Gorgeous colors! I love the blue solanum arch and the combinations of blues, purples, and yellow-oranges.
Thank you very much, JoAnna
Such a variety of colorful blooms!
Thank you very much, Liz. I had to stop myself and leave some for another day 🙂
You’re welcome, Derrikc. 🙂
Thank you very much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
Thanks for wandering for us today, Derrick. The garden looks fantastic! If I were a Nugget…I’d move right in!
Jackie has an occasional peep at Nugget’s grandchildren in the nest. They continue to thrive. Thanks very much, Jill
Your garden is a wonder to me. So many things that come separately in our garden are all to be seen at the same time in yours.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal.
What a bright and colorful parade of flowers! Jackie has tended them with love and great care. That yellow rose caught my eye.
Thank you very much, Lavinia. That Arthur Bell rose is a new one this year.
It’s our first chilly morning this year at 8C/46F and it’s only going to be 19C/62.2F by lunch time. Actually it’s the chilliest since we moved in late 2019. I have been told it’s going to be the chilliest winter here in 7 years. Regardless Jackie, the garden is still the best place to be.
Your garden looks so beautiful especially with the added blue in the top photos. 😉 I love blue.
I love blue too.
Thank you very much from us both, Chrissy
You’re welcome.
Such a beautiful place to spend a nice sunny day — the flowers are a wonderful collection, and they all seem to be bloomng now, or at least budding We still are having our June Gloom, but the afternoons are pretty and getting a bit warmer.
Thanks very much, Janet. We don’t seem to have what Jackie calls the June Gap here.
The bright sunlight gives the garden a extra good. So beautiful
Thanks very much, More
You’re welcome Derrick
I meant glow. The autocorrect is changing my words.
That autocorrect is such a nuisance, especially as it does it so sneakily.
Yes absolutely
I adored that red Japanese Maple Derrick, and all of your colourful photos have enriched my sunny Sunday morning ..
Thank you very much, Ivor
Wonderful photos, but the picture of the poppy is especially lovely.
Thanks very much, Laurie. With promise of all the others to come.
Absolutely magical! And you capture it so well in your photographs 🌸🌸
Thank you very much, Ribana
What a splendid garden you have – your photographs show its beauty so well.
Thank you very much, Anna. It was a day for it.
awesome garden of beautiful colours and delights – thanks for sharing…
Thank you very much, Catherine
The ‘floral babies’ are under the best possible care, and the floral teens and adults will bear testimony to Jackie’s unwavering attention. The new bench near Florence has become a landmark already.
Thank you very much, Uma
Thanks to the named paths and areas, I’m beginning to think I might be able find my way around your beautiful floral maze. 🙂
Thanks very much, Sue. There have been some changes, but this should help: https://derrickjknight.com/2015/06/13/the-garden-map/
Thank you so much. It must have taken Jackie ages to draw the map. 🙂
It certainly did
Thank you for the garden tour Derrick and congratulations to the Head Gardener.
Thanks very much from us both, Andrew
The flowers are smiling for Jackie as she gives them TLC!
Good to see Florence supervising! 😉
Ooh, there is someone there in the photo of the Allumins…someone with beautiful feathers!
Yellow roses are my fave roses!
Love seeing the Nottingham Castle Bench!
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn X
Looks like an award winning garden.
Thanks very much, Sherry
What a wonderful job you both have done. Thanks for sharing beautiful images.
Thanks very much, Rupali
Your summer garden is coming along beautifully! Very nice!
Thanks very much, Dwight
Your garden looks more fabulous every day, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
Beautiful, beautiful!
Thank you very much, Byung
Love the rhododendron. Such an unusual colour.
Yes. I had never seen one before we came here.
Thanks very much