On a sultry, largely overcast day, with dribbles of rain and brief snatches of sunlight, Jackie carried out weeding and pruning while I helped with the clearing up, dead headed, and produced pictures.

Each of these images bears a title in the gallery.
Later, I scanned three more of Charles Keeping’s illustrations to ‘David Copperfield’.

The double page spread ‘The horses stopped at the stable gate’ contains the tell-tale sign of broken reins.

‘I had my arms round Mr Wickfield, imploring him by everything that I could think of to calm himself a little’

‘I encountered, at the corner, a woman’s face’
This evening we dined on tasty baked gammon; boiled potatoes; juicy ratatouille; and firm carrots and broccoli with which Jackie drank Cotes du Provence rosé 2019 while I chose Paarl Shiraz 2020.
Another lovely display of your flourishing garden, especially your splendid roses, Derrick.
Of this set of Mr Keeping’s inimitable illustrations, I enjoyed the superbly dramatic ‘frightful spectacle’ of Mr Wickfield’ upturned face portrayed with only only widely opened mouth and nostrils visible to the viewer. A woman’s face immediately demonstrates an unsavory character.
Thank you very much for your usual perceptive comments, Dolly
The pleasure is mine, Derrick.
So many beautiful roses. I wish I could smell them.
Thanks very much, Bridget. They were all chosen for scent.
Those flowers are lovely, especially the roses.
Thanks very much, Laurie.
The flowers attract my sight.
Thanks very m much, Mina.
Most welcome
Such a wonderful display of roses, at their peak – I think every image I enlarged was my favourite!
I love the Drumstick Alliums too – I’ve not heard of them before; a fantastic rich colour, and great form.
The poor man, with coat and hat in the last image, standing in the distance and being billowed by the wind, looks cold to the bone – his pose perfectly depicts the fact… so clever!
Thank you very much, Emma. I am so pleased you noticed that man – key to the picture, in fact.
I’ve had a day or two when I felt just like Mr. Wickfield, and could have stood a little calming myself. I’m sure a few hours in your garden would have calmed him. Thanks to all your work, it’s always possessed a certain benign atmosphere.
Thank you so much, Linda. Me, too 🙂
Sounds delicious.
Thanks very much, Pat
The roses are gorgeous!
Thanks very much, Jill
Your roses are looking particularly lovely today.
Thanks very much, Liz. Diffused light does help
You’re welcome, Derrick. I hadn’t thought about the light, but I can see that it would make a difference, now that you mention it.
I almost cooked a gammon joint too, but in the end saved it until later in the week to enjoy with new potatoes, corn on the cob and long stemmed broccoli.
That will be good. Thanks very much, Sue.
Your Crown Princess Margareta is doing a lot better than ours which has got rather depressed.
That is a shame because you have posted so many good pictures of her. Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
I picked out these words by Charles Dickens, they are superb Derrick ..
“Hearts confined by cowebs would burst at last, and then Love was avenged .”
I am appreciating him so much more now than when I was younger, Ivor. Thanks very much, Ivor
Another beautiful day 🌸😉
Thanks very much, Ribana
I love roses
I thought so, Gary. Thanks very much.
Looks like a great day – as producer of pictures you have few equals but I’m beginning to wonder how much actual gardening you fit in with all the photography. 🙂
Sussed!! 🙂 Thanks a lot, Quercus
Now, that gave me a chuckle.
It’s amazing how bright and cheerful your flowers look on an overcast day.
When I was a child, my grandma did china painting. Roses were among her favorite subjects. Your photo of Mamma Mia would have been a perfect model for her–both fully opened and in bud.
Thanks very much, Nicki. I wonder whether you have any examples of your grandmother’s work?
I do. In fact she gave me a whole set of dessert plates, cups and saucers. Here are some samples of wild roses and one of a garden rose. http://nickichenwrites.com/wordpress/art/the-enchantment-of-things/
How wonderful. The images haven’t loaded
Mama Mia! what beautiful flowers! And “I encountered, at the corner, a woman’s face’ is an intriguing picture.
Thanks very much, JoAnna. One of his best illustrations, I think.
The very pleasant twin bouquets of garden photos and Charles Keeping’s illustrations are as refreshing as ever.
Thank you so much, Uma.
Beauties every one!!!
Thank you very much, Rosaliene
Thank you for supporting the South African wine industry 🙂
I hoped you would spot that, Anne. Because of the apartheid years boycott I knew nothing about your wines. I like this one, though 🙂
We don’t have much South African wine here. What is a good, solid red you would recommend? I’ll see if I can find it.
You still have lots of lovely roses.
Thanks very much, Arlene
We continue to be starved of rain and our garden is beginning to suffer. I hope you avoided the storms yesterday.
We did. Thanks a lot, Andrew.
The last illustration is absolutely superb. “Less is more” at its very best. Wonderful!
It really is, John. Thanks very much
Your flowers are as lovely as ever, Derrick.
Thank you very much, AnneMarie
Your Garden Team Work was worth the effort, you two…looks beautiful! 🙂
I love the Polish Spirit! We have Brother Stefan Franczak to thank for it!
When Raymond Evison was visiting in Warsaw he was taken to Brother Stefan’s garden. Evison noticed a seedling plant growing on a fence. He recognized the potential in this little beauty. Brother Stefan generously gave him a plant to develop. Evison introduced it as C. ‘Polish Spirit’ to the world in 1990. Evison states that with Brother Stefan’s agreement he named it Polish Spirit. During his visit to Poland he became so impressed by the spirit of the Polish people. After the many difficulties they had been through since the last war and what they were achieving in their lives – that’s Polish spirit! 🙂
I love reading the names of all your flowers in your gallery of photos! 🙂 All beautiful! But, I must say the Drumsticks jumped out at me! 🙂 Nice to see Florence’s begonias! 🙂 And to spot some owls! 🙂
HUGS!!! 🙂
I am off to look at the drumsticks that I probably can’t eat. <3
Thank you so much, Carolyn. Splendid story of the Polish Spirit X
The flowers are so beautiful–their colors stand out against the dreary sky.
The Keeping illustrations are wonderful, as usual.
Thank you very much, Merril
You’re welcome.
a garden tended with love and care.. it shows… =^_^=
Thanks very much, Q
Beautiful flower pictures. Have a wonderful week.
Thank you very much, Mrs W. You, too
Your welcome.
Those roses look magnificent
Thanks very much, Sheree
Everything looks beautiful, especially that purple clematis. I have one like that, but it was moved a couple of years ago, and with the heat, it is not happy right now.
Thanks very much, Lavinia. I hope yours recovers
Your garden is lively and lovely
And the carriage and the gate in that double page is very well done
The drawing leaves us in no doubt as to a disaster having taken place. Thanks very much, Yvette
No doubt for sure!
And side note – the Paarl Shiraz sounds good – mmm
Yes, it is.