The West Fence Trellis

Jackie spent most of a day that was dull, warm, humid, and oppressed by a burnished gunmetal canopy overhead,

occupied opening up the trellis at the back of the West fence to the nevertheless absent sunlight. At intervals I removed several trugloads of clippings and weeds to the

compost bins and the ever-increasing

piles destined for the dump.

This afternoon I published

Later, I scanned the next five of Charles Keeping’s inimitable illustrations to Dickens’s ‘Our Mutual Friend’.

‘ ‘Here’s my father’s, sir’ ‘

‘Bella was seated on the rug, a handful of brown curls in her mouth’

In ‘Mr Wegg was an observant person’ the artist uses a double spread to advertise the stall-holder’s services.

‘The bar of the Six Jolly Fellowship-Porters’

‘Stumping with fresh vigour, he goes in at the dark greasy entry’

This evening we dined on oven fish and chips, onion rings, and garden peas, with which Jackie drank more of the Sauvignon Blanc and I drank more of the Comté Tolosan Rouge.


  1. We had that same canopy this morning, Derrick. Somehow even your piles and compost look neat and tidy. No doubt they don’t want to cross Jackie. 😏
    More evocative drawings. The double-page advertisement drawing is quite remarkable.

  2. Mr Keeping at his best: the wavy pattern on the girl’s skirt emphasizes ‘the brown curls’ in her mouth. I am impressed by his meticulous picturing of small details ‘at the bar.’

  3. Just yesterday I was discussing the finer points of India Pale Ale with someone, and look at that– I could get an IPA at ‘The bar of the Six Jolly Fellowship-Porters’! Can you tell from the original what was lost, with a reward offered? I noticed the sign in the window at the lower left.

    1. What a coincidence about IPA. The scanned versions of these pictures are a little larger than the original, and a magnifying glass doesn’t help. I think Keeping’s little notices are deliberately just suggestive of lettering. Thanks very much, Linda.

  4. Norm put a small trellis on the wall of the lawn locker for me yesterday. I plan to grow a native flowing vine on it.
    We’re fortunate in our over 60’s community to have a huge industrial bin where residence can dispose of garden refuge. I love the compost bins in your garden. LOL! I think if I put them in my garden, there wouldn’t be a garden. It would be fantastic to be able to visit your garden.

  5. Don’t injure your back or knee moving those bags, Derrick. Do I sound like your Mum? 🙂 We finally got our sunshine back after days and days of tropical downpours.

  6. I do know what a burnished gunmetal canopy is, except how to express that with such clarity. No matter how many perspectives of the garden I see on your blog, it always remains interesting. Meanwhile, Keeping continues to keep my attention.

  7. Finally, we can take rubbish to the tip midweek without an appointment. Hopefully, it’s the same for you and that should make it easier for Aaron.

      1. Our local one changed this week. We only found out by looking on line. It was busier than during the appointment system.

  8. Such good work getting done. The garden will smile with thanks. 🙂
    I think trellises are wonderful! Little ivy-y and climb-y plants seem to enjoy them. 🙂
    Bella’s dress is so frilly and flow-y! And I love the details in the bar scene!!! Wow!
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  9. I hope the weather there gives you two a break soon. Heat is bad enough but humidity makes it so much worse. It all looks so beautiful when you are done, though!

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