Early this morning I posted https://derrickjknight.com/2021/09/30/a-knights-tale-43-an-engagement/
Afterwards I scanned the next three of Charles Keeping’s excellent illustrations to ‘Our Mutual Friend’

‘Georgiana ran up to embrace her’

‘Wegg was holding him in the chair with the grip of a wrestler’

‘Gruff and Glum waving his shovel hat at Bella’
This afternoon we very much enjoyed the company of Jan and Bob Beekman and their daughter DeAna who have come to stay for a few days. Conversation was convivial, wide-ranging and open as we got to know each other in person having become distant friends on WordPress. The 21st century equivalent of fond penfriends.

Jan and De worked out how to access the internet from our router thingy, and Bob joined in the amusement.
Jackie produced one of her trademark succulent steak and onion pies; creamy mashed swede and potatoes; firm carrots and cauliflower; tender leak and cabbage melange; and meaty gravy with which she drank Tesco Finest Pinot Grigio Blush 2020 and the rest of us drank Val de Salis Cinsault Reserve 2020 and Patrick Chodot Fleurie 2019.

She had photographed us all as we prepared to tuck in.
Nice opportunity and meal.
Thanks very much, Pat
Nice opportunity and meal.
It’s so lovely meeting up with WP pals
It is. Thanks very much, Sheree
There are so many WP folks I’d love to meet including you and Jackie! You had Americans joining you for dinner?
We did. Thanks a lot, John
The power of WordPress.
Indeed. Thanks a lot, Andrew
You’ll be starting WPBnB to compete with AirBnB next! Hope the weather improves for them to see the Forest.
Thanks a lot, Geoff. We might get a window of sunshine this afternoon.
This post makes me so happy–meeting up with WP friends from afar! It does sound like a convivial time. I love your expressions in the header photo. 😀
As always, the Keeping drawings express so much in a few lines. I particularly like the gowns in the first one and the woman’s face.
Yes, Merril. That woman has been sussed 🙂 The meet up is wonderful. Thank you so much.
You’re welcome!😀
The group looks like they’re having such a good time–and the lunch repast looks delicious!
Thank you very much, Liz. This time the camera does not lie.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Thank you oh so very much for the warm welcome, delightful conversation, and delicious dinner! Jackie is quite the masterful chef! I’m tucked in your cozy safari room and about to drift off to slumber land with lovely thoughts of a wonderful day at my new friends’ home. Thank you for everything! ❤️
It is really lovely for us, too. So many thanks for coming all this way and being such a good friend. XX
How very special to meet up with some WP friends…
And typically special that Jackie produced such a ‘Best of British’ menu for them!
Good Evening to all WP friends 🙂
Thank you so much, Emma. Will pass it on
How lovely for you all. Enjoy the visit, all of you.
Will pass it on, Sue. Thanks very much
How amazing, Derrick!
Indeed, Rosaliene. Thank you very much
Have a wonderful visit.
It is proving so, Mrs W. Thanks very much
Your welcome.
Extraordinary. I love that you all became friends and could share good talk and food. Such a gift.
Thank you very much, Cynthia
How wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know everyone will enjoy their time together! 🙂
(((HUGS))) <3 🙂
Thank you very much, Carolyn X
I look forward to the day it is Bill and I at your table – or vice versa. You didn’t tell us which blog Jan or Bob runs?
Jan does the blogging as janbeek. I don’t think we’ll ever get to Australia, but you would be most welcome here – as I trust you know. Thanks very much, Gwen
I just checked out janbeeks blog. She looks a lively lady! I’m sure you all enjoyed the visit.
Even from her posts I could not have imagined her liveliness and depth.
This is fantastic, Derrick!! I love the table shots!
Thanks very much from us both, Jill.
That looks like such a fun meal.
It was. Thanks very much, Gary
How amazing and fun it sounds being with friends and the meal looks good.
Thank you so much, More. We are having a splendid time
Wonderful Derrick … and I have had the pleasure of catching up with a few WordPress pen-friends over the years, and the meetings are always very special occasions
They really are, Ivor. Thank you very much.
WP is a wonderful place to meet so many amazing people! Best to all of you as you enjoy real time together!
Thank you very much, Lavinia. I will pass it on.
Yes, indeed. Blogging friends are equivalent of pen friends of the olden days. I am sure you all had a wonderful time.
It has been very enjoyable despite the storms overhead. They will be here a couple more days yet. Thanks very much, Uma
As I ‘get to know’ them better, I tend to regard the people who comment regularly on my blog as pen-friends of a sort: all special people. You are among several people I ‘know’ who have met up with regular blogging friends – a lovely thing to do, for you already know something of each other. I hope they enjoy their visit to your neck of the woods.
Thank you very much, Anne. You are certainly a pen-friend.
This is an unbelievably wonderful opportunity for us … and we are so grateful to you & Jackie for your hospitality and friendship!! Thank you sooo much!
The feeling is most mutual, Jan. Thanks very much
Who wouldn’t travel that far for one of Jackies’ fine dinners? Wonderful !
Thanks very much, Steve
that is wonderful meeting WP friends! 🙂
It is. Thank you very much, Lola
Lucky, lucky folks to be able to stay with you and Jackie! I am green with envy. 😉
Thank you so much, Laurie
How lovely to meet WP friends and share a good meal.
Indeed. Thanks very much, Eugi
How fantastic! Especially as, in the deepest, darkest moments of the pandemic, it seemed that such gatherings might never again be possible.
Quite so, Helen. Thank you very much.
It is always heartwarming to connect live with blogofriends, isn’t it.
As always, I have enjoyed Mr Keeping’s exceptional illustrations.
Thank you very much, Dolly. It really is.
My pleasure, Derrick.
How wonderful to make “pen” friends on WordPress!
It is. Thank you very much, Joycee
What a treat when the virtual becomes the actual.
Indeed. Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
So great to meet friends from WordPress 😉 What a great time with a super delicious dinner 😋
Thank you so much, Ribana
just plain magic
Thanks very much, Catherine
I do love the painting beyond the dining table. 😉 Jackie managed to include some of the garden in her photos. 🙂 Well done, Jackie!
When I traveled to the USA in 2008 I stayed with at least 6 writers I met online years before. Pen friends are very special people.
Thank you very much from us both, Chrissy
What a lovely visit and photos. I love to meet my WP friends too it feels like you’ve known them in person for years doesn’t it.
It does, indeed, Charlotte. Thank you very much.
A wonderful chance to get together with Jan and Bob!
It was. Thanks veery much, Dwight
You are welcome!