A Dog Cart

Late this morning I published https://derrickjknight.com/2021/10/06/a-knights-tale-46-ok-how-did-you-do-it/

We then drove to Steamer Point and

brunched at the Beach Hut Café at Friars Cliff. This has been our first visit since before Covid. I needed no further sustenance this evening.

Many customers dined alfresco. We were the only couple inside, because

we couldn’t find a place to ourselves.

One gentleman made short work of his ice cream.

Some visitors kayaked or swam in the albeit brisk water, turbulent waves of which

tossed spray against breakwater rocks.

A lone fisherman stood optimistically watching his line.

Small groups thronged the promenade.

Dog walkers wandered along the shingle. There is a surprise at the end of this gentleman’s lead.

An ingenious dog cart. Enlargement may help to view it.

Passing a gentleman painting his beach hut,

we bade farewell to the beach, and turned into the forest.

Ponies cropped the verges of Warnes Lane just outside Burley.

Others were to be seen alongside Forest Road,

and, further on, we listened to the squeaking of satisfied pink piglets,

and the scampering snorts of small saddlebacks in search of mast.


  1. That looks like pretty rough terrain for a dob with an assistive cart–but he seems to be managing just fine. My favorite photo out of this group is the white horse with the white birch trees in the background.

  2. I thought the dog was missing a leg, sweet little doggy. The ocean looks beautiful with its shimmering light! Your breakfast looks delicious, Derrick, do you call the sausages Bangers? I’ve heard that somewhere.

  3. I always enjoy your ‘people pictures’, Derrick for they provide those of us far away with a ‘flavour’ of where you are.

  4. I didn’t expect the forest photos after all the beach photos. It looks like a lovely day–and quite a filling brunch.
    That dog cart–so touching. Poor little dog.
    I’m glad you ended with a bit of humor. This is my favorite sentence: “the scampering snorts of small saddlebacks.” It makes me think of Lewis Carroll–a lost sentence from Jabberwocky. 😏

  5. Ha! on the Ice Cream Guy! 😀 😛
    Oh, what a beautiful out and about day!
    Love seeing all the pups having fun! That little cart dog! 🙁 But, I bet he just doesn’t let it stop him or get him down! 🙂 Dogs can be so resilient!
    Did you tell the piggies about your brunch meal?!?! 😉
    HA…your last sentence is sensationally satisfyingly snort-worthy! 😀
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

    1. Thank you very much, Carolyn. As usual, you don’t miss much. I am especially pleased you liked the Ice Cream Guy. I thought it best not to upset the piggies, and liked your alliteration. X

  6. I still haven’t figured out the setting to enlarge pictures. It’s bugging me. I have so mixed feelings about these dog carts. As long as the dog is happy and pain-free I find them extra special.

  7. What a wonderfully rich and diverse environment you live in! I’m thankful people are investing in those dog carts and hope the ittle dog gets enough time to rest.

  8. It took me a minute to figure out that the cart was designed to help a handicapped dog, not to provide it with the ease of being pulled about! I once saw a cat that had been so equipped, and it was astonishing how well she got around. Me? I’d like to have a bit of that brunch served up; the sausages look wonderful.

  9. The dog cart is a surprise, just as you say, and a considerate act of the dog owner. The sight of the shingle along the shore makes me want to be there. Beach huts are a modern materialistic obsession of the gentry.

    1. Thanks very much, Uma. The dog was progressing at quite a rate. Our beach huts go back to early fishermen’s huts. They really took off at the beginning of the 20th century. This extract from the New Milton Advertiser & Lymington Times makes your point:
      ‘A BEACH hut has gone on sale at Mudeford beach for a whopping £570,000 – and if it sells it would set a new record price.

      Months ago a similar hut hit the headlines when it fetched £375,000, which was thought to be the highest ever, but the pandemic and a rise in staycation breaks has sent prices soaring even further.’
      Seven years ago we paid £425,000. Pop stars are the new money now.

  10. Such a lovely day! I bet even the sweet dog with the mobility aid was enjoying his walk on the sunny beach. That farewell-to-the-beach photo before the pony pics is just gorgeous. It really hit the spot today. 🙂

  11. Oh such fun to see these photos and read the commentary with greater understanding! We now know what the huts and verges are and can visualize your surroundings in their fullness! Thank you for keeping us abreast of your activities! We had a wonderful day with our daughter and her whole family.

    1. Thank you very much, Jan. It puts a whole new perspective on our trips to know that you have been there in person with us. I am so pleased that you have been able to gather once more with De’s family. X

      1. It is such a blessing to have been able to see you both plus Tommy and then spend time with all our Swiss family. We are quite grateful!

  12. What a super day out.
    We often used to rent a beach for the day when our girls were young, it didn’t cost very much but was very useful when we had both toddlers and a baby.

  13. Most of the people on your pictures wear jackets which means for me it is already not to hot outside, but surprisingly I see some of the people still swim. Probably, it happens because the Sun is still warm and gentle. 🙂

  14. It has made me appreciate how much I love going to a restaurant, you know – having to give them up for so long. Now I worry about the staff indoors, who are more exposed than me to germs. It’s good for me to think about things more carefully. This is a good selection of photos and gives a sense of the day.

  15. One of the things I’m missing down here is “dining in at an eatery” – we can have contactless + cashless collection and eat some place else, but no getting a table, looking at a menu and waiting for food to arrive… I have nice place in Newmarket that I like to frequent – but thinking about N/Market right now, it might not even have passing trade – not a great deal of residents in the area, more would be clients like me shopping or working in office blocks. Most people working from home…and of course most of my shopping is via online services…

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