A Knight’s Tale (47: Wedding And Honeymoon)

Our wedding took place at St Edmund’s Church, Beckenham, on 2nd March 1968.

We enjoyed a four day honeymoon at The Kings Arms, Ockley,

where these three portraits were produced while my new mother-in-law looked after Michael.

One of our walks took us up Leith Hill.

This abandoned house provided ample photo-opportunities near the inn, close by a

burning shed that brought spectators and the fire service to the scene. The shed was soon extinguished. The fire in me was not.

On our return I carried Jackie over the threshold of 76 Amity Grove, into which my father had, in readiness, moved my furniture from Ashcombe Road.


  1. Ohhhh! What marvelous photos! I’m SO glad the two of you found each other again after all those years apart! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. I love seeing your wedding photos, but I love your photo spread of Jackie and the shed. Yes, very 1960s, but lovely.
    “The fire in me was not.” Oh, that got me. ❤️❤️

    Gmail likes to keep me on my toes. I found this one in my “promotions” section.

      1. II agree with everything that merriildsmith said including finding you in promotions today. Maybe they thought were promoting your painting and photography capabilities. Lovely post in every sense of the word.

          1. Promotions are one of the categories that Gmail can slot emails into. Not sure what prompts them to stick something in Promotions.

  3. Beautiful photos. Jackie, your wedding dress looks beautiful; your veil stunning. Love the honeymoon shots too. awww and sweet Michael looked adorable holding his new mumma’s hand. Lots of memories there Derrick.

  4. Such a beautiful post. A picture speaks a thousand words, as the saying goes, in this case several pictures. Thanks you for sharing these precious memories with us all, Derrick. And please tell Jackie how beautiful she is – then and now 😍

  5. This chapter is a treasure trove of photographs. Jackie’s portraits have captured her persona to the core. I am sure you relished the shooting sessions. The shed on fire has become symbolic of the passionate get together, as has been hinted cleverly by you.

  6. I agree with Sheree, you’ve always been a great photographer, Derrick. Lovely photos of your bride! ❤️🇬🇧

  7. My first thought was, “There they are: the sixties.” My second thought was, “I’m so glad your memories of that time are sweet.” The photos are pure delight.

  8. All the photos are treasures. My favorites are the portraits and the honeymoon shots – especially the ones with the blanket and Jackie enjoying the view, and the old house.

  9. What a beautiful wedding, and so right for the times, as compared to the extravangas of today. I wonder if your mum made the bridesmaids dresses. Is that her standing to the right of Jackies mum in the group shot? Jackies mum looks like shes only in her twenties herself, and her dad, wonder what he was thinking as he paused with her at the church door. A fine looking group of family and friends all round. Beautiful memories of the day, and a memorable honeymoon for many reasons.

  10. OH! What wonderful wedding photos AND portraits of beautiful Jackie! All lovely and artistic!
    The love and happiness shines through!!! 🙂

    Derrick, You earned your The Great Photographer title years ago!
    The group wedding photo with Jackie and little Michael holding hands got me teary-eyed. 🙂

    Jackie, You were beautiful then…inside and out…as you are today! 🙂
    Love your dress and bridesmaid’s dresses! What colour were their dresses?
    (((HUGS))) and <3 🙂
    PS…abandoned houses and buildings make great places to take photos!

  11. I remember this fantastic photo of Jackie in white boots on the background of mysteriously fogged forest. The wedding photos are precious, of course, but your portraits of Jackie are fabulous, Derrick. You made such a lovely couple!

  12. “the fire in me had not.” <3 Love love love your portraits of Jackie. My fave is the one in the white sweater, and second fave is her lying in white boots looking out over the view.

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