This is the diary post for 15th November. We had no internet connection last night, so I could not publish it then.
My uploading struggles continued today, but I did manage to transfer the last problematic image to yesterday’s post, and made more progress with shedding.

Richard from Kitchen Makers skimmed the ceiling of the former dressing room and fitted a new light into the airing cupboard in which he has built new shelves offering more space.

Jackie, meanwhile, made a start on burning the summer’s garden clippings. True to form, I had to abandon uploading a further one of these images.
After taking over bonfire duties later this afternoon, I published The illustrations to this were already the WordPress Media file.
This evening we dined on a second helping of Jackie’s wholesome winter stewp with fresh crusty bread, accompanied by the same beverages as yesterday.
Burning clippings and bits of branches in Nottingham is strictly verboten. Instead, you have to put it in your brown bin with the paler brown lid (not the grey lid,which is for recyclable items that do not have sellotape on them). Every fortnight, the binmen come and take your tree parts away to the biggest compost heap in the world. Meanwhile, what do we do with our ordinary rubbish? The council burns it, but in a completely green way, of course:
Thanks a lot, John. We still have to make an appointment to go to our recycling centre – otherwise we are very fortunate with rubbish collection.
Love the images of the bonfire.
Your house is going to be so organised when the renovations are complete – tidy airing cupboard, neat wardrobes, and all the built up paperwork filed in the shredder!
I’m glad everything is alright, I did wonder when I realised you hadn’t posted.
Sorry about the dreadful internet problems – only two more days to go!.
Thanks a lot, Sue. It was a pleasant surprise to find that we were back on this morning.
Oh, I can believe it!
I would love to have a bonfire to rid our garden of piles of clippings … alas they are verboten here too and at the first wisps of smoke rising up (that does not smell of braaivleis) we would have the fire fire department racing up the hill. In these tinder dry drought conditions this is not a bad move – fires are easily started by a windblown ember.
Thanks very much, Anne. That is a new word for me. I hope I can remember it.
You and Jackie are displaying the early signs of pyromania … which might come in handy for me soon, as this is my 3rd attempt to send you a comment here on your post … I have had 3 days of the computer ‘go-slows’ and internet stoppages .. and I’m tottering on the edge setting the system “alight” … ‘they’ say things should be back to normal in the morming … hmmm .. fingers crossed Derrick …
Solidarity, Ivor. Thanks very much
Yeah !! it went … Third time lucky Derrick ..
🙂 Cheers, Ivor
I’m sure we’re not allowed to burn such stuff here either, but the photos are great.
Sorry about your Internet troubles, Derrick.
Thanks a lot, Merril. All was smooth today.
A busy day!
Yep. Thanks a lot, Leslie
Sorry about the internet issues, Derrick. That can really mess up your day.
Thanks a lot, Jill. I am more relaxed about it than I used to be, but I’m not very good at giving up.
Me either!😉
Jigsaws and crosswords give us away 🙂
Definitely! 🙂
All in all, it looks like a productive day–despite the internet petulance.
Yes. Thanks a lot, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I got this from another blogger, as they are having problems too.
🙂 You gotta laugh. Thanks a lot, GP
Sure thing! When it comes to technology, I HAVE to laugh or the computer will end up in the Atlantic!! 🤓
Understood 🙂
Burning garden clippings is also prohibited in France, they have to be taken to the communal dump.
We would take them to the tip, but we now have to make an appointment on line to do so – it would take forever in our Modus. Pre-Covid we always took them in smaller quantities. Thanks a lot, Sheree
What nonsense in UK.
Glad it was not a gusty day. The fire looks smoky.
Yes, we do pong a bit, Pat. Thanks very much
Good progress on the remodel work, Derrick. It will be so nice when completed. We also use an old wheelbarrow as a fire pit. More for “sitting around the fire” than ridding the yard of waste.
Thanks a lot, Maj
That was quite to fire! Here I think we would have to have it in some type of burning barrel, but what we have goes out for the city garbage pickup.
Thanks a lot, AnneMarie. We keep them confined to wheelbarrow and incinerator drum. We have to make an appointment to take ours to the recycling centre.
Beautiful bonfire! I missed the smell of burnt dry leaves. However, it is surprise you can do it in your garden. Here at my place we are not allowed to make this huge fire.
We are OK here, although other parts of the country have more restrictions. Thanks very much, Alexander
So many comments about not being allowed to burn. In central Maine, as long as you have the space, and the state is not in drought, you can burn.
It varies a bit in Uk, Laurie. We are fine, but I always alert the neighbours. Thanks very much.
Looks like a productive day.
Thanks very much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
The scent of burning leaves used to be a fall feature when I was growing up at the dawn of time. Later, when it was my job to deal with yard waste, I composted it and enjoyed really spectacular garden produce the next season. It was a reasonable trade off.
Many leaves from those branches, and of course, the ashes find their way to the compost. Thanks very much, Doug.
Yes, ashes are good for the garden, too!
We don’t get too many Autumn leaves around here. There’s just the odd smattering of deciduous trees here in our town. There’s more gum leaves on the ground after heavy winds – all year round.
Thanks very much, Chrissy
I wondered why you weren’t posting! Now I know. Darn internet problems! Glad you are up and running again!
Hey, Jackie…”Come on, baby, light my fire!” 😉
Hope you both have a wonderful night’s rest/sleep and a great day tomorrow!
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thank you so much from us both, Carolyn X
Richard loves a bonfire and gets well kippered standing next to it and giving it a poke every now-and-then. He waits until the wind is blowing away from local houses. It is good to get rid of bulky clippings that way. I am sorry you are having such awful internet problems.
Thank you very much, Clare. Mysteriously, all went smoothly yesterday
P.S. to the previous post: I rather like your hippie image, Derrick.
🙂 Thanks again, Dolly
Yu are welcome again, Derrick.
I hope you’ll be able to solve the problem with the uploading 😬
Tomorrow will tell, Ribana. Thanks very much
A bonfire in a wheelbarrow is a great idea, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Robbie. It is of course the Head Gardener’s
Tis the season for burning brush. There is a lot of it going on in my area now.
Thanks very much, Lavinia
You are either stubborn or determined. I’m glad you work so hard to improve our blog experience, but I wish you didn’t have to.
Stubbermined might encapsulate it, Crystal. Thanks a lot