Woodland Sunset

At midday Ronan of Tom Sutton Heating visited to make further planned adjustments to our central heating system.

Having, in sharp contrast to yesterday’s constant mist, enjoyed a cloudless blue sky with bright sunshine throughout, after a shopping trip to Ferndene Farm Shop, we took a drive into the forest.

I was not the only photographer focussed on the deer alongside Burley Manor lawn.

Ponies grazed on the hillside along Forest Road, where

I snatched glimpses of a classic car as it sped past me.

Towards sunset, with the moon reluctant to depart, I photographed reflections in the waterlogged land alongside Burley Road.

It is my belief that clouds are needed to produce a good sunset, so at the appropriate time I wondered whether trees wood serve as a substitute, and ventured further into the woodland,

where I tried it out.

The Assistant photographer also put in a strong bid for promotion in photographing the scene, especially, as she pointed out, as my pictures did not feature me. She was particularly careful to show my efforts to prevent another fall. The first picture in her gallery gives a clue to “Where’s Derrick?” (6) which constitutes the second one.

The sun was sinking rapidly as we retuned along Burley Road.

This evening we enjoyed our final helpings of Jackie’s wholesome beef pie meal with the addition of baked beans. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Tempranillo.


  1. What a lovely blue sky! We have that here in Placerville, too. The warm sun on my back is healing ❤️‍🩹 I love those beautiful horses and the photos Jackie captured if you. Your assistant photographer is quite adept, you know 👌🏽

  2. Derrick and Jackie,
    Such amazing and delightful photos! The animals, the trees, the sunset, the cool well-seasoned car and it’s driver! 🙂
    Jackie, your photos of The GP are great! His beautiful hair always gives him away! 😉
    The forest floor and the pool reflection photos are faves of mine today. The capturing of light and shadows so wonderful! 🙂
    Jackie DOES deserve a promotion…in many areas of life! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) to you both! 🙂
    PS…Sunlight and sunsets…the most precious gold!

  3. Dear Derrick and Jackie,

    The photos of the sunset have lit the forest on fire in a magical way, and the addition of Derrick in them inspire a story, A fairy tale? Maybe

  4. So many good photos in this group–the reflection ones may be your best yet in that category–but I am utterly entranced by all of the “woodland at sunset” ones. The light is just exquisite! I’m going with Jackie’s #5, #6, #7, and #8 as my favorites.

  5. Your sunset in the woods photos are amazing. It’s hard to pick a favorite. I love the trunk, the leaf, and the various ways you caught light gilding things. Lovely. I also like seeing Jackie’s pictures of you in the woods.

  6. You two make an amazing team, Derrick. The photos are gorgeous! I do worry about you traipsing through the woods. I don’t want you to trip on a root or twist your ankle in a hole. I’m speaking from experience. 🙂 Be careful!

    1. I worry too! So often I am just looking for him if he is gone too long when I see the photo opportunities ! I have told him that I will get shots of him with his bottom in the mud, next time he trips up!!

  7. That was sure a good call to ventured further into the woodland for sunset perspectives. The golden light is very beautiful. I especially enjoyed Jackie’s photos contrasting gold in the background with green and brown in the foreground, and of course showing you having a good time trapsing carefully among the trees.

  8. You and Jackie had a beautiful day there for a forest drive, and for photography. Those trees do make for a beautiful sunset without clouds. It was relatively warm and sunny here today, too. Tonight I watched the constellation Orion chasing a waxing gibbous moon across the night sky.

  9. This is a delightful collection of photographs of one of the magical times of the day. You have captured the changes of light so well from the bright, to fading, to the next warmly bright phase, to the final blaze before night falls. Well done to both of you for giving the rest of us such joy.

  10. A delightful walk in the woods! One of the benefits of being the photographer is never to be reminded one isn’t that handsome lad of 20 any longer, just a seriously older fellow who walks with a cane (or whatever….). Looks like you are in much better shape than that and are wise to take those walks!

      1. You are welcome. As noted, I hate to be so pedantic, but I know my enjoyment of the bird life increased considerably when others helped me learn them by field marks and behavior. Your photos are so usable (for bird ID), you clearly enjoy nature and sharing it through your posts! (I enjoy reading your blogs, incidentally! It’s one of the more interesting ones I follow, Derrick!)

  11. Today’s photos are especially crisp and sharp. The classic chateau like structure, looks graceful and splendid —it strikes me as a mixture of the Victorian and Edwardian architecture. The herd of deer and the vintage car are prize captures. Trees have been brilliantly deployed in lieu of clouds to make the sunset all the more brilliant. Your meticulous movements to artistically expose the setting sun through the trees have been amply recorded by the Assistant Photographer.

    1. The old Elizabethan Manor House was bought by Colonel Esdaile in 1852. He pulled it down and built a new one, which is now an hotel. Thank you very much, Uma.

  12. that closing sunset was stunning and I like how you led us there – and always like seeing you in action with your camera –
    also, I agree that usually clouds are needed to produce a good sunset,

  13. There are so many gorgeous shots in this post, I can’t pick a favorite. I think you’re right in general about the clouds, but you managed a workaround. I enjoyed Jackie’s photo series of you walking through the woods.

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