Recycling A Silver Cigarette Case

This morning I posted

This afternoon, having made good headway with

I scanned this frontispiece featuring “Miss Havisham”,

and the next six of Charles Keeping’s illustrations.

‘A man whose teeth chattered as he seized me by the chin’

‘He was gobbling mincemeat, meat bone, bread, cheese and pork pie, all at once’

‘Dragged out separately, my convict and the other one’

‘Estella seemed to be everywhere’

‘The Three Jolly Bargemen’

This Christmas Mrs Santa Claus placed a silver cigarette case in my stocking.

The present bears hallmarks stating that it was assayed in Birmingham in 1925, and bears an inscription for Xmas 1926. I may have smoked cigars or a pipe on and off over the years, but have never tried cigarettes. So, why this case?

The answer is contained in

The card case featured therein has always been just a little small to take the individually guillotined cards without shaving their edges.

Having today printed another stock to place in my new container, I will be able to use it for the first time.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s spicy paprika pork topped with mixed peppers and served with boiled potatoes, cabbage and carrots, with which she drank Carlsberg and I drank Tesco’s finest Faugères 2019.


  1. “Great Expectations” … I was very young when I saw the black and white film of it. Seeing that sketch of Pip being grabbed by the chin brings back the sheer terror I felt seeing this on the screen. I also recall the cobwebs gleaming in the light in Miss Havisham’s house and walking home very close to my two older brothers in the dark after the show. As for the cigarette case … what an excellent use for it!

  2. Exceptional illustrations with Mr Keeping’s trademark precise flowing lines creating blurry images that express emotions together with actions.
    What an elegant and useful gift, Derrick!

  3. What a great idea for the use of the antique (I think I can call it antique now) cigarette case. Much better than carrying cigarettes. Actually, having cards to help people find our blogs is a brilliant idea!

  4. I have a set of cards for my blog and I think my little card case also needs a top up.

    Great Expectations is my favourite of the Dickens books.
    Just like Anne I was a child when I watched the original black and white film. It was the Christmas treat at school. I’m not sure which came first, reading the book or watching the film. I loved it then just as much as I do today.

  5. Very cool gift! You know, when I read Great Expectations as a kid the book was old and illustrated. I wonder if it was this version or another. But the language gave me a vivid description of Miss Havisham and this wasn’t her! Wasn’t she? It wasn’t Miss H!

  6. That is such a cute, thoughtful gift. Charles Keeping remains as inimitable as Charles Dickens in his vivid depiction of the times that find place on his canvas.

  7. I read Great Expectations as a kid and, also, saw at least 2 movies based on it. 🙂
    What a beautiful well-seasoned helpful gift from Mrs. Claus!!! 🙂 What a classy way to carry your cards! And how wonderful of Becky to think to gift you with those cards so long ago now! So smart!
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  8. Charles Keeping is quite the sketcher! I love his detail. Maybe someday I will be able to draw a little bit like that!? :>)
    Your silver case holds lots of memories!

  9. I love the idea of having WP cards with you to invite people to your blog (especially those you’ve just photographed who will enjoy seeing what you do with their picture) – and the link to explain the silver case was a precious gift indeed! That picture of you and Sam is a treasure! You’ve certainly kept those good looks quite admirably Derrick!

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