This afternoon we drove to Pilley where we collected Elizabeth to take her on a photographic trip to the north of the forest and return to our home for dinner.

As I stepped out of the car to photograph ponies in a stream at Ibsley I noticed a gentleman with the same aim in mind. Back in the car I noticed a couple of very heavy horses.

Elizabeth and I both communed with ponies at North Gorley. Once more I got my own back on Jackie as she photographed

my sister and me.

On the way up the hill to the common we disturbed a stag and his harem.

Elizabeth and I photographed a bucolic smoky scene.

I gained a smile from an equestrienne crossing the stream.
Elizabeth will e-mail me her pictures tomorrow.
The aforementioned dinner consisted of Jackie’s savoury rice topped with a thick omelette; prawns of the tempura and the hot and spicy varieties; and vegetable spring rolls. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden while Elizabeth and I drank Hacienda Don Hernan Rioja 2019.
As I publish this post Jackie is driving Elizabeth home.
Wonderful photos. Nice you communed with the ponies. 🐴🐴🐴
Thank you very much, Pat
Wonderful photos. Nice you communed with the ponies. 🐴🐴🐴
Great shots. I love #7 (the big brown horse with a leafed branch hanging over his neck.). So pretty!
Thank you so much, AnneMarie
2nd, 3rd and 4th photo, I think you were being watched too. Plus a few others I noticed. Deer is often sighted on our east coast. Big ones. Mostly they wander into peoples gardens demolishing roses and vegetable gardens. Where we live, kangaroo numbers keep them away. Deer were introduced into Australia from Europe in the 19th century as game animals. Now they roam, breed and eat everything in sight constantly causing damage both to the natural environment and agricultural businesses. It’s a shame.
Jackie is with you entirely, Chrissy. Thanks very much
You got so many great shots today! There were several in the running for my favorite, but #5/7 “Pony reflcted in stream’ took top honors for the color palette: the white horse against the blue water with a small green accent on the bank.
Thank you very much for this appreciative analysis, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I feel like I’ve had a adventure looking at your photos. Nice outing you had
We did, More. Thank you very much
I particularly liked the reflective white pony but you got a great many excellent shots on what looks like quite a dull day.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal. The sun came and went
So many beautiful hore photos, Derrick! Nice and sunny too.
Many thanks, John
The reflections in the stream are really lovely, but smoke scenes are worthy of being painted and framed.
I totally agree, Sue.
Thank you both very much
You are very welcome. I take it that Elizabeth is feeling well again?
She’s still coughing, but a lot better.
Thank you so much, Sue. You can imagine what a delight it was to drive into that scene
I always love the reflection shots. So many beauties today! Thanks for sharing, Derrick.
Much appreciated, Jill
Great pictures, Derrick. Another good outing!
Thank you very much, Barbara
Wonderful reflections, and I always like the close ups of hair and fur. The horse and equestrienne brought back fond memories.
Thank you very much, JoAnna. I am pleased about the memories
Completely beautiful Derrick
Thank you so much, Gary.
Fantastic photos of horses in the water. Glad Elizabeth was feeling well enough to come for a visit.
Thanks very much, Laurie
That looks like a fun afternoon! The ponies seem to be enjoying a good sunny day and some pond weed soup.
Thanks very much, Lavinia
These photos are out of this world. Dinner sounds good, too!
Thanks very much, Luanne. The scenes were most certainly other worldly
Derrick, is that horse (beige and brown header photo) wearing a jacket or is that its duo-colored self? Fascinating! And what a beautiful rider on that amazing horse! So glad Elizabeth was able to enjoy such a lovely day with you!
Thank you so much, Jan. I had the same question about the colouring. I think it is natural. The smile was the icing on the cake
It is as if a world of ponies has burst open before our eyes. Brother and sister make a pretty picture shooting the woodland. The smoky scenes mottled with cattle have yielded many a beautiful painting like exposures.
Thank you very much, Uma. Joyful scenes certainly burst into view.
These photographs are a delight to look at.
I’m so pleased, Anne. It was a good day to take Elizabeth along. Thanks very much
Wonderful photos, Derrick. I love the horses and the reflections. Beautiful horse and rider!
Thank you so much, Dwight
You are welcome!
How lovely! Some look like Bruegel paintings.
Thank you very much, Cindy
Hard to decide which photo takes “Shot of the Day” great reflection. Thanks for sharing
Much appreciated, Catherine
I always love the shots you are sharing
Thank you very much, Mina
Most welcome
Such lovely photos! Bucolic indeed ☺️❤️
Thanks very much, De X
A lovely photo of you and Elizabeth!
A joy to see the ponies, the deer, and the cattle!
Your reflection photos are ALWAYS amazing! Frame-worthy! 🙂
The pony’s mane photo made me grin. 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thank you very much, Carolyn X
I’m surprised anything burned after the wet weather you’ve been having!
There are lots of bonfires about, John. Thanks very much
The images with smoke and reflection are fantastic, Derrick.
Thank you so much, Rupali
The ‘smoky’ photos could almost be paintings, Derick 😊
Thank you very much, Sandra
Elizabeth certainly got a memorably photographic journey–and delicious dinner! So many beautiful photos. I particularly like the horse with the branches and reflection and the smoke and cows. The equestrian has a lovely smile.
Thank you so much, Merril
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Reminded me of the film Ghostbusters – “Don’t cross the streams, crossing the streams is very bad”
Thanks a lot, Andrew
You KNOW how I feel about this post!!!! I now think my smile is plastered in place for at least today!!
I do indeed, my friend, GP. Thanks a lot
Amazing shots and i love how they take me to another place in time. The header shot is awesome.
Thank you so much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
A wonderful day. Your adventure was full of life.
Thank you so much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
A superb collection. I especially liked the ponies in the stream and the mane, but the smoky ones were very atmospheric too.
Thank you very much, Susan
Lovely photos Derrick!
Thank you very much, Aletta
Lovely, lovely photos as always Derrick.
Thank you so much, Arlene
What a gorgeous day! I’m happy Elizabeth is feeling better!
Thank you so much, Ribana
Love the drifting smoke.
Thanks very much, Lindsey
Glad that Elizabeth got all better. Love seeing those deer!
Thank you very much, Crystal