Much of this sunny morning was spent reminiscing with Becky.
Jackie and I lunched at our normal time. We then joined the others for theirs at The Beachcomber Café, Barton on Sea.

Flo took this photograph on the approach to the café.

Jackie and I enjoyed drinks while the others were impressed with the quality of the food served. Because the albeit extensive establishment was so full we had to dine alfresco and wait in line for that. The service of this family-run business was nevertheless friendly and efficient. As can be seen, Ian occupied himself with Sudokus, while Becky and Flo conversed happily. The final picture in this gallery is our granddaughter’s.

She also photographed me reacting to the apparent seizing up of my shutter while I was trying to capture

shadows of other diners. Fortunately the problem was resolved before they departed.

When we had finished at Beachcomber the others drove back to the house while Jackie and I continued into the forest. Foraging ponies grazed on the soggy turf or tore at hollies on Honey Lane.

The ford across Forest Road flowed faster than we have seen it before.

This mossy bank beside it looked decidedly damp.

Just outside Burley a bay pony also dined alfresco on the contents of a garden refuse sack.
For this evening’s meal Jackie produced roast lamb; sage and onion stuffing; Jersey Royal boiled potatoes; crunchy carrots; firm Brussels sprouts; tender runner beans, and meaty gravy, with which she, Becky and Ian drank Portuguese Rosé, Flo drank Apple and Mango juice, and I drank more of the Monastrell.
So many nice photos, Derrick, the food looks delicious! We call fish done like that Fish and Chips. Seeing your lens off the body, I thought oh no, the sensor is going to get so dusty!
Thanks very much, John. Yes – fish and chips
Ahh, good! I’m so glad we have so many things in common. 🇬🇧🇺🇸❤️
Some of those ponies were having themselves a nice little nibble!
They were, Liz. Thanks very much
You’re welcome, Derrick.
It looks like a lovely day for both people and horses to dine alfresco. Your expression! 😀
Thanks very much, Merril. Flo has to vet my photographs of her – now I know why 🙂
I should have read this after dinner. My mouth is watering for the fish and chips! Great photos, Derrick.
What a lovely afternoon!
The shots of the ponies pruning the trees are fabulous, one pony with her mouth full appears to be smiling at you.
Yes, it really does look like that, Sue. Thank you very much
What a difference a year makes – the cafe must be so glad to have diners back in such force!
Lovely shadows 🙂
Thank you very much, Emma
Looks like all fresco dining was the preferred setting for man, woman, child, and horses.
Thank you very much, Pat
I’m glad you enjoyed the dining. The ponies are standing in expressive poses, and the mossy roots show an intricate pattern.
Thank you so much, JoAnna
Bang goes my diet. I know what I need to have tomorrow now.
Thanks a lot, Gary
An interesting post. Looks like you had a great time together. Love the horses!
Thanks a lot, Dwight
You are welcome!
St Patrick’s Day celebrations have slowed my down … I’m feeling a bit soggy like the ponies Derrick …
Thanks a lot, Ivor. Great track. Get well 🙂
Coming good .. slowly
That pony knew a good thing was in that bag!
Thanks very much, Barbara
It looks like an enjoyable family lunch. (I also enjoy a bit of Sudoku after lunch.)
Thanks very much, Nicki
I thought at first only the pony was dining al fresco — how nice that you were able to as well, even if it was a bit unplanned.
Thanks very much, Linda. That’s what you were meant to think 🙂
What a lovely gathering. When the weather is nice, eating outside is better than eating inside.
Thanks very much, Laurie
That is a fie character study of a grandfather – photography is obviously a family skill.
Thank you very much for that, Quercus
Looks like a wonderful day with the women in your life.
Thanks very much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
You seem to have captured a horse laughing!
Yes – well spotted, John 🙂 Thanks a lot
I wouldn’t mind a good old Pommy fish and chips about now.
Thanks a lot, John
Everyone appeared to be enjoying their meal and I’m certain you also enjoyed Jackie’s lamb!
And you still made time to capture the ponies!
Thanks very much, GP 🙂
What a lovely day!
A delicious lunch out in the sun, a drive in the forest followed by Jackie’s delicious dinner sound like a thoroughly pleasant day.
The ponies should be shedding their winter coats soon.
Thanks very much Lavinia for that splendid summing up
Fine browsing and sluicing all round.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
Would so enjoy eating outddors–that fish, delicious-looking! I enjoy shadow photos so liked yours. 🙂
Thank you so much, Cynthia
That’s a beautiful 360 picture by Flo. I also liked the photographs of the horses. You look like you all had a nice meal and spent a nice day together. What a change from covid times!
Yes, indeed. Fingers crossed still. Thanks very much, Geetha
Most welcome Derrick
Food, ponies, trees and reflections —all appear in turn and tastefully done (the pun is unintentional).
Thanks very much, Uma
Ha, that moment the photographer gets nabbed 😉 We always thought it amusing why cafes/pubs put potato chips on the side when we ordered sandwiches. At first, we thought they made a mistake in our orders. We, of course, were wrong. Mentioned how unhealthy a habit it was though somehow there were no chips left on the plate when we left. Funny that.
Many thanks, Suzanne 🙂
The roast lamb; sage and onion stuffing sounds marvelous. Glad to get caught up on my reading of your posts, Derrick. I had missed a few!
You have been busy, Jan. Thank you very much