Definitely Spring

On this warm and sunny day Jackie unwrapped the wooden patio chairs and

we set them in place;

Flo continued her work in the garden, clearing twigs and leaves of cordyline

Australis and setting about burning them;

I wandered around with a camera.

Jackie and I took a forest drive after lunch while the others dealt with banking.

I photographed wild woodland daffodils along the banks of the rippling, reflecting Lin Brook, where bent a broken tree trunk.

We continued along Highwood Road, with shadows

falling across last autumn’s fallen leaves and the trunks of trees.

A field horse churned up a mud bath and splashed around in it before joining

its companions in a run,

while others grazed in a field opposite.

A drift of daffodils enhanced a neighbouring piece of land.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s wholesome chicken and vegetable stewp, with which she, Becky, and Ian drank Portuguese Rosé, while I drank Patrick Chodot Fleurie 2019.


  1. It looks like a glorious day–almost summery. So many beautiful photos–garden, fields, and woods–I can’t pick a favorite. I do like how you caught the horses in motion. The second photo looks like the trio are doing a dance routine.

  2. Oh so nice a photo shoot!
    “wild woodland daffodils along the banks of the rippling, reflecting Lin Brook, where bent a broken tree trunk”

  3. The weather certainly moved up a notch. Well done to Flo, she looks like she’s enjoying the task too.
    Loving the field horses having springtime fun.

    On such a lovely day, my day was made up too when the sheep and the early lambs arrived.

  4. It’s nice to see your garden blooming, and I especially like the daffodils blooming by the stream. Every time I’ve seen horses running in person, I can feel their energy. I bet you felt it, too.

  5. So far our autumn is turning out to be summery warm with deep red sunrises and a buttery yellow moon rising shortly after sunset. Leaves eddying down in the hot breezes are distinctly autumnal, so it is a pleasure looking at the spring flowers in your garden. As always, I enjoy the play of shadow and light in your photographs.

  6. Flowers, a country lane, and ponies running around the daffodils – i sure doesn’t get any better than that!

  7. Your sunny spring photos warm the heart, Derrick and Jackie! I am glad you have Flo there to help with the gardening.

    I especially love the photos of the rippling brook with its shadows and light. It is clear, and I can see the stones on the bottom.

  8. I posted this on my FB page for all those who are missing the start of spring (the way I am) to enjoy your garden, your forest drive, and the photos of life in your neck of the woods. I love those flowers… especially the camellia!

  9. Flo makes a lovely header photo. Is she wearing rainbow Crocs on her feet? My daughter and her boyfriend have matching pairs of the same, if so. lol The daffodils are lovely and so surprising to me – ours are blooming in full force as well, but I think of you as so far ahead of me as far as spring goes. Maybe you just have that many more flowers that bloom early.

    The wooden chairs are just gorgeous! Love that color.

    I love the horses running. Don’t they look happy that it’s finally spring? Me too!

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