On this bright, yet cool, morning Jackie and I took a short drive into the forest.

Celandines, nettles, and other wild flowers lined the verges of Warborne Lane, Portmore, alongside which goats and their climbing kids occupy a field beside horses in a fenced garden.

On Pilley Street a friendly young girl opened the gate by the cattle grid to enable the driver of a horse and carriage to pass through and continue along the road.

The vitreous lake bore reflections and shadows of the limbs and trunks of trees coated with lichen and a dog with its walker on the far side.

Ponies basked and grazed among the gorse and along the verges at East Boldre;

further along the road a dappled grey crossed to the other side seeking second helpings. Nearby a selfish sorrel created a sparky kerfuffle as it butted another pony with whom it was not prepared to share pickings.

A trio of donkeys maintained their occupation of the Norleywood Road junction.

Beside the rowing boat shells beneath the cone-laden pine overlooking Lymington River an oyster catcher sought breakfast.
This evening we dined on slow roasted breast of lamb; crispy roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding; crunchy carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower, with which Jackie drank Carlsberg, I drank Azinhaga de Ouro Reserva 2019, and Flo drank exotic fruit juices diluted.
Great photos, once again. Loved the shabby boats.
Thanks very much, Quercus
So did I, quercus.
Nice to be out and aboutagain
Thanks a lot, Sheree
The horse and carriage looks like a fun ride 🙂
The children were clearly delighted. Thanks very much, Rosaliene
What a wonderful area you live in, Derrick! I love the goats, horses, donkeys. . .I think my favorite photos were the ponies in landscape.
I think you must be feeling better since you’re back to imbibing. 🙂
Yes, Merril. I wasn’t sure about the wine, but no after effects. Thank you very much
You’re welcome. A good thing!
A wonderful presentation!
Thanks very much, Dwight
You are welcome Derrick!
I do love a good kerfuffle (as long as it’s happening to somebody else).
Thanks a lot, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
It may have the wrong attitude, but that sorrel is a very beautiful horse.
Yes, indeed, John. Thank you very much
A lovely set of photos, Derrick! The animals seem very content. ❤️
Thank you very much, John. I think they sensed spring
Love the butt-heading donkeys. They remind me of ours. Glad that things are back to normal.
Thanks very much, Pat
Kerfuffle! “Bless you!” 😉 HA! Just teasing!
Hope the kerfuffling didn’t go on too long!
Beautiful artistic photos! I especially like looking at the shadows, trees, reflections and donkeys!!!
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thank you so much, Carolyn. The kerfuffle was over in an instant. X
Good to see you back doing your fairly usual kind of day, including dinner with beverages…
Thanks very much, Catherine
Good to see an oyster catcher and a fine capture of the result of the kerfuffle.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal. I owe my recognition of oyster catchers to you.
Beautiful photos today! Thanks for taking us along on your outing. The carriage ride looks fun. Cheers!
Much appreciated, Jill
Lovely photos of 5hose beautiful animals
Thank you very much, More
You’re welcome Derrick
I meant those
Glad your back on adventures. The goats on the steps are precious.
Thank you very much, Mrs W
You’re welcome.
What more can be added? As always, it was a delightful trip through the countryside, and, as noticed by others, the post-jaunt meal included suitable alcoholic drinks, indicative of your improved health!
Thank you so much, Doug
The ponies are especially beautiful!
Thank you very much, JoAnna
Do the goats run loose, too?
Can you approach the ponies? I’d want to do that. For dinner we enjoyed a standing pork roast, enough for two more dinners (leftovers are always good), sauerkraut, cauliflower and apple sauce and gravy. I dran a chardonnay and my lovely wife had her usual, water. For dessert, a small portion of pecan caramel ice cream (low fat).
Thank you very much, Steve. The goats don’t run loose, and I wander among the ponies, although it is not advisable to tech them
I thoroughly enjoy the pony pictures and that you can be among them. Have a great day!, Derrick. Off to do the weekly grocery shopping but first stopping for gas.
What a lot of activity in reflected in your ride today. I love the beautiful white horse next to the field of white goats. A lovely journey today.
Thank you very much, Judy
That is a cute family on the buggy near Boldre Club, imminently photographable. Inverted trees into the pools have been captured brilliantly, and that may look easy but calls for a certain industry. The family of goats seems quite content with their lot as against the butt wielding ponies causing kerfuffle. Incidentally, that is a favourite expression.
Thank you very much, Uma. I am pleased to have used one of your favourites.
Now I am wondering if that Roast Lamb was an export from NZ. It would be a darn sight cheaper on your plate than ours, crazy isn’t it. The horse photos are wonderful.
Hi Suzanne, the lamb came from Dorset, just up the road from us, and was purchased from Ferndene farm shop.
Hi Jackie, those farm shops are such a treat. We frequented them while over in the UK. Especially the cheese. I’m sure the UK lamb was tastier 😉 Funnily enough, with all our sheep, it’s no longer a popular meat choice for NZers.
Thanks very much, Suzanne
Yeah .. you know how to keep an old poet happy on a Monday Derrick … with plenty of frendly animal photos, especially the Donkey ones…. and I adored the photos of the driver and her horse and carriage
I’m pleased, Ivor. Thank you very much
The contrast with where I live is startling. On my walks I rarely see wildlife just acres and acres of crops. Occasionally a couple of deer will emerge from a solitary wood but that is a rare sight..
Thanks very much, Andrew
I shan’t say a word about your dinner. But, it seems I already have. Darn!
Welcome back to the vino.
Thanks very much, Yvonne. Don’t look at tonight’s
Thanks for the warning.
Amen, Yvonne! I was gonna write something quite similar. I’ll just say ditto to yours!
Dearie me, fighting horses! I bet the children loved the carriage ride.
The children certainly seemed to, and to be photographed. Thanks very much, Helen
Love this Spring jaunt!
Thank you very much, Val
These pictures are a story book all their own!
Thank you very much, GP
The donkeys get me each and every time! 🙂
Thanks very much, Bridget
What a beautiful day and delicious dinner 😋
Thank you very much, Ribana
The photo you used for your banner is stellar! I love the pictures of the animals and the rowboats. You seem to be feeling much better.
Thank you very much, Eugi. I am
You’re welcome, Derrick.
A beautiful sunny day in the forest and the reflections of trees with their newly opening leaf buds are very beautiful! The surly selfish sorrel and goat occupation each added their own element to the day’s slice of life. The donkeys always look peaceful. 🙂
Thank you so much, Lavinia
Your forest photos often bring to my mind Sir Walter Scott’s books I loved as a teenager.
Thank you very much, Dolly
My pleasure, Derrick.
Must feel great to be out and about again. 😀
Yes. Thanks very much, Widders