Just before lunch I posted https://derrickjknight.com/2022/04/29/a-knights-tale-129-waiting-on-barbados-part-two/

After lunch we took the Barnes Lane route to Milford on Sea pharmacy where ferns unfurled by the roadside.
Afterwards we continued into the forest

On Lymore Lane Jackie parked beside this field of golden oilseed rape flanked by dandelions and cow parsley. Once I had produced my images, in search of a better perspective, she climbed onto a concrete post designed to prevent infiltrating vehicles, and produced the final entry into this gallery, with its strip of housing, trees, and telegraph wires.

Many of our centuries old lanes have high banked verges gouged out over many years. Those beside Lower Sandy Down are no exceptions. Here ferns and bluebells scale the slopes and settle in fields and woodland beyond.

Just outside Brockenhurst a bovine trio basked in the warming sunshine casting long shadows.
For dinner this evening Becky produced another sitting of Jackie’s sausages in red wine, with her own creamy mashed potato, and fresh firm broccoli. This was followed by apple pie and cream. My wife drank Hoegaarden, I drank more of the Cabernet Sauvignon, and our daughter drank Diet Coke. Our granddaughter abstained.
The field is beautiful, I would love to drive the ancient roads!
Thanks very much, John
What a day for a daydreaming/photographing boy (of any age). Lovely!
Thanks a lot, Pat
It is so good to see your wonderful photos of the rapeseed flowers – such a happy, bright colour. Let’s hope that crop is used to ease the cooking oil shortage – and that life settles for those who produce so much of it for the world.
Very good points here, Emma. Thanks very much
Amen to that, Emma!
Such beauty! I especially love the gallery of golden rapeseed flowers–and Jackie with them.
Thank you very much, Merril
You’re very welcome, Derrick.
The field of rapeseed triggered my hay fever
Sorry about that, Sheree. Thanks very much
I was fascinated by the story of the lanes with their high verges. Must be lovely to see them covered with bluebells and ferns.
Thanks very much, Laurie. Some lanes in Devon are so low that you can’t see above the hedgerows
Holy cats!
The oilseed rape is a sight to behold.. we have many fields near by too… Wonderful images as always and smiled at Jackie’s extension camera work
Thanks very much, Sue
We once lived for a couple of years next to a field of oilseed rape and the effect it had on our hayfever and other bouts of coughing and spluttering was quite spectacular.
Oh dear. Thanks a lot, John
I love the second photo of the oilseed rape, in particular, so yellow!
Thank you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
The yellow fields are beautiful.
Thank you very much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
Very evocative photos, both yours and Jackie’s.
Thanks very much from us both, Dolly
You are most welcome, both of you.
Oh, the golden seed shots are stunning, Derrick! Thanks for sharing!
Much appreciated, Jill
Such gorgeous photos, Jackie and Derrick! The golds, greens, blues, and browns of nature make for a joyous, hope-filled day!

PS….Jackie, so smart to take a step up to capture your beautiful subjects!
Thanks very much from us both, Carolyn X
Grea posts f the sausage and creamy potatoes sound so good – I facf – done time over here!
Thanks a lot, Yvette
Nice one, Jackie. Many good photos are taken that way. I often hold my camera outside the car window and just snap away while Norm drives. – After I wrap the strap around my wrist of course.
Thanks very much from us both, Chrissy
The field of golden oilseed rape is amazing!
Thank you very much, Rosaliene
You and Jackie had a beautiful filtered sun day for photography. The expanse of golden-yellow is gorgeous. Do you ever come across fields of meadowfoam, another oil seed crop? It makes the most delicious honey, too.
Thanks very much, Lavinia. I don’t think we have meadow foam which seems to be native to America. I’ve no idea how this comment got into moderation
If you ever come across any of the meadowfoam honey, try this for an ethereal dessert. Take a small wheel of soft ripened cheese like goat cheese, and spread the honey across the top like frosting. Now take roasted hazelnuts and adorn the honey frosting like sugar sprinkles on a cupcake. Slice like cake. Sauterne is a great wine to serve with this dessert. I suppose any of the lighter, more flowery tasting honeys would work too, though there is nothing quite like meadowfoam honey.
Your recipe looks good (except for the goat’s cheese
). Thank you
Brie would probably work, too.
It probably went into moderation as I had more than one link.
I posted two links in my comment and that comment is in moderation.
Thanks again, Lavinia
I love the oilseed rape photos. Beautiful yellow! The photo of Jackie shows the perspective with the blue sky.
Thank you so much, JoAnna
I adore photos along Barnes Lane route where ferns unfurled by the roadside and the tunnel effect of the overhanging trees Derrick ..
Thank you very much, Ivor
I’ve filed it Derrick
Jackie’s quest for alternate perspectives reminds me of my endeavours undertaken at the beginning of my days as a hobby photographer, an obsession eventually abandoned. She has, unlike me however, produced images of consequence. Rapeseed fields contrasted by azure skies present a veritable mine of opportunities; addition of interesting foreground or distant elements add further charm to the frame. Meandering woodland roads banked by trees and verges are an endearing feature of your blog.
Thank you very much, Uma
I can’t believe your rape fields are blooming! Our fields have not been seeded yet.
More southern climes, AnneMarie
Thank you very much
Such peaceful scenes are balm to my soul.
Thank you so much, Anne
They call it “Canola oil” here, as it’s largely a Canadian product, and “rapeseed oil” sounds vicious. When I live, sunflowers are grown for their oil and the seeds, too. They make a lovely field to pass as well.
A good name, Doug. Thanks very much
The higher the better.
Thanks very much, Bridget
The countryside is producing wonderful areas for you both to document. Great job!!
Beautiful photos of your lovely countryside!
Thank you very much, Eugi
I really like those yellow fields, ours are full of them right now.
Thanks a lot, Andrew
A sea of Yellow! How beautiful.
Thanks very much, Dwight
How lovely to be out in the beautiful countryside, Derrick. Love the golden rapeseed and dandelions.
Thank you so much, Sylvia
As I can’t comment when on the web, which is where I read the linked blog post, why did ‘The Gleaners’ cause such a stir?
Because the artist portrayed the lower classes in such a sympathetic light. Gleaners were picking up what had been left behind to make a tittle money. Thanks very much Helen
Thank you, Derrick. So sad sympathy for the ‘lower classes’ could cause controversy.
Quite so
That golden oilseed rape field is gorgeous!
Thank you very much, Ribana