The Intermediary

This morning I posted

The mattress that Becky’s friend Jacob delivered recently for Flo’s room is to replace

the original hardly used Jensen mattress which our daughter is to sell on e-Bay. Here is a selection from our granddaughter’s detailed pictures.

These images are from Jackie’s Canon SX740 HS, as is the photograph to follow. Whenever I try to put them into Pictures I have to search for them out of date order. Becky realised that this was because the date adjustment had never been set in the camera. She corrected the omission and took a test picture. This was fine, but she then pushed her luck.

She attempted to explain that because my printer is wireless Jackie’s camera could talk to it on Wi-fi, so the printer could reproduce the image without having to send it to the computer.

I rapidly lost the will to live, and used the computer as usual as an intermediary.

This evening Becky returned home to Southbourne and Jackie, Flo , and I dined at Lal Quilla. Mrs Knight chose Chicken Shaslik as her main course; our granddaughter’s was lamb korma; and mine King Prawn Naga. We shared mushroom and pilau rices, sag paneer, and keema naan. Jackie and I drank Hoegaarden and Flo drank J20.


  1. That photo of the two of you looks like a scene from an arthouse movie.
    I hope you got things sorted, or not. I was confused what the printer had to do with it, but that’s ok. 😏

  2. I can send pictures from my Lumix cameras to my phone via wi-fi which I regard as a triumph of technological skills. I hadn’t though of sending them to my printer though.

  3. I usually encounter about half a dozen things a week that an i-phone can tell other electronic gizmos to do. I hardly ever get it to work for me, but after a while you accept the situation as normal for you.

  4. There’s a good bit about the IoT that I don’t understand, and it bothers me not one whit. I laughed at your comment about losing the will to live; I understand it perfectly. However! You may enjoy this definition of NFTs that I came across. It made those silly non-fungible tokens perfectly understandable:

    “Think of them as digital Beanie Babies, with the advantage that in 5 years you can just forget about the all the money you spent on them without the embarassment of being constantly reminded of them by those 200 unsellable boxes taking up space in your garage”

  5. Ah… technology, technology. I can live with it – if it works and behaves. The slightest hic-cup gives me a headache and I walk away to leave with younger brains deal with it.

  6. HA!!! I so understand. 😀 I know all of these smart phones, smart computers, smart TV’s, etc. have surpassed my brain power. 😛 They are probably all talking to each other, behind my back, about how pea-brained I am. 😮 😉 😛
    Wow! A pretty mattress that looks very comfortable! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  7. My new camera did not come with a cable, the manufacturers assumed I would use magical Wi-Fi. By luck of the computer spirits, I found I had a cable for another device that was compatible. Your expression is priceless. 😀 And that first shot does have an alt house movie quality does have about it.
    I’ve been meandering about Mastodon – when you go visiting accounts on the other Instances, it feels like visiting other bloggers on WordPress. Now that I figured out how the columns work, it is actually very simple and visually easy to follow. I’ll be providing more info on the Media Literacy blog.

  8. My printer might do that, but I have never tried it. Printing from the computer works just fine, and I would not want the computer to feel left out. When things get seem too complicated, just go out to the garden where you will find the will to live again. 🙂

  9. “I rapidly lost the will to live, and used the computer as usual as an intermediary.” Brilliant!

    When I first set up a new printer, I had a horrific time getting it to communicate with my laptop. I confess I had such a wretched time trying to follow the simple instructions that I was glad I live alone for the temper tantrums that followed each attempt.

    Finally, I decided my mental health and heart deserved a break. I turned it off.

    It sat new and unusable for several weeks before I had an epiphany. Whatever I did – seriously, I have no idea what it was – the dang thing and the laptop became best buddies, exchanging communications by WiFi. with no effort.

    Then there was the smart television incident where I had no picture and had an hour-long telephone effort to correct the issue with the manufacturer’s tech support, then ended up having my cable provider’s technician come to my home to help. (I had this new television and no picture for three days!)

    In the last minutes, literally, before the final help arrived, I had one of those darn epiphanies again: I’d plugged into the MIDI-2 port instead of the MIDI-1 port, the correct one. Of course (in my defense), the two ports were identified in tiny letters molded in the plastic on the back of the television. I barely could find let alone read the dang things! Well, I switched the cable to the other apparent MIDI port just as the cable guy knocked on my door. I instantly solved my three-day problem and had to apologize to the cable guy for his unnecessary visit.

    1. Well done, Doug! And, how about the multi-character serial numbers that are in tiny, tiny characters in the most difficult to find places?

      1. No kidding. I had to order a part for thew kitchen range, and the model number was in just such a place. I had to get on my hands and knees and read it with a magnifying glass. That is no easy matter for me at my age.

        1. I often think the CEO of companies should be forced to go through the contortions we average customers resort to. Oh, and go through the automated telephone prompts to get yet another robot.

      2. Grrrr! I know the ones you talk about. The serial and model number tags could be printed in duplicate, with one affixed to the item and the other to the manual. Maybe the serial number has to be more permanent so the company database could be set up to match that number to the model and other descriptive information. Then the serial number could be marked in larger numerals/letters in some easily accessed spot. IF don’t know. Anything w2ould be an improvement.

      1. LOL! Frankly, I feel very ashamed of the terrible tantrums, but the technological issues always seem to have simple answers that aren’t immediately obvious yet are very obvious once I stumble on them. Maddening!

  10. I hope your rapidly lost will to live has been rapidly recovered also. I had the same predicament with my printer and computer so many times. So, I understand how you feel.

  11. I’d have lost the will to live too, Derrick. I’m glad you had an enjoyable evening out to compensate 😊

  12. You did make me laugh Derrick. I seem to have been involved in many tech setup issues over the last twelve months with various neighbours, such as connecting their Smart TVs to the internet. Just the other day, I set my cousin up with his driver’s licence as digital on his phone (he’d been asked for that a few weeks before).
    I’m no expert, and there are plenty of things that stump me, at least for a while. Or I achieve them the long way around when I am sure there is a shortcut. I find the videos on Wiki-How helpful.
    Anyway, back to bringing my neighbours up to speed with all this stuff. I usually only show them two things maximum. When I’m sure they are competent with that, I will show them something more. But some have it fixed in their head that they will never grasp it, and so we never progress. It is almost a badge of honour. So I have one neighbour who only watches a few TV channels because she knows their number is ‘3’, ‘6’, etc and refuses to look at the inbuilt television guide. While another who is well into her eighties is right up on watching all her favourite shows on demand through the internet and knew that well before we ever chatted!

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