As You Like It

For the last few days, beset by brisk breezes, Jackie has continued planting

pots on and around the patio. This has involved removing spent plants and compost, replenishment with new soil, and selecting arrangements.

After lunch I posted

Later, I finished rereading

The play needs no introduction from me – I was prompted to read it as directed by Theophile Gautier in his novel Mademoiselle de Maupin.

Peter Brook’s knowledgeable introduction enlightens us about the whole business of theatre direction as well as about this particular work.

Here I present Salvador Dali’s designs for décor and costumes.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s wholesome cottage pie with crunchy carrots and firm Brussels sprouts, followed by strawberries and cream, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank Alturo Mendoza Malbec 2021.


  1. Jackie does a wonderful job of making the gardens beautiful, Derrick. That one Dali illustration, the Back Cloth:The Palace looks like it could have fit as a cover to an unspecified H.P. Lovecraft novel. It has that feel to it.

  2. Good morning Derrick and Jackie .. a contrast of colourful scenarios for me today, with Jackie planting in the garden, and Derrick’s intesting book

  3. The kitchen path is delightful, and Jackie looks so happy – much happier than the lady in the dress pinching her waist. Och!

  4. Salvador Dali sure saw the world through different eyes. I would never have imagined him in costume and scenery, but his signature style is all over those drawings.
    Jackie is in her happy place…

  5. Jackie is a tireless performer with the Midas Touch. Salvador Dali’s illustrations are every bit as exotic as they are supposed to be.

  6. Jackie’s smile lights up the world! Her hard-work and tender loving care shows in the beauty of the garden!
    And…oh…I spotted an owl!
    WOWZA on Mr Dali’s illustrations! His imagination is showing! 😉
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  7. I am sad to read that there is currently debate and pressure from some quarters to remove Shakespeare from the school curriculum charged with gender inequality and racism. Dickens comes in for some stick as well. Where will it all end.

  8. Lovin’ the look of Dali’s work!
    Jackie and I have the same idea of planting geraniums – the petals have a velvety look, my purple petunias have that appearance as well.

      1. Oh, wow – I looked that up. The source I saw said that geraniums are a perennial and that any annual is a pelargonium. THat somehow in the 17th century they got the two confused and we all just followed right along. SO interesting!

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