Ferns Lodge

This morning I printed the forms for Joseph and me to sign to assign Mum and Dad’s burial plot to Elizabeth. This needed to be witnessed by a non-family member. My brother and his wife, Angela, arrived early this evening to carry out this final process, witnessed by David, our next door neighbour.

Before this, Jackie, Flo, and I visited Ferns Lodge garden in Cottagers Lane which was open today under the National Gardens Scheme.

This is my set of photographs of the event;

and here is Flo’s. As usual each image is titled in the gallery.

This evening we all dined on Angela’s Chinese tasty prawn and chicken dishes as starters, followed by Jackie’s wholesome cottage pie, crunchy carrots, firm cauliflower and broccoli, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and Angela and I drank more of the Malbec.

Afterwards, Joseph made the final calculations of distribution to the legatees, and I transferred the moneys to our siblings on line.


  1. Wow Derrick, once again you have posted so many beautiful photos! I am glad that you have your family situation taken care of now, God bless your mother. 🙏🏻❤️

  2. I enjoyed the virtual tour of Ferns Lodge garden, and especially loved the little cottage with the tall door. Is the cottage ever open to look inside?

    I am glad your duties regarding mother’s estate are now behind you, Derrick. Time for you and your siblings to relax and enjoy the summer.

  3. A day of total success! Wonderful photos, Flow and Derrick, with what looks like a sprinkle of sweetness in the way of scones. Do you call that a Devonshire tea? I notice you have the jam/fruit on top of the cream. We usually have it with cream on the jam. Which is correct?

    1. Yes, it is a Devonshire cream tea. What you describe, jam first with the clotted cream on the top, is a Cornish cream tea. Both counties claim to have invented the ‘Cream Tea’ and are very sure that their way of serving it is the correct way, so take your pick both ways are fine!

  4. Your photos are wonderful (as always)! Sadly, clicking on them did not take me to the place where you give them names/details and I can comment. Wonder why the gallery is not available today?

      1. I’m glad it’s working for others. Must have just been a fluke. I’ll try going back to access the gallery again.

  5. What a wonderful garden! The swing and little house are nice touches. I’ve aways loved ferns and meadow flowers.

    1. I would love to have a go on that swing.

      I have native ferns in my garden. Some of them shelter a bird bath, which the birds use a lot, and which provides viewing pleasure for my cat.

  6. So lovely! Each and every shot is so enjoyable to see. Especially love Derrick in the ferns, Flo on the swing and Jackie at the table. Bravo for all!

  7. What gorgeous photos…such a beautiful place! Thank you to all of you photographers for sharing your art with us!
    I’m so glad you and Fern are getting along in the header photo, Derrick! 😉 😀
    Love Flo swinging and Jackie in the garden! 🙂 Oh, and the cute little doggies! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  8. I can’t believe all the beautiful gardens you have in your area. Beautiful photos from both you and Flo. As you’ve noted, Flo is an artist. I like that she got photos of you and Jackie. And I want that cream tea. 😏

  9. I especially loved the foxgloves. They always remind me of my late grandparents whose graves I tend every few years when we travel that far. I had never seen a lily blooming on site. I have only ever seen them in pots on Easter!

  10. I trust it is the last of the tortuous succession routines you had to complete. The photos have the unique stamps of the shooters.

  11. Still working on the estate. It has been such a drawn-out endeavor, hasn’t it? Well, bless you all for getting through it. I have enjoyed the last couple posts, but didn’t comment because so many others had. I enjoy your garden so much every year, and I loved seeing Jackie’s happy face with the geranium, and the pots filling. The Salvador Dali costumes were fascinating. Your comment that you and Flo photographed each other photographing donkeys – ha! So funny.

    The public garden seems like an exceptional day with wonderful weather and such beautiful plants and flowers. Good to see so many people outside and enjoying it. (If there was an event like this in Portland, 50% of the people would be wearing masks. Were there any masks in the garden?) Now, what is the National Gardens Scheme? I absolutely love the header photo. <3

    1. Thank you very much, Crystal. The National Gardens Scheme is one where ordinary people open their gardens for Charity – just once a year. No masks now.

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