Nick continued his work today.

First, donning a protective mask, and doing his best to prevent dust from entering our sitting room, he rubbed down the surfaces he had filled in yesterday, then began to apply the first coat of paint which he completed during our absence this afternoon.

After lunch the three of us spent the afternoon visiting the pharmacy at Milford on Sea for advice regarding a stye I have had first beneath my left eye; Otter Nurseries and The Perfumery in Lymington to buy presents for Jackie whose birthday it is today.
Hot compresses were advised for the eye; Flo bought a compost trowel, a kneeler and three plants; I bought some Guerlain perfume.

I walked along the High Street for a while the ladies enjoyed a drink and cake in Costa Coffee. The young girl rather photobombed my shot of the older woman examining her bag.

I photographed reflections from the stream flowing under the Church Lane bridge, on way to drop in to Elizabeth for a. short while.

On our return a group of Shetland ponies were engaged in cropping the green long Pilley Street.
We returned home for a while before setting out again for Lymington to dine at Lal Quilla. The meat in each of our main courses was chicken. Mine Jaljala; Flo’s, Shashlik; Jackie’s, Sally. We shared rices, an egg paratha, a peshwari naan, and saag paneer. Jackie and I drank Kingfisher and Flo drank J2O
Dinner sounds wonderful, I haven’t made Schaschlik (Austrian spelling) in a long time.
Thanks very much, Bridget. I always think it looks so good, but always plump for the hotter options
Happy Birthday to Jackie! It sounds like she had a lovely day and presents and dinner.
A great mix of town and country photos. The pony about to scratch or looking at his/her hoof made me laugh.
Thanks very much, Merril 🙂
You’re welcome! 😊
I agree. That one made me laugh, too… Happy Birthday, Jackie – with hugs & best wishes tucked in here.
I love the second reflections photo. Please wish her a happy birthday from me!
Thanks very much, Liz – from and from Jackie
You’re welcome, Derrick.
What a splendid spotted horse!
Thanks very much, John
Happy Birthday, Jackie! YAY! I hope you had a lovely day of celebration and fun! 🙂 YAY for your great birthday gifts and dinner! 🙂
🥳 🎂 🎈 🎉 💐 🎁 🍾 🥂
The photos of Nick and his shadow are cool! Both of them working hard. 🙂
The pony looking to make sure all four of her shoes matched made me laugh! 😉 😀 (One time I left the house with two different colored shoes on…the same shoe, but one navy blue and one black. Long story. That’s what happens when you get dressed in the dark. 😮 😀 )
(((HUGS))) for you all…and extra Birthday(((HUGS))) for Jackie!!! 🙂
PS…I hope your eye stye heals quickly, Derrick.
Thanks very much from us both, Carolyn. I can identify with getting dressed in the dark. My eye is much clearer today X
Oh, so good to hear about your eye. I’m so glad! 🙂
Yes, I ditto this greeting, too. Wishes sent for quick eye healing!
Thanks very much from us both, Donna. X
Delightful outing. I like yesterday’s corgis rather than the crown and teddy, although they are very nicely done.
I agree, Pat. Thanks very much.
Belated Happy Birthday to Jackie.
Belated Happy Birthday to Jackie.
Thank you from her, too
Happy Birthday, Jackie! Lovely photos today, guys. 😎🇬🇧
Thanks very much from us both, John
Happy birthday to Jackie! May t be a wonderful year ahead for all of you. <3
Thank you so much from us both, Jodie XX
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JACKIE! It looks like you had a lovely day with sunshine and all.
I love the spotted pony in your last group of photos, Derrick. Is there many spotted ponies around?
Not quite so freckled as that one, Chrissy. Thanks very much from us both
Sending birthday greetings to Jackie!
Thanks very much from us both, Rosaliene
Happy birthday to Jackie! It sounds like she had a great day. Sorry about your stye, they can be painful. Thanks for taking us to the streets, Derrick!
Much appreciated, Jill. Thanks from Jackie, too. Actually the eye is not really painful, and somewhat better today
That’s good to hear!
Nick seems to be quite the perfectionist Derrick … Happy Birthday to Jackie .. 🥂🎂
He is, Ivor. Thanks very much from each of us
Lovely pics, good your eye is better. Happy birthday 🎂 Jackie.
Thanks very much from us both, Holly
Happy birthday to Jackie! Hope your eye feels better soon.
Thanks very much from us both, Laurie. Eye much better today
Happy Birthday, Jackie! I hope your eye is all better soon. Pretty ponies!
Thanks very much from us both, JoAnna. Eye clearer today.
Wishing very many happy returns of the day to Jackie. x
Thank very much from me and from her, Susan
Happy birthday to Jackie! And I hope you enjoy your perfume 🙂 . Just recently in something I wrote the character was using Guerlain’s Samsara.
Thanks a lot from us both Gwen. This one is L’heure bleu
Ooooh, sounds sexy and mysterious from the description I found – “The fragrance is velvety soft and romantic, it is a fragrance of bluish dusk and anticipation of night, before the first stars appear in the sky.”
I must have hit on the right one, then 🙂
Seems like a nice birthday outing for the celebrant! Happy birthday, Jackie! Hope the cold compresses helped and that thing near your eye is healing.
Thanks very much, Anna – from us both
What is a compost trowel?
One with a scoop – rather like one they have in old fashioned sweet shops. Thanks a lot, John
It is like a scoop, my new one has a wooden handle and a stainless steel bowl shaped scoop it can fill a hanging basket in half the time of an ordinary trowel!
It is like a scoop, my new one has a wooden handle and a stainless steel bowl shaped scoop it can fill a hanging basket in half the time of an ordinary trowel!
Happy birthday to Jackie. Nice ponies.
Thank you very much from us both, Sherry
The house is looking good, and so are the ponies!!
Thanks very much, GP
Happy birthday to Jackie, and a word of approval to the purchaser of Guerlain ~ always a good choice.
Thank you very much from us both, Linda
Happy Birthday to Jackie! What a beautiful day! I love Guerlain perfume 🥰
Thanks very much, Ribana
Wishing Jackie a very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥂 🎁
Thank you very much from us both, Sheree
Sending birthday wishes to, Jackie! Happy Birthday, Jackie!
Thanks very much from us both, Eugi
Happy Birthday to the Head Gardener and Chef-in-Chief!
It was an interesting outing, the Shetland ponies look very cute! The photobombing girl is true to the chosen adjective!
Thank you so much from us both, Uma
Happy Birthday, Jackie!
I hope your eye feels better soon, Derrick.
Those Shetland ponies are my favorites. So small but so full of life and self-determination!
Thank you so much from us both, Lavinia
I will say that my mother used to find that either hot compresses or icy ones worked for most ailments. She threw in hot water bottles and pots of hot water too for stomach aches and slivers in the feet. I dismissed much of her advice until I got old enough to realize she was basically right.
Thanks very much, Elizabeth
It is good to read this post after a day sans internet, which means a belated happy birthday to Jackie. How lovely to go out for your meal on her special day. I have not seen a spotted Shetland pony before, so really enjoyed that image.
Thank you so much from us both, Anne
Shetland ponies are definitely a bit classier than a man from the council when it comes to getting your verges mowed. A belated happy birthday to Jackie.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal – from us both
It sounds like Jackie had a wonderful birthday. My best wishes to her! 💞
Thank you very much from us both, AnneMarie
I hope your eye got better. I really like the ponies. You take snaps of them that showcase their life. I find them soothing
Thank you do much, Geetha. Eye improving daily
I am glad to hear that Derrick
A belated happy birthday to Jackie
Thanks very much from us both, Geetha
Most welcome
Happy Birthday Jackie. Another wonderful round of photos.
Thanks very much from us both, Andy
A belated happy birthday, Jackie. 🎂
Thanks very much from both of us, Alys
Loved the pics of the cloud reflected in the stream. A belated Happy Birthday greeting for Jackie!
Thanks very much from us both, Joycee
A day in the life…
Thanks very much, Brian
And many happy returns of the day to Jackie.
(Always loved that English expression.)
Thanks very much from us both, Brian
The romanticist emerges when you know just the right perfume for your sweetheart. It’s a gift to bless both of you! I had not heard of L’heure bleu before. Have a lovely birthday evening, {{{Derrick}}} <3
Thank you so much, Jan X
Another crocheted letterbox. That must be Paddington with the crown? ha ha. Nick does good work. You are fortunate to have him. And a very late Happy Birthday wish to Jackie. Is that her in the car behind the ponies?
Yes, it is Jackie. Thanks very much, Crystal
I love the archway in your home, and I know Jackie will enjoy all of her gifts, but I confess I am a bit surprised you didn’t purchase her something for the garden.
I guided Flo in the garden presents. Thanks very much msw.