This morning Jackie chopped up all the recent garden refuse too large to be composted, for burning, which Flo did this evening, or dumping at the recycling centre; I dead-headed and weeded.
For some days now we have been aware of a goldfinch incubating the contents of a nest in Wedding Day rose. We only have to walk under the supporting arch for the parent to fly off.
Jackie decided to photograph the nest as it is without the parent.

Or is it without a carer?
After lunch we took a forest drive.

Beside the ford at Brockenhurst, now bearing enough stream water for vehicles to create a splash,

a young foal, its too long legs splayed for grazing, attracted much attention from visitors and a friendly woman on a seat with a gentle dog on a leash. I wondered why the equally amenable foal appeared to have lost chunks of fur. Suddenly, coming face to face with the companionable canine, the spooked equine rushed round and round the green, eventually settling at a safe distance from the bench. Had the infant been attacked by a different dog? Was this a skin condition which needed attention?

The two adult ponies among the buttercups remained unconcerned.

At Waters Green cattle slept and ponies grazed,

foals having a penchant for ditches.

Jackie photographed me as I wandered among them,

and found her own foal in a ditch.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s pasta Bolognese or Carbonara, according to taste; Lidl Aberdeen Angus burgers; tender asparagus and green beans, with which I drank more of the Ponce de Leon and Flo drank mixed fruit cordial, while Jackie abstained.
That poor baby! Someone needs to take better care of that foal.
Exactly GP
I am contacting the Agisters today
I will see to it today, GP. Thanks very much.
Thank you, Derrick.
(Can you tell I wished I went to school to be a veterinarian?)
That would have been good. I sent a link to my post to the Verderers this morning. They had not known about that foal, although there had been a report of one with neither mane nor tail.
There seems to be a very mean creature out there. Thank you for following up.
I hope that the foal will be okay, poor baby. Lovely photos of the animals! ❤️🇬🇧
Thank you so much, John
I like the fearless way in which you meandered among the cattle and horses.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal.
So many animals lying about makes me sleepy. Another lovely forest drive.
Thank you very much, Pat.
I particularly like Jackie’s foal head above ditch. I hope the foal with chunks of hair missing is going to be all right.
Thanks very much from us both, Liz. I am going to investigate the foal’s condition today – the Agisters will deal with it if they haven’t already been alerted.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Jackie’s photos are superb! So lovely!
Her “Where’s Derrik? He’s among the sweet sleepy faces!” is a wonderful photo!
What an interesting nest! Wonder what is afoot there?
Such a cute little head and ears visible above the ditch. 🙂
Your photos are delightful, too, Derrick!
I hope that little foal is okay. It is a mystery as to the loss of hair. I hope it wasn’t painful. 🙁
(((HUGS))) ❤️❤️
Thanks very much from us both, Carolyn. I am going to report the foal’s condition today. X
Oh, good! Thank you for taking the time to do that!
I have sent them a link to my post. They didn’t know about it
So glad you let the know! Thank you!
I think a dog is the likely culprit. They are always causing trouble with the deer at Wollaton Park.
Thanks very much, John.
Most likely. Dogs are a constant menace.
Glad the foal was found… and you enjoyed your walk among the herd… A great close up shot you got too Derrick <3
Thank you very much, Sue X
This is a garden of Eden of sorts…
In East Africa when there are no leaves high in the trees, giraffes spread their forelegs in the same way to reach the grass… Nice convergences…
I too wondered about the missing patches of fur. Barbed wire allowed on fences in your neck of the woods?
Thanks very much, Brian. We liked your comparison with giraffes. I think this is more than barbed wire. I am going to contact the New Forest Agisters today.
I might have a giraffe picture somewhere. Will send if I find it.
Agisters are the authority? Good idea. The “cuts” seem short. That’s why I thought barbed wire… The foal is young, maybe local treatment by a vet could help?
The authority are the Verderers who have set the Agister to investigate.I trust they will let me know the outcome.
Hopefully yes. It’s a beautiful little foal… Full of spark.
I’ve never seen a sleeping cow. I like Jackie’s foal photo with it’s ears poking above ground level.
I haven’t seen them sleeping before, either, Chrissy. Thanks very much from us both
Beautiful pony pictures. The cows must be used to people walking through them.
I think do, Andy. Thanks very much
You’re welcome.
I hope the foal will be okay. It seems so sad. Great shots by the dynamic duo!
Thank you very much from us both, Jill
Jackie’s foal in a ditch looks like it has been to a hair stylist for a mohawk hair cut!
That is a very fashionable look among the young, Yvonne. Thank you very much
I hope the foal’s skin gets better. Maybe there is a volunteer group you could sent your photos to? You look like you’re enjoying your adventure in the pasture communing with your four-legged friends.
Thank you very much, JoAnna. Good suggestion. There is a professional body of Agisters whose responsibility takes in the health of the animals. I will contact them today.
Thank you, Derrick. Maybe they will let you know something.
The foal looks like he may have ringworm or some other fungal problem. Perhaps there is someone in the New Forest management who oversees the common use by livestock that could be contacted. Something looks very wrong and in need of attention.
I knew you would have some idea, Lavinia. Whether or not it is ringworm your link has prompted me to contact the Agisters who patrol the forest seeking problems – there is also an annual roundup where the animals are all given health checks, but it clearly can’t wait that long. Thank you very much.
It’s possible the long-legged foal was attacked by a virulent dog —his reaction on coming upon a gentler member of the canine community hints at a strong possibility of the same. The cattle seem to have settled for a siesta under the somnolent skies.
Thank you very much, Uma. That does make sense
The ditches seem to be favourite spots for the foals Derrick ??
They were, Ivor. Thank you very much
This has been a pleasant meander through the area. Jackie’s foal-in-the-ditch is an interesting photograph and I enjoyed seeing the nest too.
Thank you very much from us both, Anne
How perfectly charming Derrick.
Thank you very much, Cindy
Beautiful photos from both of you! Poor young foal 🥲
Thank you very much from us both, Ribana
Lovely photos and I hope that poor foal gets help. The sleeping cow looks quite comfortable.
The foal’s mother didn’t look to have the same skin condition, hopefully that’s a good sign.
Hopefully. I hope the Verderers will let me know the verdict. Thanks very much, Sue
Poor little foal, Derrick. I really liked the picture of the nest too.
Thank you very much, Robbie
Wonderful photos from you and Jackie. I saw above that you’ll be reporting back on the foal’s condition.
Thanks very much from us both, Merril
Is it bravery or curiosity that bids you into the midst of the cattle? I’d be scared one would go after me! Especially with babies about
Thanks very much, Rose. I seek a shot and am very careful
It was pretty great
Derrick, I saw in the comments that you have alerted the authorities to the foal’s condition. Thank you so much for stepping up and bringing in help. Do keep us informed. xo
Will do, Jodie. Thanks very much X
Thanks a lot, Sherry
So glad you followed up on this Derrick 💖
Thanks very much, Val x
Wonderful photos Derrick. What a sad condition for the foal. I noticed its knocked-knee situation before I even read your post. I am glad you reported it to get it some help. Great posts
Thank you so much, Dwight
Iam sure that between foals and dogs, they will figure it out.
Thanks very much, Dolly
The goldfinch nest looks intriguing
Thanks very much, Catherine