On another very hot, yet progressively overcast morning we drove to Otter Nurseries where Jackie bought herself another very long hose – this time on wheels to reduce carrying it about – for the garden.
We travelled on to Barton on Sea where I stationed myself

on a bench in order to attach my longest camera lens, while Jackie stayed nearer

the Beachcomber café. These two of her pictures show the burnt condition

of the grasses and the thrift that I pictured on the cliff edge from where I

beamed down on a number of visitors wishing to scorch themselves. I wonder what Barbara, Book Club Mom would make of the couple reading in deckchairs?

We each photographed sailboats in the haze against the Isle of Wight, Jackie,

who also picked out the beach huts at Mudeford, choosing The Needles and their lighthouse as her backdrop.
This evening we dined on starters of Chicken in Nando’s Lemon and herb sauce on Jackie’s savoury rice; followed by her spicy paprika pork, boiled potatoes and tender runner beans, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Shiraz.
A very burnt day at the beach!!
I hope you get some rain there soon, it looks very dry. I would love to be at that beach! Jackie’s dinner sounds so delicious!
Thank you so much, John
Your welcome, Derrick.
Your pictures remind me more of Southern California than what I’ve seen of the English countryside. Still lovely.🪴🪴🪴
Thanks very much, Pat
I could feel the heat
Thanks very much, Sheree
Our grass is looking as burnt as yours right now. My favorite photo out of this group is the last one.
Thanks very much from us both, Liz
Will it be another 1975?
Highly likely, John. Thank you very much
I love that last photo too… perhaps because all looks well – unlike the sorely scorched grass; let’s hope for some rain (but only overnight, of course!). Grass is amazing, though, in it’s ability to spring back after very sorry looking dry spells!
Thanks very much from ua both, Emma
Beautiful photos, Jackie and Derrick! Love Jackie’s beach huts and sailboat photos! 🙂
Yikes it does look warm…and the beach is the place to be…but scorching can still occur! Gotta’ be careful! 🙂 Seems the grass is warning…”We stand here all day long and look at us, Peoples!” 😮
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Wise words, Carolyn. Thanks very much from us both X
The scorched grass is very reminiscent of that at the clifftops in Southern California — all it would take is one spark ~ ~ ~ We have a nasty fire threatening the old sequoia trees in Yosemite National Park, about halfway up the state — and we are in the middle of a serious heat wave. I’m always glad forthe ocean vistas that are so cooling!
I hope the fires keep their distance, Janet. Thanks very much
Between you, you have conveyed the feel of a very hot day well. I am glad that I am only looking at the pictures and not actually feeling the heat.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal – from us both
It does look very dry and scorched, though I love the contrast of colors in the top photo that Jackie took.
Thanks very much from each of us, Merril
That hose will make Jackie’s life a lot easier, but I sure hope you get some rain soon. It’s been dry in Maine, too, but not terribly hot. We’re hoping for rain, but none is in the forecast.
Thanks very much, Laurie
It’s good that you live near the water assuming there are a few cool breezes there.
Sometimes – but not that day 🙂 Thanks very much, JoAnna
I particularly like the first closeup of the grasses.
Thank you very much, John
So lovely and peaceful. I think I would enjoy my namesake place very much Derrick.
Thanks very much, Cindy 🙂
That water looks very inviting, Derrick and Jackie. It does look hot, and burnt, over there. We have had very hot weather here the last two days.
Thank you very much from us both, Lavinia
Another beautiful day, even if hot 😉
Thank you very much, Ribana
I’ve been reading about your brutal heatwave. I’m glad you can escape to the shore for cooler temps.
Thanks very much, Alys
I hope your spot overlooking the beach provided a little coastal breeze.
None at all. We didn’t stay long, Sue. Thanks very much
It nice to have the ocean nearby. Lovely photos, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Jill
Beautiful pictures. We are heating up again after a two day break. The ten day forecast is triple digits.
Ours too
I hope you at least have rain chances. We are in a drought and it is supposed to stay dry.
Shade and a cool drink are for hot days like that.
Indeed. Thanks very much, Sherry
Thanks so much for the shout-out, Derrick. As for beach-chair reading, this looks like a good spot, even if distracted. Certainly being by the water on a hot day is the way to go. Keep cool!
Much appreciated, Barbara
That grass looks very dry. I hope you get rain soon.
Thanks very much, Eugi
Another scorcher! I am in Scotland visiting family. It’s unusually warm and dry here as well. So glad there is also a sea breeze to cool thing off a bit.
Thanks very much, Val
Suntanning is not for me!
Nor me any more
Looks like a good day, though probably too hot for me. 🙂
Thanks very much, Quercus
Interesting hazy photos.
Thanks very much from us both, Dolly
You are very welcome, both of you.
Hot days are a plague in Canada. My apartment has hotel air-conditioning but I also have a tiny air-conditioner resembling a refrigerator. It is inexpensive and it is my best source of comfort on dog days. One plugs it into a computer. Europeans should have one of these for security.