Forced to rest my injured leg, this afternoon I published

then read a good chunk of V.S. Naipaul’s ‘A Way in the World’.
This evening we dined on Mr Pink’s fish, chips, Garner’s Pickled Onions and Mrs Elwood’s Pickled Cucumbers, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden, I drank London Pride, Flo drank Lipton’s iced tea, and Dillon drank Fanta.
Sounds like nice, relaxing day. I hope your leg is feeling a bit better.
Thanks very much, Liz. It should be OK in a day or two
You’re welcome, Derrick. I’m glad to hear it’s nothing serious.
Nice to have a good book to read under the circumstances. Heal swiftly.
Thanks very much, Pat
The perfect meal to end the day with!
Thanks very much, Anne
It’s good to see the actual Mr. Pink’s shop. I wasn’t sure who or what Mr. Pink’s was. Hope your leg feels better soon!
Thanks very much, Merril. It will be OK
Everyone deserves a relaxing day every now and then, whatever the circumstances
Thanks a lot, Sheree
I am sorry that your leg injury is cramping your style to such an extent. I hope that the fish and chips proved curative.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
I hope you get better soon
Thanks very much, Sylvie
I’m not wanting Fish and Chips, big time. I love a good one, where the fish is tender and fresh, and the fried part is light and not greasy. I bet they’re great at Mr. Pink’s. Hope your leg heals quickly, and in the meantime, enjoy some “down” time.
Thanks very much, Pam. That was a most unfortunate typo 🙂
Urgh, I know. I also know better than to comment in early evening, when my eyes aren’t as they should be. 🙂
Tha’s “now wanting,”!!!
I hope your leg feels much better soon, Derrick! I doubt that the fish and chips we have over here are as good as British fish and chips. Yummy! 🇬🇧❤️
Thanks very much, John.
What a beautiful chip shop! Hope your leg improves soon, Derrick, and you’ll be back at fly-half on Saturday.
Never fly-half. You may know I injured a shoulder playing when I was 18 and it has never really recovered. I tried an osteopath in Newark some years later. He was a fly-half. As he tweaked my neck he said “second row, weren’t you?” “Yes”, I replied. “Deserve all you get” he exclaimed, giving it a good wrench.
Thanks a lot, John
So glad you are resting your leg! I hope it is healed soon!
YAY for blogging! YAY for a book to read!! YAY for fish and chips!!! 🙂
(((HUGS))) ❤️
“You can’t go wrong with fish and chips.” – M. J. Sandel
“When you rest, you catch your breath and it holds you up, like water wings…” – Anne Lamott
Husband: “I rang the wife last night after work to say I’d pick up Fish and Chips on the way home.
I was met with a stony silence. Something tells me that she’s beginning to regret letting me name the twins.” 😀 😛
Thank you so much, Carolyn. The twins joke is chortleworthy. X
Aren’t you supposed to drink beer with ‘Fish and Chips’? And it better was served wrapped in newspaper. Don’t you dare kill all my British memories at once. 🤣🤣 (Glad you are resting your leg)
Hoegaarden and London Pride are both beers, and we have a local pub that does serve fish and chips in newspaper. How’s that Bridget? Thanks very much
Oh my goodness, I always thought Hoegaarden was a wine. I don’t drink….can you tell?
Yes 🙂 🙂
Hope your leg is feeling better Derrick. Rest up and enjoy that reading.
Thanks very much, Miriam. It is slowly improving.
I’m sorry about the leg. It’s strange how sore leg can limit your ability to host. My knee does the same. I am reading Ishiguro at the moment- Never let me go.
It is indeed – even the smallest bit of the body can hamper one. I have ‘A Pale View of Hills’ – I’ll read that next – it is good when someone’s words act as a prompt.
Hope you heal quickly. Naipaul should aid in the healing process. I read a fascinating bio about him.
Thanks very much, Cindy. There’s an amount of autobiography in this, as in The Enigma of Arrival
Hope your leg heals soon
Thanks very much, Yvette
I’m glad you’re resting. Sometimes healing takes a while.
Thanks very much, JoAnna. Just a few days, I think
Take care Derrick.
Thank you very much, Lakshmi
Hope your leg is soon recovered.
Thanks very much, Andy. Slowly improving
Good news.
Hope that leg soon feels better! No fun not being able to get around the way you would like.
Thanks a lot, Laurie
Hope your leg heals soon.
Thanks very much, Arlene
and does Mr Pink exist – or has he retired and gone off to green pastures – rest that leg along with that body, you will as good as new real soon
Thank you very much, Catherine. That is a good question. As it is a family run business I imagine he must at least have founded it. In my early blogging days I had a reader who was married to a Mr Pink
Feel better! Fish and Chips….yummy!
Thanks very much, Jill
Take care
Thanks very much, Geeta
Wishing you well Derrick!
Thanks very much, Ribana
take it easy and get the leg rested!
Thanks very much, Aletta. I’m doing my best
A good fish & chips shop is a blessing. Glad you are resting, and healing. Sending my love to you and Jackie, and the family.
Thank you very much from us all, Lavinia X
Take care of that leg, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Oh, yay! Thanks for the picture of Mr. Pink’s! I’ve heard of it before, but never had a picture in my head. Sending healing vibes your way. xo
This was of course a pre-Covid picture, when we could queue in the shop. Thanks very much, Jodie
Ah, yes. P.C.
I love pickled onions! And did you know I’m a Lipton tea girl?
Wishing you well with the leg
Thank you very much, Sue
Feel better, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
Sounds like a painful injury, Derrick. I’m pleased that rest is helping the healing process.
Thanks very much, Sandra. It will be OK