On another cold, albeit slowly brightening, day Jackie and I took a forest drive just after 11 a.m.

Autumn leaves flocking on the still, silent, surface of Pilley’s icy lake will need a thaw before they begin their slow, rocking descent to the bed beneath.

Sage green lichen clung to branches

and decorated damp ivy coated trunks;

lesser limbs became embedded;

spectral skaters scraped converging rimy streaks across the frozen water,

while shaggy Shetland ponies quietly grazed.

The majority of this stubby little herd had rectified their recent absence from Bull Hill

which they now shared with curious cattle.

This bovine fixed me with a customary stare, then turned and

crossed the road. I tried not to take it personally.

Lymington River is tidal and therefore not frozen, and able to ripple and reflect the weak sunshine and Santa’s float.
In an effort to reorganise her fridge and larder, the Culinary Queen produced a varied menu for this evening consisting of left over helpings of my Susan’s chicken, of Shelly’s beef stew, one of her own earlier penne Bolognaise dishes from the freezer. She and I opted for the Bolognese while the others enjoyed some of everything. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Cabernet Sauvignon.
The ice images, both leaf covered and embedded with various branches are truly unique, Derrick. Surely that Shetland is with foal judging from her belly profile. And cheers for Santa’s Float.
Thanks very much, Maj. She might be
OH, the Santa float is a dream. What a cute thing to do.
Thank you very much, Bridget
These images are gorgeous!
Thanks for sharing 💙💙💙
Much appreciated, Luisa
You’re highly welcome, Derrick 🙏
I’m fond of cows. I enjoyed this post.
Thanks very much, Sherry
I love the icy cold feel from your photos today, Derrick, a perfect day to be at home with a hot drink! Stay warm, guys. 🔥🇬🇧
Thanks very much, John
Winter at its best
Thanks very much, Sheree
I love the bovine stare and dismissive sashay away.
Thank you very much, Liz 🙂
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Lovely seasonal photos!
‘Tis the weather Santa seems to enjoy! (We’ve had snow and rain the past few days.)
Aw, on the little grazing ponies! Ha, on the directly staring cows! Yay, for the Santa float!
(((HUGS))) and the left-overs-meal sounds delicious! 🙂 ❤️
Thank you so much, Carolyn X
Your first photograph is really very, very good and the lichen isn’t that far behind!
Thank you so much, John
Such amazing photos to be viewed in my warm Florida weather. I hope those skaters were safe after reading about the awful incident in Solihull. The cows are obviously very hardy creatures, unlike myself.
Yes – Solihull certainly came to mind. Thanks very much, Sylvia
I think that I prefer the cattle to Santa as objects of interest.
Indeed. Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
I remember puddles being frozen when I was a boy but never such I see you have. But, two weeks before an Australian Christmas and it is 5 deg Celsius outside my window and blustering winds and pelting rain.
As I said to Ivor – that is amazing. I hope it improves. John. Thanks very much
And another cold and wet day here in Geelong for the third day in a row … only 15’C max here 2 weeks into summer …
Amazing. I hope it improves. Cheers, Ivor
Great shots, Derrick! I love the curious cattle. Thanks for the tour!
Much appreciated, Jill
Lovely post and a forest drive. Glad allis improving.
Thanks very much, Pat
Burr! I’m curious about the spectral skaters.
So was I. I couldn’t work out how the streaks had come to be 🙂 Thanks very much, JoAnna
Someone said it before me. Gorgeous photos Sir.
Thank you very much, Gary
Your photographs make up an interesting picture of the change of season.
Such beautiful photos of the near-frozen forest, Derrick! I especially enjoyed seeing that stubby little herd of shaggy Shetland ponies again. 🙂 I suppose all the pannage pigs have been sequestered back on their farms?
Yes. We think the pigs are gone. Thanks very much, Lavinia
Lovely range of photos of the leaves and the ponies. Santa on the sleigh is fun!
Thank you very much, Aletta
Flo and Dillon’s evening meal was similar to my lunch, a mixed plate of leftovers.
I love the santa float on the river.
Thanks very much, Sue. That is always there, but normally the light is not good and it is not a place we can stop.
Especially beautiful photos and lovely text describing the images. The leaves on the water are beautiful, and the bovine stare well-captured (What an interesting face!)
We’ve had meals like that–bits of leftover this and that.
Thanks very much, Merril
The Shetlands are very cute and that bovine that snubbed you had quite an expressive face.
Thanks very much, GP
The brown cows almost look to be frosted. It’s treacherous underfoot here – I’m glad it seems a bit better where you are.
Thanks very much, Susan. They were backlit by a weak sun
I like that cheerful Santa on the float. Also, the spectral skaters. I can picture the barest outline of the skaters as they glide over the ice.
I’m so pleased you can see the magic, Laurie. Thank you very much
I love Santa’s Float and the bovine stare and turn around as if to say, I’ve had enough.
Thanks very much, Eugi
Interesting but somewhat gloomy photos, brightened by the floating fat guy.
Thanks very much, Dolly
Hi Derrick, it looks beautiful but cold. I’ve only ever seen frozen water twice in my lifetime, once in the UK and once in South Korea. I tend to opt for visits during warmer weather.
I hope you are okay dear friend. Carolyn said you may have moved sites. This is the last post I see.
I am sorry, Andy. My WP site has been transferred to a local Computer advisor. Although things are slowly improving many people don’t get my posts on their reader. Re-following sometimes helps. When my advisor returns next week I will ask him to try to resolve this. Thanks very much
Thank you. I will try that.
Logging on to https://derrickjknight.com – just once – should resolve the issue. Thank you for persevering
I will try.
I tried re-following from my followers page. Then tried the blog sit but that doesn’t have a follow button.
Where did you go? I’ve either lost your blog or hopefully, you are just enjoying family over Christmas and New Year.
I have continued posting daily. Try logging in to https://derrickjknight.com – just once should do. Thanks very much, Chrissy
I’m following now but I don’t get the option to receive notifications or emails.
Thank you for your perseverance, Chrissy. I hope my adviser will be able to help soon
When I try to link to “cabled cafetiere cosy” it just says “Nothing here”. I want to continue to follow your excellent blog, so what should I do? You have also disappeared from my list of “Followed blogposts” and from my Reader.
I’m sorry, John. Yesterday’s post was screwed up and the title changed to Reconnection. I see you are now receiving posts
Thank you so much, Derrick, for looking into it. Hopefully, this means everything will be back to normal.
I do hope so