Witches And Waterstones

This morning when Sam, Holly, Malachi, and Orlaith arrived from Elizabeth’s I travelled with them on a shopping trip, first to Burley, home to lunch, then off to Waterstones in Lymington.

It wasn’t until early afternoon that the threatened precipitation. plummeted down.

After investigating the few open shops in Burley we settled on

A Coven of Witches, where , having checked out

the windows, the children spent a considerable amount of time selecting presents from me and purchases of their own. They decided to wander around the village again to ponder a little more and to return for final decisions.

The precipitation in the form of large ice marbles bouncing off our bonces soon sent us scuttling back inside. Final choices were made. Orlaith chose a pair of silver earrings from me and a ring from herself while Malachi selected an egg shaped polished malachite stone from me and a ring from himself.

We stopped for a drink in The Queen’s Head before returning for one of Jackie’s cold meats and salad buffet lunches.

Rain kept up its deluge during the Waterstone’s visit. Again a generous amount of time was spent deliberating on book choices. The two grandchildren each settled on two books with which they were very pleased.

Elizabeth joined us all later when we dined, courtesy of the Culinary Queen, on succulent roast chicken; flavoursome sage and onion stuffing; crisp roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding; firm carrots and Brussels sprouts; a tasty vegetable bake, and meaty gravy. White wines were consumed by Jackie, Holly, and Sam, while I finished The Guv’nor.

My sister then impressed us all by engaging in a game of Champed Up with the Australian branch of the family, while Jackie and I pleaded age and limited reactions.


  1. Despite the rain and ice (!), it sounds like a lovely day spent with family. Such interesting shops, too.
    I had to look up both bonces and Champed Up. ๐Ÿ™‚ I think I would have abstained from the game, as well.

  2. Well, well. Here’s another connection. “Malachite” was the name of the Hans Christian 41′ I sailed for a few years. It was sold, and then went on the market again, and lo! There’s an online video that the broker posted. Believe me — when I was sailing her, she was in Bristol condition!

  3. I like the dog statue outside the shop which appears to be accepting donations for the RSPCA. Glad no one was injured by the ice marbles.

  4. A wonderful share, Derrick. The Coven store windows are full of treasures, including the huge ammonite fossil and the opened and strikingly symmetrical amethyst geode. Glad you all had such a fun, albeit wet day.

  5. I love the relaxed days that are spent wandering around little shops and gazing in shop windows. I think I would have thoroughly enjoyed browsing the Coven.

  6. Second try at posting a comment. Can I remember the one which vanished, I wonder? ‘Marbles bouncing off bonces’ made me smile, Derrick, though I’m sure it was most unpleasant for all of you. Some lovely choices from the grandchildren and another wonderful family-filled day. How will you cope when life settles down again? ๐Ÿ˜‰

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