Not Suitable For Your Age Group

When Jackie attempted to log in to our BBC iPlayer channel last night she was blocked by today’s title message. Initially perplexed she eventually twigged the problem. Bear with me and all will be revealed.

Of late Ellie has become rather keen on

Teletubbies, as shown on BBC TV.

In fact she enjoyed it with her mother this morning. She becomes very animated when watching, occasionally blows bubbles, waves her arms and legs about, and tries to say hello when the babies do.

When we tune in to iPlayer we have icons on which to click to select who is watching. We usually select D for Derrick. It now appears that her grandmother has added an E for Elowen. This had been left selected and she – as it seemed – wasn’t allowed to watch her great grandmother’s choice.

While awaiting a delivery of a few more paving slabs Martin was unable to continue with fitting them. He therefore spent the morning tidying the rose garden

in the company of Nugget Junior, who flitted to and fro from perch to perch.

Now we have stopped lighting the open fire the jackdaws have returned to the chimney pots.

This afternoon Stuart from Tom Sutton Heating fitted the immersion heater part and left all in working order.

I celebrated by recovering the photographs to the following posts:

As with all of these Sue W is sending me back the pictures from her links so that I can replace them into my new site.

This evening we all dined on succulent roast duck, crisp roast potatoes, sage and onion stuffing, firm Brussels sprouts and crunchy carrots with tasty gravy, followed by bread and butter pudding, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Gran Selone.


  1. Things are looking up as long as Jackie quits looking for ineligible television shows. Pleased to learn teletubbies are still around. 👶👶👶

  2. HA! That’s so funny! 😀 Glad it got figured out! 🙂
    Ellie is so so SO cute and seems she loves her show on TV! 🙂
    Aw, on seeing Nugget, Jr.! Always fun! 🙂
    Such beautiful, joyful photos today! Thank you for sharing them! 🙂
    YAY for Sue for always being such a great helper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 ❤️
    (((HUGS))) 🙂 ❤️
    PS…Years ago, when movies would say “Parental Guidance” or “Parental Advisory” (at the start of a movie), my middle-aged hubby would call his senior-adult mom and ask her if he could watch the movie. Our kids and I thought it was hilarious…his mom, not so much. 😉 😀
    Also, when a movie says “Mature Audiences Only”, we say to the TV…”Well, we’re gonna’ watch it anyways.” Implying that we ourselves are not mature. HA!!!! 😀 😛
    Yes, we’re a weird bunch! 😀

  3. Good to see that Ellie is well cared for when watching BBC 🙂 ! And it’s good to see Nugget, Jr back — that must be a sign that spring is comng soon!

  4. Dinner sounds so delicious! Yay for your heat being repaired and replaced posts too. Ellie is so adorable, hi Ellie! I always thought those tele-tubby things were creepy, I don’t think that is on over here anymore.

  5. I didn’t know or had forgotten that Ellie is short for Elowen – a very beautiful name! I wonder what she would think of the robin who was keeping Martin company.

  6. My grandsons, who are now 25 and 18, used to absolutely LOVE Teletubbies. (I did too.)
    Yay for the water heater! Happy that it is finally repaired.

  7. Ellie definitely seems to be enjoying her show. Congratulations on getting your heater fixed.
    It’s wonderful to see Nugget Junior. Robins seem to be around on both sides of the Atlantic today. I like your jackdaws, too.

  8. I didn’t realize the Teletubbies still are around. I always thought they were just a bit — not creepy, but something. They’re certainly good fun for Ellie, thought. Between your progress on photos and getting the immersion heater fixed, only Nugget Jr. could have made things better — and he did!

  9. Oh, the teletubbies! My younger daughter loved them so we bought Teletubby videos….. how foolish we were! I am pleased that your immersion heater and computer problems have been resolved, Derrick.

  10. It’s not bloomin’ fair! I’m sat here munching on rice crackers with cheese and slurping a pre-dinner wine (Coonawarra shiraz) and then I read the menu at Chez Jackie and Derrick. Well, I have left over barbeque chicken and an assortment of raw vegetables as my evening meal. Sigh.

    Ellie is so darn cute, and active! <3

  11. What an adorable granddaughter you have!! Welcome back, Nugget! Happy Feb. 1st, Derrick. Hugs to you! We’re getting plowed out this morning. Hooray!!

  12. Amazingly enough there was a lot of controversy over Teletubbies here! I think Ellie shows that they work exactly as they were intended–for babies. Those who read nefarious schemes into them clearly had those schemes in their own heads.

  13. Those are adorable photos of Ellie enjoying the Teletubbies! Little Ellie brought a smile to my day, too. Martin hard at work, one of Nugget’s descendants and jackdaws on the chimney pots are all wonderful things.

  14. I read this yesterday and could have sworn blind I’d commented already!
    Lovely to see Nugget Junior.
    Oh, and Ellie, so engrossed, just lovely seeing her attempting to comunicate.

  15. Those are delightful pictures of Ellie glued to Teletubbies. It feels good to see Nugget Junior although it never fails to invoke memories of the original robin.

  16. Since the kids grew up I have had no excuse for watching Teletubbies. This, to be honest, is something I have mixed emotions about, as I really miss them. The Teletubbies, that is. I was less concerned about the kids leaving.

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