I discovered an unpleasant occurrence in the front garden yesterday. A blockage in the septic tank piping had been enough to push up a mound of detritus sufficient to shove the manhole on top of it. I had not been in that corner since before Christmas. Fortunately Greg Mouland, of Mouland Drainage was able to visit and clear it this morning. The culprit was rusty iron dropping from another decades old manhole half way down the track into the pipes below. Greg was pleasant, efficient and left the area jet washed clean.
The three earlier posts for which I recovered the pictures today were as follows:
The first two of these were the “Nothing Here” type where clicking on an image reveals that notice. The third was of the “Attempt Block Recovery” variety. I also recategorised it as Books.
Later I read more of Balzac and published https://derrickjknight.com/2023/03/23/droll-tales-16/
Becky returned home to Southbourne early this evening and the rest of us dined on tender roast chicken and green beans with Jackie’s colourful savoury rice, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Nero di Troia.
Delightful way to complete the day’s efforts.
Thanks very much, Pat
We’ve had a few unpleasant blockages in the past–none in this house, thankfully.
Thanks very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I’m glad you were able to get the blockage taken care of without too much trouble, and the posts, too.
Thanks very much, Merril
Lucky to find a competent worker so quickly.
Indeed. Thanks very much, Luanne
We’ve also had our fair share of blockages leading to the septic tank.
I’m glad your problems were sorted quickly and efficiently.
Thanks very much, Sue
Yeah for Plumber Derrick …
Absolutely, Ivor. Thanks very much
Us old plumbers know ????
Block recoveries all round then.
Yep. Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
It must have been a relief that the block was cleared.
It was, Lakshmi. Thank you very much
Sorry to hear about the septic tank, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Lavinia
I am still working on problem resolution with WP. I am at least up to “staff” level in the replies.
Well done for persevering.
Sounds unpleasant.
Thanks very much, Andy.
You’re welcome.
A nasty problem cleanly resolved 🙂
Thank you very much, Anne
Oh, gosh! and UGHS! But so glad that septic tank blockage was taken care of!
Sound like a day of blocks, blocks, and more blocks. 🙂
I might’ve sat down on the floor and played with some toy blocks, just for a fun break. HA!
When we were house hunting in France, I swerved anything with a septic tank. Since we ended up in an apartment, there’s even less maintenance to worry about.
After having dealt with our own septic problems, I was delighted to read that yours were easily and quickly fixed. An adorable picture of Michael. Sweet little nose.
Thank you so much, Laurie
I’m glad you got the mess cleared and cleaned up so quickly. The Angel and the Blue Pig Inn was a fun post.
Thank you very much, JoAnna
Always something, it seems! We’re still dealing with water intrusion in one of our bathrooms which has been ongoing for 9 months!
We should consider ourselves lucky, then. Thanks very much, Eugi
I am sure that was not a pleasant situation! I am glad you were able to get it unclogged in a timely manner!
Especially with the weather getting warmer, Dwight 🙂 Thanks very much
Oh wow!! You are right!
Home maintenance is never ending. We are always having to get things fixed too.
Thanks very much, Robbie
So glad you had a helper Johnny-in-the-Spot to help you with your leakage. Where would we be without those talented service men& women?
Quite so, Jan. Thank you very much
And I see the recovery job is going smoothly! You’re an expert now!
Thanks very much, Ribana. It doesn’t always work. I’m getting more help tomorrow