Sun-Kissed History

This morning I worked more on the ideas for the logo I am hoping to submit. As I will not be focussing on this work in progress until it is done, I decided to show another logo I produced for Sam’s Ocean Row. The picture is missing from the post on which I originally displayed it. I therefore recovered the pictures for

This was the most difficult yet, because it was of the Attempt Block Recovery type, and the attempt failed until I found the pictures in my iMac Photos and added them all anew. I have had to use the header picture to show the logo. Yes, these problems are becoming infuriating.

The picture recovery for the next two posts:

were more straightforward options, just needing to be converted to Block edit.

After lunch the morning’s steady rain, although the wind was still blustery, made way for warm sunshine, so, after a Tesco shop, Jackie and I took a late afternoon forest drive.

This is blackthorn time – its white blossom presaging the advent of next month’s may. Most of that lining hedgerows has now been shaved by cutting machines, but some along St Leonard’s Road have escaped the razor’s edge.

The fourteenth century erect ruins of the road’s eponymous grange with its aubretia topped stone wall was now sun-kissed history, a tribute to stonemasons of six hundred years ago.

This evening we all dined on oven fish, chips, onion rings, and garden peas with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Coonawarra red wine.


  1. You sure are getting a lot of brain exercise working on the photo recovery. It’s probably more than I would tackle. I am fascinated by stone ruins, which I think I shall call remnants, and especially like the windows and the ones growing moss, grass, and flowers – merging with nature.

  2. As far as I remember this is supposedly not at all the season for shaving off hedgerows,so that, behind all that foliage, the birds can breed hidden away and in peace. I’m not sure, but I think it’s in late autumn that they’re supposed to be cut back.

  3. Sounds like you had another busy day at the office!

    I’m assuming your hedges were cut back in the autumn like ours.
    Before long they will start grow again – I’ll have difficulty getting out of the drive because I can’t see, and I’ll and find myself forced into the growing bushes that hang over the lane by the foolish drivers coming in the opposite direction.

  4. “now sun-kissed history” I love that, Derrick. Centuries of history–wonderful photos with flowers and crow.
    Good luck with your efforts on photo recovery. So much work!

  5. Great photos! Digital stuff can really be a pain. My word processer crashed over the weekend and only recovered half of what had been there originally. Ugh!

  6. I remember that post on Sam and his boat Pacific Pete. That was a beautiful logo, and a great cause.

    I always feel a bit of sadness and awe looking at stone ruins, how long they have lasted and what they have seen, all the ghosts that walk among them. These old ruins are time travelers of a sort, like older people, bridging that gap between now and then with stories and memories the younger do not understand, as they have not lived it.

  7. “The fourteenth century erect ruins of the road’s eponymous grange with its aubretia topped stone wall was now sun-kissed history, a tribute to stonemasons of six hundred years ago.”

    Reading your words made me joy-teary-eyed! I always look at old buildings with fascination, gratitude, and wonder at those who built them. Built them with love, artistry, precision…with no cutting corners. 🙂

    Beautiful photos! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️
    PS…Hang in there with your photo recovery work!

  8. Beautiful and fascinating photos of the ruins, Derrick, and thank you for sharing. FYI, I was unable to comment earlier today. Probably a glitch.

  9. I cannot believe how much work you’ve had to do converting every Classic post to a Block one. Did you know beforehand that you’d have to do this?

    1. Not at all. It has been a great disappointment. Thanks for this understanding, Sheree.

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