Garden From 2014 To Today

This morning I converted the following posts from Classic to Block edits, changing the categories of Fag Ends and Gauntlet to Garden:

A walk in the garden sunshine this afternoon produced

these photographs, each of which bears a title in the gallery. In particular we have rhododendrons, peonies, aquilegias, wisteria, ajuga, and ferns; and I must point out that the shrub with clusters of white flowers is not a philadelphus as I recently incorrectly named it, but a viburnum plicatum.

The featured image did not exist in 2014.

Beckie joined us this afternoon to stay for a few days.

At 7.30 p.m. Jackie is preparing mozzarella sticks, halloumi cheese, and salad to accompany her own baked potatoes and Flo’s coronation chicken for us all to eat on plates on our knees while watching the Eurovision Song Contest which Dillon and I have been prevailed upon to watch for the first time in our lives.


    1. No – but I didn’t expect to. It is all quite ridiculous, but the family enjoy the laugh. 🙂 Thanks very much, GP

  1. Was the song contest fun to listen to?
    Beautiful flowers beautifully growing in your growing garden! So many positive additions and changes in the past almost 10 years!
    The daisies and the wisteria made me smile and sigh. So lovely!
    Do you have to bow and curtsy to the Poulet Reine Elizabeth before you eat it?!?! (WinkWink!)
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

    1. We are very polite to the poulet, Carolyn. The song contest is more of a laugh than anything else – quite ridiculous performances and costumes. Thanks very much X

  2. Such a glorious garden and wonderful photos, Derrick. What a lot of work! Thank you for letting us enjoy it from our distant location. I feel like I am walking through it with you … and this time without the need for that red umbrella!! ????

  3. Gorgeous garden photos, Derrick. Hello to Beckie! Dinner sounds wonderful and I laughed at your “enthusiasm” about watching TV while eating.

    1. Thank you so much, Alys. Eurovision is really more of a laugh than anything – quite ridiculous performances and costumes.

    1. Thank you very much, Jill. I liked them, too – I’d not had them before

    1. Two of the recovered posts are then – the main one, now. Thanks very much, Judy

  4. It is always a joy seeing the flowers brightening your garden – and my day (which, I am pleased to report, is soggy).

  5. Oh, Jackie and Derrick, you poor things!

    Not wanting to spend a whole evening watching Eurovision, Joshua and I found a murder mystery; when it ended, we watched Eurovision for the last half an hour of our evening.

    I am probably old-fashioned and behind the times, but I have to say that Eurovision has morphed into a human circus. The outfits were outrageous and cringeworthy, and that was just the presenters! Whatever happened to good taste?

    As for the acts we watched, more ridiculous outfits and poor songs; it was hard to believe that these were the best that Europe could offer!

          1. These emojis don’t work for everyone. I use : and ) for a smile: 🙂

  6. Gardens have a way of evolving over the years, and it is interesting to go back and look at photos of the process. Your gardens have always been beautiful, Derrick and Jackie.

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