Path Clearance

I spent much of the morning recovering the pictures to

This really was a difficult task. None of the pictures was visible – although they were all in my systems I needed Wayback Machine to help me identify them and insert them in the right places. It looks to me as if this is the same for my whole Knight’s Tale series.

Last week, Martin, among other things, cleared weeds from the gravel

of the Oval Path.

Today he worked his way from the entrance to the Rose Garden,

past Florence sculpture at Fiveways,

and along the Gazebo Path. The gravel was raked at the end.

Our prolific rose, Ernest Morse, has been risking his life playing chicken across the Back Drive. Before getting out his kneeler our gardening friend began by tying back this rose which Jackie had bought along with his companion Doris Tysterman as weedy twigs about 6 years ago at Poundstretchers for the price of 49p each. At the end of the season, once these repeating blooms are over, the intention is to build a proper support for them.

Later, in order to submit a post for a request, I converted this post from Classic to Block edit:

This evening we dined on oven fish, chips, and onion rings, pickled gherkins and onions, with which Jackie drank Diet Coke and I drank more of the Bordeaux.


  1. Of course to have a magical garden you need garden Elves to keep it in top condition. Your elf seems well trained and able to deal with the background care…and there you are recording all.

  2. The reproduction of your “Knights Tale” wedding and honeymoon photos are a wonderful collection, and well worth the time you are devoting to these projects Derrick …

  3. A Knight’s Tale 47 is definitely one of your best. I love the photos! Also, I know Florence appreciated Martin’s good work.

  4. We bought several 49p plants from a Garden Centre bargain section and they have repaid us many times over with their flowers. Good to see yours did the same.

  5. I imagine I will have more than garden paths to clear on my return from our travels 🙂 It is encouraging to see some self-seeded marigolds peeping through and so I hope there will be the odd light shower of rain to keep them growing 🙂

  6. Martin is such a good hard worker…with a sweet smile!
    Love Nature’s light and shadow artwork on the paths!
    Ooh, pass the pickled gherkins, please.
    (((HUGS))) ❤️
    “Always leave a path in the garden for the angels to walk.”

  7. Those are beautiful photos from your wedding, Derrick and Jackie!

    Iam glad you have Martin to help you. The knee pad he uses looks like a wonderful idea for protecting joints and keeping track of tools. I should get one of those myself!

  8. I love the “A Knight’s Tale” post. Your garden is gorgeous and you’re lucky to have found Martin.

    I finally finished my task of moving 232 posts from Ongoing Whimsy to Moonwashed Musings. Whew!

  9. Derrick, how big is the garden? It’s difficult to get a sense of its size with all its wonderful different areas.

    1. It is 1/3 of an acre, including the house and the Back Drive, Sheree. Thanks very much

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