Fearing For The Weeping Birch

With the overnight gale force winds of Storm Pia still raging around the garden

this fallen planted pot was the least of the damage inflicted.

I have previously featured a pittosporum allowed by our predecessors to grow into a tree. This has now come crashing down

crushing an arch spanning the Dead End Path, and no doubt destroying hanging baskets which we can no longer see,

because the upper branches and their foliage now block the path.

This brings me to the Weeping Birch which lost all its leaves in the very hot summer spell, and looked vulnerable as its now naked limbs groped quivering in the gusts.

This evening we all dined on Jackie’s classic cottage pie with a sautéed potato topping; crunchy carrots, and firm Brussels sprouts, with which she drank Peroni and I drank Chilean Valle Central Cabernet Sauvignon 2022


  1. I wonder if the loss of leaves might turn into a benefit for the birch. With less to resist the wind, it might have a better chance at survival. That’s why so many people do serious pruning of trees here prior to hurricane season; thinning the canopy’s all to the good.

  2. Wow, I’m sorry about the tree and the broken plants, guys. I wonder if Pia is the same storm that went up our east coast very recently. I spawned lots of flooding and wind damage. More work in the garden coming soon! Dinner sounds very delicious, Jackie!

  3. It’s times like this when so much damage is done to the garden, the sudden changes in the weather, soaring heat of a heatwave and devastating hail, I feel like giving up on the garden. However, tomorrow is a new day and sometimes these damages bring out surprises and new life to the garden.

  4. A Haiku for your windy day Derrick
    “Nature’s Way”

    “Be that as it may
    Nature’s in charge of our days
    We don’t have a say” … Ivor

  5. I am so sorry about the damage to the garden. Despite such high winds, I think we got off lightly. Whenever there is a gale, I expect to see a fallen tree.

  6. Your photos remind me of some of the hurricanes we’ve had here over the years. I hope and pray my favorite weeping birch will be okay. Feel free to give it a hug or a gentle touch from me.

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