A member of the Britannia Thai staff having left a message on Ian’s answerphone to say that they had found my lens cap, I collected it this afternoon.
Jackie drove me via Angel Lane, like many others bearing the deposits of last night’s overnight rain, now desisted, but, as we discovered, also leaving the
moorland more waterlogged and many trees in standing water providing temporary accommodation for mallards.
Primroses like those along Royden Lane, and daffodils along Church Lane with its ancient mossy verges lined our route to Pilley,
where ponies enjoyed foraging on the green where a brisk breeze dried their hair,
and damp donkeys disrupted the traffic along Jordans Lane.
We have all been wondering why I have not received the results of my DNA test allegedly registered with Ancestry on 4th January .
This afternoon Becky and Flo decided to investigate, and discovered that I misinformed all my blogging friends on the above highlighted post by boasting that I had successfully registered when in fact all I had done was register an account with Ancestry DNA and my spit has not been registered. It has, however, been stored somewhere and from today, since the ladies have made a better job than I, it has been activated; the results should be communicated by e-mail in about two months time.
I now feel somewhat shamefaced for bragging about my prowess.
This evening we all dined on moist roast chicken, crisp roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding; crunchy carrots, firm Brussels sprouts; and tender runner beans, with tasty gravy. Jackie drank Western Cape Sauvignon Blanc 2023, and I drank Mighty Murray shiraz.
That’s funny, Derrick. We will all be waiting to hear the results gathered from your spit. ;). Such beautiful scenery in all the galleries. It’s hard to pick a favorite, but perhaps the first Angel Lane photo with its mysterious shadows.
Thank you very much Merril. That one was through the windshield
It came out great!
LOL on the mystery of your spit, may it reveal an interesting history, in the fullness of time.
Thank you very much, Catherine
Poor Derrick. At least you got your lens cap back… Beautiful pictures. Hope this does not mean you don’t know spit (couldn’t resist the pun…)
Amazing amount of standing water. I’m sending you some
and wind ????
Thanks very much, Sheree
You certainly have received a lot of rain this Feb. & March! Your photos are amazing. Of course, I am always partial to the ponies and donkeys. And hey, Derrick, there is no reason to feel “shamefaced for bragging about [your] prowess.” We all have had such mishaps or another … life goes on! I’m glad you had help sorting it out!
Thank you so much, Jan
I’m awaiting the results so you can confirm we’re related. ;-).
My goodness, you must be so fed up with the rain.
Thank you so much, Alys
It’s okay, Derrick, we all make mistakes. ???? The moorland is so saturated!
Thanks very much, John
Hi, Derrick – Once again, your posts highlights your incredibly poetic and captivating writing. Such a pleasure to read!
Thank you so much, Donna
I have relatives on both sides of my family in the United Kingdom. Perhaps we are cousins!
That would be fun. Thanks very. much, Rose
No shame in that, Derrick. We all goof up at some time. I left a package of pens in our spare fridge last month
Thanks very much, Donna
It will be interesting to know about the results of the test. Beautiful photos. Thank you Derrick.
Much appreciated, Lakshmi
I wonder how pretty Angel Lane got its name. It’s always a pleasure to see the ponies and donkeys. I also like the photo of the daffodils in the grassy bank.
Thank you very much, JoAnna. I’ll ry to find out there origin of the name.
Thank you!
It will be interesting to read about the findings of the DNA test. Beautiful photos.
Thank you very much, Chrissy
I, too, struggled with the DNA registration and activation and had to get help from a real live Ancestry person – so don’t feel too bad.
Now I’m having trouble finding some of the information detail I was looking into earlier, but basically, my mother gave me the anticipated Anglo-Saxon genes, but with a strong Devonshire component, so that at least confirmed that a great-grandfather whom I’d deduced through research was the correct man. I was just surprised the percentage was far higher than the Yorkshire I had through both a grandfather and a great-grandmother.
And, thank goodness, the man I pegged as my father when I was 25 was correct! Haha, that could have been embarrassing all these years later. 41% of my makeup is Sicilian, but he threw in a lick of other surrounding European areas for interest
Thanks very much, Gwen. A good job done
Powerful and beautiful after-the-rain photos!

Darling damp donkeys dining daintily!
No shame! We all make mistakes. And often things are not as clear as they should be, so we do our best. YAY for Flo and Becky being helpers! Oh, it will be interesting to find out the DNA results.
PS… “Primroses and Daffodils definitely look like spring…” – Marilyn Lott
Thank you very much, Carolyn XX
It is difficult for me to comprehend so much water damming up in the hollows at the moment, yet lovely to see through your lens. How satisfying to get your lens cap returned! My son inadvertently left his back pack in a crowded pub in Glasgow and was most surprised when he phoned the next day to find that not only did they have it, but all the contents were intact – not something we are used to in this country! Good luck with the DNA testing – I am pleased it has been given a positive push in the right direction and, like others, look forward to reading the results you care to share with us.
Thank you very much, Anne
WE all make some silly mistakes Derrick! Lovely photos!
Thanks very much, Aletta
We will wait with you to hear the results collected from your spit, dear Derrick!!!
As always, your photos are fabulous
Thank you so much, Luisa
You’re more than welcome!
Everything sure is wet, even the ponies! It looks like they still have their winter coats though.
Hopefully Ancestry will live up to their claim and get your DNA processed forthwith.
Thank you very much, GP
Water still? Beautiful capture of the ponies.
Thanks very much, Arlene. More water today
Wet wet wet!
Ad infinitum, it seems
You seem to be having good mallard weather over there, Derrick and Jackie. The ponies and donkeys all look a bit soggy!
Glad to hear you got your lens cap back, and the DNA testing results back on track.
Thank you very much, Lavinia
Well, At least you registered with Ancestry DNA, that was a step in the right direction. My Ancestry DNA birthday present arrived just before my birthday at the end of January… I still haven’t opened the box!
Thanks very much, Sue. Good luck
Any guesses about your ancestry? I have known people who were surprised by the results.
I suspect Viking. Thanks very much, Laurie
Will be waiting to hear. As I recall from seeing younger pictures of you, your hair was quite dark. So there is probably some other heritage, too. Fun!
Indeed. Thanks very much, Laurie
It will be fun to see the DNA results. I was able to verify that my paternal grandmother was Jewish despite my father’s insistence to the contrary. I can only guess why he didn’t want that known, but I find comfort in the information.
Thank you so much, Elizabeth. I expect we can guess he reason for his reluctance
Beautifully mysterious waterlogged photos.
Thank you very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
A rather damp countryside… ????
(Glad you got your lens cap back)
It will be interesting to get your DNA results back…
Thanks very much, Brian
Your world is so magical. So nice of the staff to call you about the lens cap! The DNA ???? tests are so fascinating! Looking forward to results!
Thank you very much, Sweet
Nice people still exists
Indeed. Thanks very much, Riba
Ha, Derrick, you are not the first to think you’ve done something online successfully and then find that’s not the case. I’ve done this too.
Thanks very much, Robbie