Whisking Flies

Late this afternoon we drove into the forest.

Beside Holmsley Road we watched a foal receiving a fly whisking lesson. One day its tail will be long enough to emulate its mother.

After passing a clump of wild foxgloves on Forest Road. Later, we

encountered a pony on the tarmac which did not budge despite the traffic all the time I photographed

its companions and their foals. The pair in the first two pictures were practising the nose to tail technique enabling them to whisk each other with their tails.

This evening we dined on more of Jackie’s chicken jalfrezi and rice meal from yesterday.


    1. GP, please see Derrick’s comment on my blog about a US veteran flying to Normandy for D-Day where he became ill and passed away the next day. Please include him in a Final Salute. Derrick provided wonderful information.

  1. Such pretty ponies! It’s a bummer that the flies won’t leave them alone, as GP said, just one fly can make me crazy!

  2. Lovely Derrick to be able to drive and see so many horses … My heart would be in my mouth though especially the foals near the roads .. <3 xx But I expect drivers are used to them xx

    1. Thanks very much, Sue. We do slow down, but need to be alert to their stepping out. It is their road, but annual accident figures reach 3 figures. XX

  3. I always feel so sorry for them fighting the flies. Lovely series of pony photos though. I especially like Ponies in Shade 3. I think the pony in the middle is telling the others some good gossip. 😉

  4. Great foxgloves. One of my favourite flowers – grow in tricky places, self seed, look good. Looks like an all round good day, and curry to round it off. Mmm . . .

  5. A lovely set of forest photos, complete with a nice set of ponies and foals! Those little foals will grow into those long legs soon enough.

    Is it still cool there, or are you getting summer heat now?

  6. The Equines were out in full force I see. Lovely to see the foals. We have a group of yearlings up the road but as yet none opposite.

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