Decidedly Damp

I have realised that the persistent discomfort I have been feeling since my catheter removal has been the consequence of an infection, which I discussed over the telephone with my GP who ordered antibiotics for us to collect after lunch.

As we left for the Pharmacy, raindrops thundered on our car roof and swept across the windscreen.

The rain continued from early morning throughout the day until a brief respite later as we returned home.

We had returned to splashing along the wet roads.

The few ponies we did see on our trip were decidedly wet.

The freshly washed woodland colours brightly glistened.

and reflecting pools were filling up again.

We have learned that when the weather is stormy gulls tend to venture further inland.

This one, complete with bag of filched chips, is perched on the Tiptoe postbox.

Tonight we dined on Parmigiana crispy chicken breasts; piquant cauliflower cheese; boiled new potatoes, carrots, green beans, and spinach, with which I drank Georges Duboeuf Fleurie 2022.


  1. The poor ponies, but maybe the flies will be easier to deal with while they’re wet?
    Whoever does that crocheting is certainly a master at it!!

  2. That gull looks very comfortable! 🙂
    The decidedly damp ponies photographed well.
    I hope the antibiotics work quickly and you feel better soon, Derrick.

  3. I feel bad for the ponies having to stand in the rain but the rain is good for the land. Send some rain over here, Derrick, we need it. Dinner sounds so delicious!

  4. I’m so sorry about your infection. I hope it improves soon.

    I love the gull. The postbox in our village is often decorated, but I’m sometimes at a loss at what it depicts! I stand there wondering if I’ve missed something. 😄

  5. I am not a fan of seagulls and it is mutual, but I love the one on the mail box. Hope you begin feeling more the thing, soon Derrick. Lovely pictures and dinner.

  6. Honestly, I have never heard of anyone NOT getting an infection from a catheter. I glad the P sorted that one out. Ah, Autumn rains. Love it! Beautiful photos as always. I love the seagull. Did you ever find out to does these creations?

    1. There are several of these creations fairly widespread but all seem to prefer to be anonymous. Your observation about catheter infections is enlightening. Thank you very much, Chrissy

  7. Darn those infections! I’m sorry to hear this bit of news, Derrick, but it’s good to know that you’ll have antibiotics by the time you read this. I hope they act quickly. That rain is really something! Do the horses mind the rain or do they simply tolerate. One of them looks plastered with wet, poor thing. I love the clever design and skills of the mysterious crocheter. I find that sort of whimsy delightful.

    1. Thank you very much, Alys. I am not surprised that you like the crocheting. I started the antibiotics yesterday.

  8. Darned infections. They attack at will. Let us hope the antibiotics work well. I love the colours of the wet woodland. So pretty.

    1. Thank you very much, Dale. My GP said it is quite usual to have an infection after a catheter, which does make sense.

  9. Hi Derrick, my aunt has been in ICU in hospital again. She had a catheter and I’ve gone through a lot of effort getting everything right again afterwards. They cause bruising, swelling and introduce bacteria. I hope you are already improving 💝

  10. So sorry to hear about the infection. I imagine those happen after having a catheter. The antibiotic should kick in quickly and give you relieve and healing.
    That further-inland-venturing gull is a cutie! Gull and chips! Brings smiles!
    Even with the gloomy rainy weather your photos are so artistic.
    Oh! Those poor wet ponies! But I guess they are more used to being rain-drenched than we Human-Beans. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️

  11. What a dreadful day. Love the seagull. I was once on a beach in Aldeburgh Suffolk and watched as a family laid out a picnic but as they turned their backs for a split second shared it with a seagull.

  12. I hope your infection goes away soon, Derrick. Beautiful photos of rainy weather and I love the reflections. Those crocheted items are so clever.

  13. I hope the antibiotics work! I adore this recent crocheted character, and how funny that he’s got his chips by his side. I’ve been hearing about gulls being banned from shops in the news lately. 🙂

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