Haven’t We Seen Them Before?


This being a glorious Saturday in the tourist season, we ventured out early into the forest. Groups of walkers toting huge packs; a solitary jogger; and numerous cyclists were already on the road.

Jackie parked the Modus on a verge in the Rhinefield Ornamental Drive while I wandered among the giant redwoods and the cones underfoot.

A number of benches have been strategically placed, some partnered by marker posts bearing interesting carvings, perhaps from these majestic trees.

Our stopping point was prompted by my spotting a family group on a bench alongside a path. A couple with a dog walked past them and continued on their way. The youngest member of the group rose from her seat and photographed the others. She enjoyed a stretch, and they walked on with their dog.

Many other families could be glimpsed among the forest giants. One couple pushed a baby in a buggy; slightly older children and other dogs scampered along.

Two groups converged, and passed each other with no apparent acknowledgement. Just a moment. Haven’t we already seen the second group on the other side of the road?

On the outskirts of Brockenhurst on our way home, a group of pony trekkers crossing the road demonstrated that it is not just the free-ranging animals that hold up the traffic.

For me, this afternoon’s main viewing event was the Wimbledon women’s tennis final between Angelique Kerber and Serena Williams. Scheduling clashes and delay caused by last night’s epic men’s battles meant I could not watch the tennis on BBC One and the third place World Cup football play-off between England and Belgium on ITV. I settled for the continuation of the Djokovic/Nadal semi final into the fifth set, then the first half of the football, followed by the complete women’s final.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s splendid pork paprika with vegetable rice. She had drunk her Hoegaarden and I had finished the Malbec in the Rose Garden beforehand.



  1. Beautiful photos, Derrick. I particularly like the shots of the trees/sticks/cones in the middle.
    I enjoyed your people-watching comments, too. 😉

  2. Stunning photos! What a beautiful place to get in some exercise time, fun time, relaxing time, people-watching time, photography-ing time, or chatting time with family and friends, etc. ! 🙂
    I used to live near the redwoods in CA. They are majestic! 🙂
    HUGS!!! 🙂 for you and Jackie! 🙂

    1. Thanks very much, Jill. I watched the first half then went back to the tennis. The loss was inevitable, but the team have much to be proud of, and next time they will have the experience.

  3. You have captured the spirit of holidays and leisure down to the last atom with those pictures. i noticed you did not mention Cricket!

  4. How wonderful that someone in your past has preserved the Redwood trees for future generations to enjoy! This doesn’t happen in every country, since some generations before us have been hell-bent on “clearing” the land for settlement. Here on Vancouver Island, we have some precious enclaves of Redwoods, where people come and marvel at their majesty!

  5. A lovely post, Derrick – so interesting that you have redwoods. We have sort of claimed them as our own. “From the redwood forest, to the gulf stream waters, this land was made for you and me.”

  6. What an idyllic spot, the forest. I was surprised how short the women’s final was. England vs France would have been a fun final. Maybe another time. I worked around the house and listened to baseball on the radio. You know baseball, that American game that is hard to understand for nonAmericans. 😉

    1. Many thanks, Steve. I’ve never tried baseball, but I really like cricket, which I played for many years. Yes, I would have enjoyed England v. France.

  7. Hello Derrick, it’s so nice to visit and see those wonderful photos. I love seeing everyone out enjoying nature, in a variety of ways. I’d love to visit there

  8. I will echo Pauline’s comment by saying, I also didn’t know you had giant redwoods in the UK. As I’ve been to a number of forests in California and Oregon to see them up close, I was curious as to how they arrived over the pond. This link tells the story:


    Perhaps you already knew the details? Well, I learned it all today, so thanks for the prompt here.
    I love people watching too and what a pleasant surprise to see a ‘real’ camera in the hands of a younger person. Over here, they can barely put down their phones for one minute 😀 Cheeers, Boomdee

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