Every year we are invaded by small white onion flowers which bear clusters of up to 24 tiny bulbs which are very difficult to eradicate.
Jackie has set about these menaces with a vengeance.
Every brick or slab beneath which they have hidden themselves she has lifted in order to remove each tiny offspring.
Having completed the work on the brick circle around the urn on the site of the old well, she turned her attention to the Greenhouse Path which she finished today.
In addition to photographing her work in progress she also focussed on a few flowers.
Our various camellias are still going strong;
She has dead-headed the daffodils that are past their best, but there are many varieties with different time-scales.
Some violas have been included in pots with other planting; a few stand alone.
Blue wood anemones; a white Leucojum ‘Spring Snowflakes’ with green tips; mauve hellebores; and an ornamental owl surrounded by new clematis shoots, complete her gallery.
Elizabeth dropped in this afternoon for a cup of tea and convivial chat.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s classic cottage pie; carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, runner beans, and gravy, with which I drank more of the Rioja.