Rusting Refuse

Although today’s temperature remained warm, the sun had conceded precedence to gloomy cloud cover.

On her return from a photographic expedition in the garden Flo

grabbed a rather joyful photograph of Ellie.

Among his tasks today were the planting in the Palm Bed which he had further prepared to take them;

pruning of the Rose Garden apple tree, and other areas, such as

the wooden arch above the shady path;

and gathering metal refuse, such as this rusting tabletop, for eventual removal to the dump.

Jackie spent much of the day producing tonight’s dinner of chicken jalfrezi; the smaller, milder, panful of butter chicken, also containing two boiled eggs, Ellie was to share with her mother, and gave her father some. The rice was Jackie’s vegetable version. My accompanying beverage was Gran Selone Italian red wine, while Jackie finished the rosé.

The Garden Awakes

Yesterday Martin made further progress on the completed patio.

His paving pattern is laid ready for grouting; sleepers are in place;

the step up to the Dead End Path is progressing;

and the steps into the house are ready to be boxed in.

Today I cleared the area between the oil tank and the garden shed in readiness for the new container due to be installed on Monday. The black bags in the foreground are two of three more destined for recycling at Otter Nurseries.

I am temporarily storing further materials on the Shady Path. In the bottom right hand corner of this picture can be seen a small crocus closed up because this was late in the day, and a few of the swathes

of snowdrops now blooming.

Camellias continue to do so,

as do hellebores and irises..

Later, I recovered images and set header pictures for the following two posts:

This evening we dined on pepperoni pizza and plentiful fresh salad, with which I drank more of the Shiraz and Jackie drank Hoegaarden.