Keeping Close To Mum

Winds in gusts nearer to 50 than to 40 m.p.h. and a largely overcast sky restricted today’s gardening, so this afternoon Jackie drove us into the forest.

Sway is another local village honouring the front line care workers with a trail of painted stones. While I was photographing these a little boy emerged from the Youth Centre with his mother and a younger infant. He asked me what I was doing, so I told him and he informed me that the trail was growing daily as the artwork was regularly supplemented.

Outside Brockenhurst, near South Wiers, a pony led her foal across the road. We thought it best to comply with the give way sign, then at the next available opportunity turned round in order for me to photograph these two and another mare and offspring.

Even when enjoying a scratch, the first foal we had spotted kept very close to Mum who had somehow acquired a second reflective collar. As is her wont, the Assistant Photographer photographed me in action.

Again marinaded throughout the day, Jackie’s spicy piri-piri chicken with ratatouille, boiled Jersey Royal potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli provided our dinner, with which the Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Malbec.

From Lebanon To Dunedin

Unfortunately the expected overnight thunderstorm passed us by. The day, although cooler, remained overcast and humid.

This meant further watering – mostly done by Jackie, with me chipping in a bit. Nugget sent me back inside for my camera. I did oblige, but he was waiting with a companion who was more twitchy and they flew off. I had one shot at a joint portrait, but it was so out of focus that I deleted it.

As we left home this afternoon heading for Everton Post Office to send a parcel to Pauline in Dunedin we received a package from Lavinia of Salmon Brook Farms in Oregon.

On Old Christchurch Road we noticed further artistic tributes to the front line carers coping with Corvid-19. As usual the galleries can be accessed by clicking on any image which may be viewed full size by clicking the box beneath each picture. These can be further enlarged if required.

We continued on a drive into the forest,

On the hillside beside Braggers Lane caramel coloured cattle and their calves were their usual inquisitive selves; horses in the fields below simply continued grazing.

The clopping of hooves along the lane alerted me to a couple of equestriennes who gave cheery greetings as they passed me.

On our return home I unwrapped Lavinia’s CD which we both enjoyed. I imported it into my iMac and I already know that listening to the artist’s melodious voice and clear diction, occasionally accompanied by Rick, against the gentle guitar will make a perfect accompaniment to my daily uploading of photographs for publication on WordPress.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s authentic lamb Jalfrezi, mushroom rice, and paratha with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank Alma da Vinha Douro Doc 2018.