From Lebanon To Dunedin

Unfortunately the expected overnight thunderstorm passed us by. The day, although cooler, remained overcast and humid.

This meant further watering – mostly done by Jackie, with me chipping in a bit. Nugget sent me back inside for my camera. I did oblige, but he was waiting with a companion who was more twitchy and they flew off. I had one shot at a joint portrait, but it was so out of focus that I deleted it.

As we left home this afternoon heading for Everton Post Office to send a parcel to Pauline in Dunedin we received a package from Lavinia of Salmon Brook Farms in Oregon.

On Old Christchurch Road we noticed further artistic tributes to the front line carers coping with Corvid-19. As usual the galleries can be accessed by clicking on any image which may be viewed full size by clicking the box beneath each picture. These can be further enlarged if required.

We continued on a drive into the forest,

On the hillside beside Braggers Lane caramel coloured cattle and their calves were their usual inquisitive selves; horses in the fields below simply continued grazing.

The clopping of hooves along the lane alerted me to a couple of equestriennes who gave cheery greetings as they passed me.

On our return home I unwrapped Lavinia’s CD which we both enjoyed. I imported it into my iMac and I already know that listening to the artist’s melodious voice and clear diction, occasionally accompanied by Rick, against the gentle guitar will make a perfect accompaniment to my daily uploading of photographs for publication on WordPress.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s authentic lamb Jalfrezi, mushroom rice, and paratha with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank Alma da Vinha Douro Doc 2018.


  1. Lavinia does have a beautiful voice and I’m so thrilled she continues to perform.
    You and I have even more of a link besides our love of nature – Lavinia planted a tree for both of our sons Michael. Something I will never be able to thank her enough for!!

    1. Thank you, GP! Your Michael’s tree is around 7 feet tall now. The new tree for Derrick’s son Michael is about 2 feet tall and working hard at growing!

      1. Thank you so much for the update!! You are such a sweetheart, so talented and caring. My adjective list for you is endless!

  2. Ugh – We are very dry, too. And Michael doesn’t like me to water too much because he’s afraid I will run the well dry. I spent part of the day watering by watering can, instead of the sprinkler, since that gets the job done with less water.
    Love those cow faces! And enjoy your Lavinia CD!

      1. Yes, we are very much country folk here in Elk Township, New Jersey. Well and septic. And the well pump needs electricity, so a lengthy power outage is a bit of a crisis for us.

  3. The bench and the painted rocks are so lovely! Very spirit-lifting and smile-bringing! πŸ™‚
    The cattle are so beautiful! Oh, those calf-faces! πŸ™‚ The Mom and Baby portrait is THE bestest! πŸ™‚
    OH! How nice to get a CD from your friend! Good music is such good company and so helpful for our minds, emotions, and spirit! πŸ™‚
    I’d like to hear the conversations on Braggers Lane! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›
    HUGS!!! πŸ™‚

  4. PS…I went by Lavinia WP blogsite to see if I could listen to her music.
    OH! She has such a beautiful, calming, joyful voice! As I listened, joy-tears came into my eyes. πŸ™‚
    More-HUGS!!! πŸ™‚

  5. We have started to encounter these painted rocks on our walks too, but not in the quantities that you have. I have enjoyed hearing Lavinia sing when I have visited her website.

  6. I absolutely adored your photos from the Old Christchurch Road, of glorious artistic tributes to the front line carers coping with Corvid-19. A lovely way of honouring the workers Derrick…

  7. I found some of Lavinia’s songs on Internet Archive. I’m listening to one. Such a lovely voice. Out of your photo group today, mama cow and her calf are my favorite.

  8. Lavinia does make some good music. So nice to get her CD in the mail! I was happy to see the painted rocks. They often show ingenious creativity. That robin one was cute. And of course the cow and calf photo was a very nice capture.

      1. Yes, when I was growing up, all the farmers had chubby little Herefords and Angus and then someone got some of those Charolais and they were a bit bigger and very pretty. We all admired them. Those cattle look like them, but their coats are not the same.

  9. Wonderful and peaceful. Perfect reading and photos as I recline on my pillow, asleep in a few minutes. Thanks, Derrick. Oh, the stones were excellent.

  10. I listened to Lavinia’s lovely voice on YouTube just now. It is very soothing. The rocks are wonderful! I’ve done some rock painting but have never lined them up like that. It’s a nice wavy pattern, like a rock art show.

  11. Well of course I love the photos of the Charolais herd, bringing back memories. And the painted stones are delightful, especially the pair made up of Mary Poppins and Nurses Rock, pun intended I assume! Of the two lady equestrians I cannot understand how the gal closest can handle riding in shorts. In all my years of riding I never set a saddle in shorts. Bareback, yes.

  12. Riding a horse remains an unfulfilled dream. Thank you for capturing the equestrians. And thank you for introducing Lavinia Ross to me. I do believe in tomorrow!

  13. Thank you so much, Derrick and Jackie! May the music bring you peace, especially in these turbulent times.

    I loved the painted rocks, especially the robin. And of course the contented cows and horse and riders. πŸ™‚

  14. What a great set of photographs, especially the cows and calves.
    Aren’t the stones a lovely idea? Sophie and Evie found a trail on the riverbank, unlike Sophie’s rainbows the paint will last.

    We had a hot sunny day until teatime and then the thunderstorm began, it’s still raining, and such a lovely sound but it’s remained very warm too!

  15. The bad weather didn’t get as far as the east. Sat outside until 11 o’clock and harvested potatoes in the twilight. Happy Days! A bit of drizzle this morning.

  16. It sounds like you had a lovely day, despite the lack of rain. What a thoughtful gift!
    The painted stones are such a nice gesture. I love the mother and baby cow portrait.

  17. As per your earlier conversation, we also have our own well and septic. I LOVE the freshness of our well water – and pray that it continues to faithfully produce! I loved photos of the “caramel coloured cattle,” Derrick. And of course, those rocks tickled my fancy. I have a couple of painted rocks that my mother-in-law did. That was one of her hobbies, so these brought her sweet memory up into my consciousness. Thank you!

  18. clopping of hooves use to scare me as a child, it sound like a bunch of marching around. Lol
    But they are gorgeous.
    Delicious meal you had

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