Over both the still fields and the calm sea, pastel shades dominated the skies on a crisp morning as I took my Hordle Cliff top walk in reverse. Although the sun was largely clouded over, shooting directly towards it across The Solent produced a lighter image.
These muted colours were repeated in the fallen leaves blending with the planks of the footbridge over the Shorefield stream, but, there being no sunshine, I allowed myself to use the vivid colours setting for the autumn leaves on the drive to Oldrode House on Downton Lane.
No-one was at home in
A gentleman greeted me as I approached the steps leading to the footpath to the sea. For obvious reasons, I held back until he reached the top, and repeated this self-interested politeness when a friendly couple joined me on the cliff path to Barton, along which I walked a little way before turning back to the coast road.
Judging by the evidence of their frenzied activity on the grassed terrain at the cliff top, the moles are becoming frantic in their urge to reproduce.
The weather is becoming colder now, but remains most clement for the time of year. Cattle have been
let back into the field alongside Hordle Closed Cemetery, and marigolds still bloom in Bridge Cottage Garden.
The wind picked up again this afternoon with, I am convinced, the sole purpose of harassing me in my efforts at continuing to clear our fallen foliage. I did, however persevere, consoled by the thought that I did not have to tackle Oldrode’s drive.
The sun also emerged late in the day and emblazoned an oak tree on the opposite side of Christchurch Road.
Happy Times is the name of the Pennington Chinese takeaway. We ate more of their excellent food this evening. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank a reserve Languedoc red wine from 2012.
Great series with perfect title.
Thank you iosatel. You know about titles 🙂
Great post Derrick. The variety of colors and scenes was quite interesting for me. Thank you for sharing them. -Max-
Thank you Max. It is quite an unusual year here
Lovely series! I especially like the one of the leaves on the deck.
Thank you. That was my favourite too